CFL93W.ZIP 34855 07-04-93 CFL_1993 allows you to predict, track, and | update Canadian Football League games. | Estimates of the offensive/defensive scoring | strengths of each team are included. (Thomas | C. Kerr) (Reg.Fee: $32) CFPCK2.ZIP 154799 07-07-94 College Football Picks 2.0c handicaps 80 NCAA | Conference I Teams for the 1994 season | (taking into account the betting spread) to | predict winning teams. It includes the '94 | team schedules, under/over prediction, wager | tracking, and more. (ALC Software) (Reg.Fee: | $40) FCAST40W.ZIP 265288 06-05-95 NFL Forecaster 4.0w assigns each NFL team an | offense and defense ranking and a sum ranking | (offense and defense combined) using scores | from previous games. Based on these rankings | Forecaster predicts winners of games and the | point spreads. You can maintain various | statistics and print several types of | reports. NEW: updated for 30-team league | and 1995-96 schedule file. (George Tylutki) | (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $20) FDH_WIN.ZIP 33557 11-14-94 Fast and Dirty Handicapper is a handicapping | tool for rating thoroughbreds and harness | races. Requires VBRUN300. (Bob Hamilton) HCALC.ZIP 16489 12-06-93 HorseCalc 1.1a is an easy-to-use thoroughbred | handicapping calculator. You simply enter | seven data items (jockey's winning | percentage, horse's wins, Beyer speed rating, | etc.) for each horse you want to evaluate. | The program will then calculate an Overall | Ability Rating to help you choose the best | bet. (Track Research) (Reg.Fee: $35) HTHE_SW.ZIP 34558 10-10-94 Hamilton's Thoroughbred Handicapping Engine | 4.01 is a horse handicapping program for | Windows. Requires VBRUN300. (Bob Hamilton) | (Reg.Fee: $10) ICEPK95.ZIP 238826 02-07-95 Ice Pick for Windows 1.94 is a full-featured | guide and handicapper for NHL Hockey Fans. | You only need to update statistics obtainable | from most newspapers every couple of weeks. | Teams can be rated and statistics sorted in | several ways to produce interesting reports. | Other features include prediction | capabilities and an education section to help | beginners understand NHL rules. Requires | VBRUN300. (Conan L. Brown) (Reg.Fee: $9) NFL_WIN.ZIP 45510 07-04-93 NFL_1993 for Windows allows you to predict, | track, and update NFL football games. As you | enter the weekly scores, the program updates | its estimates of each team's offensive and | defensive ratings and uses this information | to predict scheduled games or any what-if | game you choose. You can print weekly forms, | AFC/NFC standings, and ratings. (Thomas C. | Kerr) (Reg.Fee: $22) NFLTPW.ZIP 121017 09-20-93 NFLTPW 1.2 keeps track of the results of an | office football pool. TPW source code is | included. (Joe Cesare) (Reg.Fee: $0) PPICK1.ZIP 167345 07-27-93 Pro Pick keeps track of pro football game | results and schedules and predicts winners | for coming games. (Conan L. Brown) (Reg.Fee: | $8) PPICK95.ZIP 240828 05-18-95 Pro Pick '95 keeps track of pro football | game results and schedules and predicts | winners for coming games. Requires VBRUN300. | (Conan L. Brown) (Reg.Fee: $9) THP_21.ZIP 507479 06-09-94 Thoroughbred Handicapper Pro 2.1 is a | complete thoroughbred horserace handicapping | system. It has a powerful combination of | commonly used handicapping techniques to | calculate point scores. It provides reports | for both handicapping and wagers. It includes | tracking of all wagers and choice of basic or | advanced handicapping; Includes VBRUN300. | (James S. Nixon) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $30.00)