CET.ZIP 238687 09-12-94 Chemical Element Table lists the elements, | their discoverers, where discovered, date | discovered, and much more. (Michael Gerety) | (Reg.Fee: $2) CHEM.ZIP 21547 12-09-90 Chemistry Program 1.0 helps you learn about | the Periodic Table of the Elements. Changing | the temperature changes the color coding of | each element, to inform you of it's state | (solid, liquid, or gas) at a specific | temperature. (Gregory Thatcher) (Reg.Fee: $0) CHEMBK.ZIP 467447 08-26-94 Electronic Chemistry Text for Windows is an | electronic reference book on Chemistry | fundamentals. (Scott Persons) (Reg.Fee: $9) CHEMICA.ZIP 11571 11-22-91 Chemica Elementum contains a periodic table | of the elements. When you place the cursor on | a symbol, a window pops up giving you | information about that element. (Tenax | Software Engineering) (Reg.Fee: $10) PERIOD.ZIP 89273 03-30-95 Periodic! 1.1 is an add-in for Excel 5.x that | includes 25 functions for every element in | the Periodic Table, as well as 10 common | constants (e.g. Avogadro's Number). (P. Scott | Antony) (Reg.Fee: $10) PT302.ZIP 968017 11-15-95 Periodic Table 3.0b is a very extensive | Periodic Table of the Elements for Windows. | It contains data on over 800 isotopes, with | decay trees for over 500. When you click on | the symbol of an element, you are informed of | it's atomic number, atomic weight, melting | point, who discovered it, and much more. The | on-line help system lets you click on | technical words and get a definition for | them. Other features include a quiz mode and | several useful printing options. A 600K+ | manual is provided that covers many elemental | concepts. (SMI Corporation) (Reg.Fee: $30)