CCC.ZIP 18038 06-09-94 Crossword Counter-Cheater lets you counter | those crossword puzzles that use words | nobody's ever heard before. The database | doesn't have normal words, just words like | abri, dryad, hadj, osier, and zoroaster. We | consider the use of gibberish words to be | cheating on the part of the crossword's | creator. You can type in a clue and find | matching words, or type in known letters for | the answer and the program will display any | matching words. You can easily add words to | or delete words from the database. VBRUN is | required. (Nelson Ford) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $0) CCWIN3.ZIP 417138 05-18-95 Crossword Compiler for Windows 3.0 is a | WYSIWIG puzzle design editor that allows you | to create puzzles up to 39x39 squares. Puzzle | may be printed out or saved in Rich Text | Format for importation into other programs. | Other features include extensive undo | facilities, a fast Autofind facility to find | words to fit in the puzzle, clipboard | support, context-sensitive help, a tool bar, | and much more. (Antony Lewis) (Reg.Fee: $45) CP_EDIT.ZIP 59127 06-09-94 Crossword Puzzle Editor 0.5 lets you create | crossword puzzles in Windows. You can use any | available fonts, print the puzzles, and save | and load puzzles from disk. A sample puzzle | is included. (Mark E. O'Brien) (Reg.Fee: $0) CROSSB.ZIP 251089 12-12-94 CrossWords is an entertaining on-screen | crossword puzzle for Windows. It contains | three different puzzles, as well as amusing | pop-up cartoons. Requires VBRUN300. (Fred | Doyle) (Reg.Fee: $?) CRYPCROS.ZIP 3164 02-07-95 Crypcros.WRI is a Windows Write file with a | cryptic crossword puzzle similar to those | typically found in UK newspapers. (CASPIAN) | (Reg.Fee: $?) CRYPT10.ZIP 57061 12-30-94 Cryptic 1.0 is a simple crossword puzzle game | for Windows. Several puzzles are included. | (Steven Porter) (Reg.Fee: $5 Pnds.) CWCLIP.ZIP 188668 12-06-93 Crossword Clipper for Windows is a crossword | puzzle layout/publishing tool for puzzles | created with the DOS program Crossword | Creator. This program is not an editor, but a | customizable viewer with a WYSIWYG display | that lets you re-size the grid, select fonts, | and more. It makes full use of the Windows | Clipboard for pasting puzzles and clues into | other applications. VBRUN is included with | this package. (Brad Kaenel) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: | $50) CWDLX21.ZIP 269309 02-03-95 Cross Words Deluxe 2.1 is an electronic | crossword puzzle book for Windows. Features | include clue assistance, answer peek, and | auto-save of work in progress. The 25 puzzles | included can be solved on screen or printed. | (Edward E. Dellow) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $20) CWKIT.ZIP 226203 06-20-95 Crossword Construction Kit for Windows 2.0 | allows you to create unique crossword puzzles | in fun shapes. It includes over 25 predefined | puzzle shapes (diamonds, doughnuts, and | others), and features the ability to design | your own new shapes. Puzzles can be up to 30 | x 30 in size. Printing options include | gray/black filled boxes, answer key, font | selection, and more. Several sample puzzles | are included. (Michael D. Jones) (ASP) | (Reg.Fee: $18) CWM101A.ZIP 885494 05-26-95 Crossword Mania! 1.01 allows you to solve, | build, and edit crossword or diagramless | puzzles in Windows. Features include an | 85,000 word dictionary, several printing | options, the ability to preview puzzles | before printing, and more. Many | ready-to-solve puzzles are included. This | version does not save. Available on two 3.5" | MegaDisks for the special disk fee of $9.99. | (Saturn Software) (Reg.Fee: $25) CWM101B.ZIP 771062 05-26-95 See CWM101A.ZIP KBS_XWRD.ZIP 271175 11-03-94 KBS: Crosswords for Windows 1.10 is a | crossword puzzle game for Windows. Ten | puzzles are included with three different | skill levels available for each one. You can | either drag a letter to it's intended spot, | or you may click on a clue and type in the | answer. Other features include a cheat mode | that instantly fills in a word, the ability | to save partially solved puzzles, a puzzle | solve option, and more. VBRUN100 is required. | (KBS Systems) (Reg.Fee: $10) SCROSS.ZIP 84900 05-19-95 SmartCross 1.07 is a crossword puzzle | creation system for Windows. This version | does not allow you to save puzzles, and | conceals most of the printed puzzles with a | shareware message. Requires VBRUN300. | (Michael Purdy) (Reg.Fee: $20) SYMP11.ZIP 811408 05-17-95 Sympathy 1.1 is a crossword puzzle editor for | Windows. It supports a wide variety of puzzle | types, including barred cryptics. Puzzles may | be printed directly, or exported as a | scalable picture or bitmap. (Ross Beresford) | (Reg.Fee: $50 Pnds.) WORDWIZ.ZIP 426424 04-12-95 WordWiz 3.0b is a word puzzle composition | program for WIN31. This version is limited to | a 9x9 puzzle grid. A 386/20 or better is | required. Create puzzles instantly from any | short list of words, write up to 10 clues for | the same word, support for the Windows | Latin-1 character set, option to convert | special German characters to double character | sequences, duplicate word warning, and more. | (James A. Buccigrossi) (Reg.Fee: $19-$79) XFIG14.ZIP 131241 12-08-94 XFigure 1.4 creates crossword-like puzzles | with numbers as the solutions. It can | generate various grid sizes containing clues | of varying degrees of difficulty on many | subjects. It can also construct number | anagram puzzles where you have to fit digits | to a grid. Puzzles can be solved on-screen or | printed. This is an excellent tool for math | teachers. (SP Services) (Reg.Fee: $10 Pnds.) XWDWIN.ZIP 182346 02-17-95 Crossdown for Windows 1.10 lets you solve and | construct professional crosswords in WIN31. | Features include a scrollable clue list, | sound card support with speaking messages, | dictionary "hot link" support, and extensive | on-line help. Puzzles can be exported as | PostScript, Windows Metafile, or BMP files. | Requires a 386+, hard disk, and VGA. (Sam Jr. | Bellotto) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $56)