Public (software) Library Copyright 1994 Nelson Ford, PsL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED =====VISUAL BASIC CONTROLS ...and routines for those controls CONTENTS: -----3-D, Shadows & Frames -----Alarms -----Bar Codes -----Browsing Data Files -----Dialog Boxes - file boxes, etc. -----Gauges, Knobs, Slides, LEDs, Etc. -----Grids -----Label Boxes -----List Boxes -----Other -----Picture Boxes -----Scrolling Forms -----Sets of Custom Controls -----Spin Controls -----Status Bars -----Text Boxes -----Tool Bars ========================== -----3-D, Shadows & Frames [3D4VB] 3D4VB (LAN Services; $10) lets you create beautiful 3-D effects. More than 20 different routines are included to draw 3-D frames, shadowed boxes, borders, picture buttons, etched and shadowed text, and more. Interestingly, this is all done with VB code - no DLL's to keep track of. All source code is included. [3DCTL] 3DCTL (Bonner, Paul; $0) shows how to use CTL3D.DLL from Excel 4.0 to give all common dialogs and message boxes in a VB app a 3-D appearance. (CTL3D.DLL not included.) [3D_HOW] 3D_How shows you how to draw 3D brushed steel looking controls with VB2. All code is included; no add-on tools are required. [FRAMEVB] FrameVB (Ford, Nelson ASP; $0) is a Module that will draw shadowed frames around controls to create the illusion of their being recessed. Also included is a routine for underlining a control such as a Text box. [VB3D] VBCtl3D 1.32 allows you to easily add 3-D effects to controls, message boxes, dialogs, etc. (Bernd Beekes and Jeff Simms, reg. fee: $29) -----Alarms [ALARMCC] Alarm Custom Control this control lets you set an alarm (or multiple alarms) to go off at a particular time. (Mabry Software, reg. fee: $10) -----Bar Codes [BARCOD] BarCod is a custom control that displays bar codes. You simply place it on your form, size it to your liking, and set the style. It supports 3 of 9, 2 of five, and more. (Mabry Software, reg. fee: $15) -----Browsing Data Files [BBCC] Browse Bound Control (Delta Soft Inc.; $20) contains a control that can be used in conjunction with the standard VB3 Data control to browse any RecordSet. There are full on-the-spot editing facilities with data pre- and post-validation. You can freeze columns at the left edge, set column and header text alignment, and set special coloring for any column. [BROWSECC] Browse 3.0 (Oancea, Gabriel; $10) is a VB custom control for browsing DBF files. Requires vxBASE (on this CD). -----Dialog Boxes - file boxes, etc. [DIALOGS] Dialogs (Kitsos/Johnson; $0) contains example code for using common dialogs with API calls without the need for a separate DLL. [EZTABD] EZ-Tab 2.0 (Bernd Beekes, reg. fee: $23) allows you to implement tabbed dialogs in Visual Basic without any additional coding or subcontrols. Tabbed dialogs allow you to present complicated dialogs to the user without adding a great number of controls to one window or splitting the dialog into many subdialogs. [TABDLG] Tab Dialog (Richard Eke, reg. fee: $?) contains source code and an example of a simple routine which simulates tabbed dialog boxes like there are in Word 6. [FILEBOX] Filebox (Wykes, Harry JF; $0) shows how to create a Windows style file-open box using List boxes rather than the VB DriveBox and DirBox objects. [FOPEN] FOpen 1.1 (Kitsos, Costas; $0) is a set of forms, VB code, and API calls to create the standard Windows type of "Open File" dialog box. A demo is included. [OPENDLG] OpenDlg (Thomas, Zane; $0) is a DLL for the Open and Save-As common dialogs. [VBDIALG] VBDialog is a common dialog DLL for saving and loading files. This is a solution to the problem of saving files with different filters in VB CMDIALOG.VBX. -----Gauges, Knobs, Slides, LEDs, Etc. [GAUGE] Gauge (Mattila, Jussi; $0) tells how to create a Meter box from two Picture boxes. [GRAF_ST] GrafStat 1.0 (Object Productivity, Inc.; $22-$32) is a custom control for displaying the status of a process. Two styles are offered: thermometer and needle. [KNOBVBX] Knob VBX Control 1.0 appears as a knob similar to those used on audio/video equipment such as stereos. The control allows you to set a range for values, range for degrees, colors and delay. (Northeast Data Corp., reg. fee: $55) [LED1VBX] LED1 VBX Control 1.0 is a custom control that appears to the end user as a LED similar to those used on audio/video equipment such as stereos, tuners, and amplifiers. This particular LED control displays numbers. (Northeast Data Corp., reg. fee: $55) [MBAR] Meter Bar for VB is a custom control that simulates a gas gauge or progress indicator. It allows you to "fill up" the control in any direction and at any rate. Requires VB3. (Scott Stubbs, reg. fee: $0) [NIFTOM] NiftoMeter 1.0 (Timothy D. Noonan, reg. fee: $0-$6) is a 3-D progress meter custom control for VB. [PERCNT] PerCnt