ARASAN16.ZIP 294281 11-15-95 Arasan Chess for Windows - 16 bit 2.1 allows | you to play a relatively strong game of chess | against a computer opponent. This is the | 16-bit version. (Jon Dart) (Reg.Fee: $0) ARASAN32.ZIP 332989 11-15-95 Arasan Chess for Windows - 32-bit 2.1 allows | you to play a relatively strong game of chess | against a computer opponent. This is the | 32-bit version. (Jon Dart) (Reg.Fee: $0) CBCOUNT.ZIP 46793 11-23-95 CBCount 0.1 is a program for use with | ChessBase and Win95/NT. It will scan a game | data file and produce a report listing the | players represented in the file and the | number of games played by each player. (Rob | Weir) (Reg.Fee: $0) CBDEMO1.ZIP 1208224 08-28-95 ChessBase for Windows 1.1 is an extensive | database of chess games. You can instantly | recall a game, and cycle through the moves. | This is a powerful tool for learning the | game. This is available on two 3.5" 1.44MB | MegaDisks for the special disk fee of $9.99. | (ChessBase USA) (Reg.Fee: $?) CBDEMO2.ZIP 1326682 08-28-95 See CBDEMO1.ZIP CBMAT215.ZIP 342874 08-31-95 ClubMate 2.15 is a chess database for | Windows. Features include the ability to | track an unlimited number of games, the | ability to display up to 10 games | simultaneously, algebraic notation and | analysis lines displayed with each game, | powerful searching and sorting facilities, | and much more. (Ian Murray-Watson) (Reg.Fee: | $64) CBPOWER.ZIP 856136 03-26-96 CB PowerTools 0.1 is a set of 13 utilities | for working with ChessBase datafiles. | Requires Win95/NT. (Rob Weir) (Reg.Fee: $0) CHESSLOG.ZIP 311436 03-22-96 Chess Log for Windows 2.0 is a correspondence | chess record tracker. This version only | allows 30 moves per side. (Robert Agar) | (Reg.Fee: $25) CMDEMO.ZIP 1442117 02-07-96 Chess Mentor 1.0 assists in learning the game | of chess. It provides 30 challenging chess | positions for you to solve, and offers expert | hints and advice. This is a suitable tutor | for all playing strengths. Requires VBRUN300. | (Aficionado, Inc) (Reg.Fee: $75) LESSONS.ZIP 496076 11-02-95 Lessons 1.02 is an interactive chess tutorial | for Windows. (BOOKUP Corp.) (Reg.Fee: $0) PETER.ZIP 555365 09-05-95 Eight Queens challenges you to place eight | queens on a chessboard so that no queen can | capture another. Features include excellent | 3-D graphics and a musical soundtrack. (Peter | Hoggan) (Reg.Fee: $?) PGNRD150.ZIP 74930 04-16-96 pgnRead 1.50 allows you to view PGN (Portable | Game Notation) files in Windows. You can move | through each game on a move-by-move basis, | reverse the board, jump to the middle of a | game, and more. It can be used to view games | with Mosaic or Netscape, and has the ability | to list notation errors in game files. (Keith | Fuller) WAX_WIN.ZIP 54471 08-15-95 Waxman 1.4w is a chess game for Windows that | you play against the computer. It will let | you specify the amount of time the computer | can think about its next move. Other options | include move analysis, editing of the board | to set up special situations, changing sides, | and more. Waxman plays a surprisingly strong | game. If you like speed chess, set it on 40 | moves in five minutes and see if you can beat | it. (Check-Tech) (Reg.Fee: $20) WCEDT1.ZIP 161512 02-01-96 SMWChess Editor 1.0 allows you to keep, | enter, edit, and track chess games in | Windows. It can be used for keeping track of | postal games, or used to prepare games for a | chess publication. This version is limited to | games 20 moves deep. Requires VBRUN300. | (Stephen Wharry) (Reg.Fee: $30) WCHESS20.ZIP 408554 11-29-95 WinChess 2.0 is a chess game for WIN31+. (Phe | Meas) (Reg.Fee: $15)