AUDIOSAM.ZIP 191773 01-15-96 Galt Audio Sampler 1.1 provides a quick and | easy way to play your WAV audio files in | Windows by letting you store ten of your | favorites onto simple pushbuttons. (David | Vedder) (Reg.Fee: $19-$29) FXPLAY.ZIP 564983 01-02-96 Visual FX Music & Sound Player 1.0a plays | MID, RMI, and WAV files in Windows. Options | include multi-file selection, continuous | play, the ability to create a play list, and | more. (Tim Hitchings) (Reg.Fee: $20) HALFPLAY.ZIP 83079 07-03-95 HalfSpeed for Windows 1.0 will play WAV files | at full or half speed. Requires VBRUN300. | (Keith P. Graham) (Reg.Fee: $0-500) ITTYBITY.ZIP 112222 08-14-95 The Itty Bitty Media Player 1.01 allows you | to play MIDI, AVI, WAV, FLI, and audio CDs | from an incredibly small desktop control | panel. (David J. Lavallee) (Reg.Fee: $0) JUKER60.ZIP 581990 08-09-95 The Juker 6.0 is a multimedia jukebox for | Windows that plays MIDI, WAV, and AVI files. | It allows you to create song "albums" with | files organized into logical groups (jazz, | rock, etc.). Both 16 and 32-bit versions are | included. (M. M. S.) (Reg.Fee: $10-$20) M4W230SL.ZIP 401711 11-15-95 Mod4Win 2.30 is a high-quality MOD player for | Windows. It supports NTS, MOD, WOW, OKT, STM, | S3M, 669, FAR, and MTM formats with | interpolated dynamic oversampling to reduce | clinking. Features include support for up to | 2999 in a playlist, hotkeys for all player | functions, drag and drop support, and much | more. Several MOD files are included. This | version will stop working 30 days after | installation. (Jens Puchert) (Reg.Fee: $30) MIDMV200.ZIP 347428 07-28-95 MIDI Machine for Windows 2.00 is a MIDI and | WAV player/file manager for WIN31. Features | include interesting animations, shuffle play | abilities, and more. Requires VBRUN300. | (Andrew Malek) (Reg.Fee: $15) MMPLAYER.ZIP 1170986 10-09-95 Multimedia Player 1.0 is a graphic, sound, | music, animation and video player for | Windows. It can display/play BMP, PCX, GIF, | TIF, TGA, WAV, MID, RMI, FLI, FLC, AVI and | MOV files. You can also create talking slide | shows and multimedia presentations. (DareWare | Inc.) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $29) MPEGWIN.ZIP 736015 10-16-95 MPEG Player 1.0 is an MPEG video file player | for Win32 and Windows NT. (Michael Simmons) | (Reg.Fee: $25) MRBPW.ZIP 22544 08-09-95 MRB PlayWav 1.0 allows you to play a sound | file by simply double-clicking on its | filename in File Manager. (MRB Computer | Services) (Reg.Fee: $5) MULTIV.ZIP 204126 12-11-95 MultiView [RR] 4.7 is an AVI movie viewer for | WIN31. It allows you to view up to four AVI | files at once, zoom and switch between files, | and play them forward or backward. Requires | Video for Windows runtime and VBRUN300. | (Robert Reinstein) (Reg.Fee: $30) MYMOVIES.ZIP 192321 04-10-96 MyMovies 1.00 is a player for most windows | compatible movies, including AVI, RLI, and | MOV formats. Requires VBRUN300. (Mike Owens) | (Reg.Fee: $13) PSOUND.ZIP 101726 09-14-95 playSound is a simple WAV sound file player | for Windows. It can play single sounds or you | can construct a list of files to be played. | Requires VBRUN300. (D. Audirsch) (Reg.Fee: $5) SNDSHUF.ZIP 58395 01-02-96 Sound Shuffler for Windows 1.5 randomizes | sounds for Windows startup and shutdown. | Requires VBRUN300. (M. Boyers) (Reg.Fee: $7) SOUNDS2A.ZIP 1342064 01-04-96 Sounds! 2.0a adds a floating toolbar to your | Windows desktop with buttons you can assign | WAV sound files to. Other features include a | built-in alarm clock that plays sound files | at a user-specified time, an audio CD-ROM | player, several sample WAV files, and more. | (Parcom) (Reg.Fee: $15) SURF95.ZIP 161343 12-04-95 Surf's Up 95 extends Win95's sound support | to enable you to configure different sounds | for each event for all your programs. (Zane | Rathwick) (Reg.Fee: $20) WAV203.ZIP 12609 09-27-95 WAV! 2.03 is a drag and drop WAV sound file | player for WIN31. Requires VBRUN200. | (Christian Germelmann) (Reg.Fee: $0) WAVEPLAY.ZIP 61887 04-12-96 WavePlay 1.0 is a simple drag and drop WAV | sound file player for Windows. (Jim Escudero) | (Reg.Fee: $5)