is a custom control to display a percentage status bar. (Mabry Software, reg. fee: $10) [VB_BAR] VB_Bar (PoloWood, Felipe; $0) is a percent-complete gauge that requires only a single Picture box, which conserves resources. [VBMETER] VBMeter is a VBX that lets you create a meter type display with horizontal or vertical bars. [VBSLID] Slider VBX Control (Northeast Data Corp.; $?) is a DLL control that appears as a slider similar to those used on audio/video equipment such as stereos, tuners, and amplifiers. -----Grids [DBGRID] DBT Grid Custom Control is a grid control in which the cells can be edited. (Douglas A. Bebber, reg. fee: $40) [GRIDEG] Expanding Grid is an example of a self-expanding grid. Data is entered into a text box above the grid and the grids cell dimensions change to suit the text. [GRID] Grid (G. Guardalben, reg. fee: $0) is a data-aware grid control. A demo application is included. [GRIDPL] GridPl is a routine for entering data into a Grid control and to scroll the Grid with Cntl-Arrow or the mouse. [GRIDRTN] Grid Routines (Ford, Nelson ASP; $0) is a set of routines for use with the Grid custom control. Routines include cursor key scrolling of the Grid, direct input to the Grid, add a row, delete a row, save to and load from disk, clear the Grid and more. [GRID_VB] Grid_VB is a single control that lets you display data in columns and rows. This was originally given to beta testers by Microsoft, but not included in VB. Jonathan Zuck has made enhancements to it. [HUGEGRD] HugeGrid (Ford, Nelson ASP; $0) is sample code illustrating the integration of a Huge Array with a Grid control. Features include sorting, searching, adding, deleting and sorted inserting of records into the Huge Array, as well as paging and scrolling through data with the Grid. [INPGRID] Input Grid (Guardalben, G.V.; $15) is a grid control with a built in floating input box. This takes all the pain out of getting data from the user and into the grid. C source code for the control is included. [NODEFND] Nodes Grid Browser 1.1 (reg. fee: $0) contains source code that implements a table browser using a grid control. There are no limitations on record numbers, no VBX's or DLL's, and no fees or copyrights. Requires VB 3.0. [NUGRD3] Nugrd3 contains an updated version of the GRID.VBX control that shipped with VB3. This circumvents a problem causing an error "invalid file format" when the setting of the HelpContextID was changed from the default value. [RANDGRD] RandGrid (Ford, Nelson ASP; $0) is sample code illustrating the integration of a random access file and a Grid control. -----Label Boxes [BLOONVB] Balloon.vbx 3.0 (Weimar Software, reg. fee: $18) is a custom control that allows you to add a unique colored balloon help feature to your VB application. [PRNTLBL] Prntlbl shows how to print captions on a Form using API calls instead of Label controls. The code looks enormously complicated to us, considering that you can do the same thing with a few straight VB commands, but maybe we are missing something. [ROTEXT] RoText (James Shields, reg. fee: $15) is a custom control that lets you put a label on your form at any angle of rotation. [SHAD20] SHADBX.VBX 3.0 (Weimar Software,, reg. fee: $18) is a VB custom control that provides a popup text display feature similar to that provided by Windows help. It allows you to provide advisory or "hotspot" context sensitive text for your VB application. A mouse click or any keypress removes the window and continues the program. [XLABEL] XLabel 1.1 is a VB label control which lets you rotate text to any angle, display shadowed text and align text vertically and horizontally within the label. (Mark Hanson, reg. fee: $12) -----List Boxes [BMPLST] BmpLst (Shields, James; $20) is a list box which can display a bitmap and a line of text for each item in the list. Support is provided for bitmap, metafile, and icon picture formats. [CLBOX] CLBox is source code for a Combo List Box with incremental search. It also shows how to quickly clear a List Box. [COCKTAIL] Cocktail 2.00 (reg. fee: $?) is a simple example of a scrolling virtual listbox accessing an indexed file with a fully implemented thumb movement and keyed, incremental searches. [DROPDWN] DropDown shows how to simulate a Combo box with a Text box and a List box. [ILIST] IList is a List box which includes the abilities to perform multi-selects, retrieve and set multiple items in one call, store a long integer for reference along with each list item, perform partial string matching, clear listbox with one call, set and retrieve the top visible item and more. [LNKLST] Lnklst (Craig Burkett, reg. fee: $0) is a mechanism for implementing a link list type capability in VB (Win or DOS). This only describes how to create and insert into it, and deleting/modifying is left to the user. [MLIST] Mlist.VBX 