ABOOK_AA.ZIP 73166 12-12-95 ABook 1.0 is a simple address book program | with a capacity to store up to 1500 records. | (Alfred D'Attore) (Reg.Fee: $0) ADDR30.ZIP 170385 10-19-95 Easy Addresses 3.0 is a simple database for | keeping track of names, addresses, and | telephone numbers, etc. (Tomas Martin) | (Reg.Fee: $24) INTOUCH.ZIP 134524 01-10-96 InTouch 5.4 is an address manager with | support for up to 100 address lists and | 10,000 people per list. One thousand lines of | comments can be appended to each record. | Other features include phone dialing, mailing | labels, and more. (Rad Delaroderie) (Reg.Fee: | $10-29) MEM.ZIP 174792 06-13-96 Mem (WB) is a set of C routines for | diagnosing pointer problems, such as | reference to freed space, overrun or underrun | of buffers, failure to free space, failure to | initialize malloced structures and more. | (Walter Bright) (Reg.Fee: $0) TPHONE.ZIP 205712 12-26-95 T-Phone 1.0 is a quick-and-easy address book. | (Jay Redden) (Reg.Fee: $13)