4.20 is a custom control for presenting column data in a normal Windows list box. It allows you to set up columns using different formatting attributes, and you don't have to use a non-proportional font in order to get your columns to line up. (McKean Consulting, reg. fee: $5-10) [MULTDLL] Multi.DLL (Simms, Jeff; $0) is a DLL for a multi-selection listbox. C source code and all VB Declares are included. (Note: VB3 Pro has multi-pick list boxes already.) [MULTIPK] MultiPik (Kitsos, Costas; $0) shows how to create a multiple-selection List box with API calls. Source and demo included. [TREE_RS] Tree (Stoepper, Ralf; $0) is code for displaying a data tree with exploding and hiding of data, similar to an outlining program. [TXTVIEW] TextView shows how to create a "Virtual List Box" from a picture box and a vertical scroll bar in order to view text files larger than 64K. Requires VB3. (Bob Craig, reg. fee: $0) -----Other [CLIPSIB] ClipSib 1.0 (Funk, Keith; $0) allows you to have overlapping controls with VB versions prior to 3.0. [CNTRLC] CntrlC shows how to create new instances of composite controls (eg: frames with check boxes) using the SetParent API call. [IOVBX] Iovbx contains a VB custom control to read and write to I/O ports. [MHSAMPL] MHSample (Patterson, Sam; $0) is a well commented sample custom control. [PICNIC] Picnic (Funk, Keith; $0) allows you to make picture controls look like VB forms. It demonstrates how to use the Win3 API functions to add a caption, sizing border and a minimize box and system menu to a picture control. [PID] PID Controller VBX Control is a demonstration version of a Proportional-Integral-Derivative controller for industrial process control and simulation. (Northeast Data Corp., reg. fee: $?) [SIZ_CC] SIZ Custom Control 1.00 (William M. Raike; $15) lets you put controls on forms that have "handles" which let them be resized at runtime. [SPLINES] Splines (Andrew S. Dean, reg. fee: $10) is a Windows DLL containing functions to create spline curves. Curves can be defined in 2 or 3 dimensions. [TIMETXT] TimeQueue & TextKey (Curlew Software; $0-$10) are two VB controls. TextKey lets you attach a prepared text file to it during design time. TimeQueue lets you execute events at specified time intervals. [VBMSNGR] VB Messenger 1.1a is a subclassing custom control for Visual Basic. (JOSWare, Inc., reg. fee: $30) -----Picture Boxes [256PBX] 256PICBX is a DLL with source that displays 256 color bitmaps in a VB Picture box control. Source for a sample app is included. [GRAPHIC] Graphic 1.1 (Cramp, Stephen; $15) is a 256-color custom control. It also includes support for OS/2 BMP files. This version can only be used within VB. Registration gets a runtime module. -----Scrolling Forms [MHFS] MHFormScroll 2.0 (MicroHelp; $0) adds scroll bars to Forms. This lets you have forms that are larger than the screen. [SCROLVB] Scroll 1 & Scroll 2 (Paul T. Dawson, reg. fee: $0) contains sample code that demonstrates how to create a "scrolling form" with VB for Windows. The included executables require VBRUN200. [SCRL_CJ] Scroll.bas (Juerges, Christian; $0) contains sample code that shows how make a scrolling form under VB 2.0 and 3.0. -----Sets of Custom Controls [5PAK20] 5Pak20 (Weimar Software; $35) - a set of five custom controls for VB including popup menus, balloon help, dynamic menu help, and more. [JIANG] Jiang Controls (Jiang, Jeng Long; $0) is a set of controls for VB, including a 3-D label with right, center, and left justification, a "spinner" control, and horizontal and vertical percent-complete gauges. (The author can no longer be reached at the address provided in the documentation.) [VCC] VideoSoft Custom Controls 3.0d (VideoSoft, reg. fee: $45) is a set of powerful custom controls for VB. The 3D Elastic control automatically resizes forms or other controls. IndexTab allows you to group controls by subject using a familiar notebook metaphor. Awksome allows you to quickly scan and parse text files. [WSHELP] WSHelp 3.03 (Weimar Software, reg. fee: $45) contains four custom controls. BALLOON.VBX provides balloon help popup windows for all form controls. RTMOUSE.VBX provides ballon help popup when the right mouse button is clicked. STMOUSE.VBX provides a status line help for each control on a form. WSHELP.VBX contains all of the functionality of the other three controls. Help files are included. -----Spin Controls [SPIN] Spin (Kitsos, Costas; $0) is commented VB source code to create a Spin Button Control. No DLL/VBX files are required. -----Status Bars [CLACKER] Clacker 3.0 (Weimar Software,, reg. fee: $18) is a VB custom control that allows you to add a dynamic menu help status bar to your applications. [INFOCUS] InFocus 1.0 is a custom control that can be used to provide true context-sensitive status lines in your application. It generates events when any control receives the input focus, when any menu item is highlighted by the user, or when the mouse moves over any control. An executable demo is provided. (Mark Hanson, reg. fee: $20) [MENUWAT] MenuWatch (Lathrop, Steve; $15) allows you to easily add a full-featured menu help status bar to your application. By placing this custom control directly on your main form, you can display help snippets in a help status bar at the bottom of the window as the user highlights menu items. [STBAR] Stbar 2.26 (Beekes, Bernd; $50-$85) allows you to add a status line to your VB applications. [STSBAR] Stsbar 2.0 (Staffin, Ed; $0-$10) is a DLL for a status bar. This is a bar that is used to display program parameter/function status, mouse coordinated, column/row numbers - or any other text you want to assign to it. [TAGIT] Tagit (Al Neese, reg. fee: $0) is an example on how to add a little help caption to any object on any form. Source code and an executable are included. -----Text Boxes [3DINPUT] 3D-VB Input 3.0a (Liddicoet, Brett; $15) is a Text box custom control that lets you add a 3-D look to the box and to the text, specify data entry type, and align text left, centered, etc. The unregistered version is limited to three controls per project. [3DVBIN] 3D-VB Input 1.0b (Opaque Software; $15) is a Text Box type custom control with numerous optional 3D effects, formatted input, justification, and more. [ALLTEXT] AllText (Bennet-Tec Information Systems, reg. fee: $125) is a multiple font/color text box custom control. It supports the simultaneous display of multiple fonts, font characteristics and color, paragraph formatting, and the inclusion of a bitmapped background to the control. You can include an edit/display text box as part of your VB program. The ability to highlight words with colors as well as font characteristics make an excellent choice for use in word processing and hypertext applications. An executable demo is included. [EMEDIT] Early Morning Visual Basic Editor Control 1.4 is a VB custom control for displaying and editing text files. Features include support for lines up to 64K in size, unlimited number of lines, line and column blocks, stream blocks, fixed and proportional fonts, automatic load and save, and more. (Ted Stockwell, reg. fee: $30) [PROMPT] Prompt Control is an enhanced Text Box control that allows users to enter command-line style input. It can be used to implement behavior similar to the Visual Basic debug window, or the dot prompt which appears in many xBase products. A demo executable is included. (Andrew S. Dean, reg. fee: $20) [REFRESH] Refresh demonstrates the use of VB's implicit refresh versus an explicit refresh of a Text Box. [SETTAB] Set Tab Stops (Larry Rebich, reg. fee: $0) contains a VB subroutine that sets tabs in a text box. A sample program is included. [VBWRITE] VBWrite (Simms, Jeff; $0) contains source code that demonstrates adding MS Write as a edit control to a VB application. The advantage is that a Text box does not allow different fonts, etc., which Write allows. This code is still in the experimental stage. [VFEDIT] Visual FEDIT Custom Control 2.7 (Computer Mindware Corp., reg. fee: $159) is a superclass of the EDIT control that provides the developer with all facilities needed to ensure that the data received by a program is correct. -----Tool Bars [BUTTONS] Buttons (Freel, Fred; $0) are ten button arrays for use with ToolButton 2.0. A BMP workspace is also included for modifying the buttons, or creating and capturing new ones. [TBAR15] TBAR 1.5 is a custom control for implementing industry standard toolbars in Visual Basic. You can design, define, and implement the behavior of your toolbar without writing any code. (Robin W. McKean, reg. fee: $35) [TBTN] TBTN.VBX (Robin W. McKean, reg. fee: $7) is a VB3 custom control which allows you to place true "buttons" on a toolbar. NEW: "sticky" property that causes a button to stay pressed until pressed again. [TOOLBAR] ToolBar (Murphy, Stephen; $0) walks you through creating a toolbar using a picture box for the bar and BMP files for the buttons. Sample source code and BMP files are included. [TOOLBUT] ToolButton 2.0 (Foster, Brett; $0-$?) let you have standard toolbar buttons. Features include nine standard command buttons, six different button states generated from a single supplied bitmap for custom buttons, MouseDown event for help messages, on-line help reference, and more. [TOOLWND] Toolwnd.DLL (Donahue, Ray; $35) lets you create nice looking toolbars and toolboxes with icons for each selection. [VB_TOOL] VB-Tools 1.0 provides an add-on toolbar for any version of VB. This lets you program faster by simply clicking on buttons to paste, add a MDI form, and many other functions. Requires VBRUN300. (Disk & Desk Software, reg. fee: $25)