Public (software) Library Copyright 1994 Nelson Ford, PsL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED =====Visual Basic Programming, Section 2 Also see VB_CTRLS for custom controls and GENERAL for controls, routines and tools which can be used by VB and other languages. CONTENTS: -----KYB_MOUS: keyboard, mouse, cursor and joystick routines -----MENU: menu-bar related items -----MISC -----NUMERIC -----PRINTING -----SORTSRCH: sorting and searching routines -----SOUNDS: PC speaker, WAV files, MIDI -----SOURCE: source code for sample apps -----TIMEDATE: time & date routines ============================================================ -----KYB_MOUS: keyboard, mouse, cursor and joystick routines [CURLIB] Curlib (Fillion, Pierre; $15) is a DLL of 28 different cursors (many are animated) which you can use in your apps. Source showing all the APIs for accessing a cursor DLL is included. [CURSRPF] Cursor (Fillion, Pierre; $0) is source code to create a cursor in VB without a DLL. [CURSMAN] Cursor Manipulation (Fillion, Pierre; $0) is source code that shows how to make API calls to limit cursor movement to a specified area, to hide the cursor, to read the cursor position, and to move the cursor to a specified position. [CUSTCRS] Custom Cursors (reg. fee: $0) contains code and icons from Mike Stanley's article on Creating Custom Cursors in VB, from Visual Basic Programmer's Journal, Dec./Jan. 1993/94. [HKEYVB] HotKey.DLL (Zuck, Jonathan; $0) is designed to provide hotkey support to Visual Basic, which is not directly supported in VB. [JOYSTK] Joy Stick Custom Control (Mabry Software, reg. fee: $15) gives joystick information (movement, buttons) for your VB programs. [JOY_WIN] Joystick For Windows (Six, Raymond W.; $0) contains everything required to setup and test a game adaptor port as a Windows 3.1, multi-media joystick device. It includes a Windows joystick driver, Windows control panel applet for calibration, and a tool for examining/testing the joystick. [JOYSTAT] Joystats contains source code for a joystick status application. [JOYSTI] Joysti (Thomas, Zane and Intelligence Engineering; $0) contains source code and VBX file for reading a joystick from VB. It features modules to handle major functions and a simple game app to demonstrate use. This will work with VB3. [JSTICK] Joystick DLL (Dabel, Bret or Martin, Robert; $15) is a DLL to access the joystick settings for writing games using Visual Basic. It returns the x and y coordinates and button settings for either joystick 1 or 2. It can read the joystick settings by either the hardware or BIOS. A demo with source code is provided to show how to call the routine in the DLL. [KEYCODE] KeyCode (Mosher, Sue; $0) displays the hex keycode for any key pressed. This is useful for any Windows programmer, but the included source code is VB. [NCALC] NCalc (Smaby, Marcus; $0) demonstrates the implementation of a common keyboard handler. [REGIONS] Regions detects when the user has clicked in a specified area. A demo app shows the API calls and sample code. -----MENU: menu-bar related items [CLACKER] Clacker (Weimar Software; $9) is a VB custom control that allows you to add a dynamic menu help status bar to your VB app. [FIXMENU] FixMenu (Young, Ted M.; $0) is code that shows how to get/change properties of menu items. [FLYOUT] Flyout (Koch, Peter; $0) shows how to create a flyout menuing system in VB2. [MENUON] MenuOn shows how to disable and then enable the entire Menu Bar of a Form quickly and without flicker. [MENUEV] Menu Event Notification Control is a VB custom control that provides menu selection notification. (Mabry Software, reg. fee: $10) [MHCTL] MhCtl (Beekes, Bernd; $?) demonstrates how to get the control handle of a menu. [VBMENU] VBMenu shows how to add graphic bitmaps and check mark substitutes to a menu. -----MISC [BRAND] Brand VB is VB source code for a FRM for branding your EXE files with the user's name, address, and serial number. (C. Mark Teter, M.D., reg. fee: $0) [CANDEMO] Candemo 2.00 contains a VB project that demonstrates how to provide the user with a "cancel" option on a long running process. The modeless cancel dialog uses the SetWindowWord API to create a child form that remains above the parent but is automatically minimized if the parent is. (reg. fee: $0) [CON_HLP] Consthlp.hlp (Buhrer, Richard; $0) is the CONSTANT.TXT file for VB/Win 2.0 edited into a Help file with hypertext links and key word searching. [GPMVB1] GPMVB1 is source that shows how to use VB to create and edit a form-based document in Microsoft Word for Windows. [KBWIN] KBWin is a list of articles in the CompuServe Knowledgebase about Visual Basic for Windows. [MSKB] MSKB is a list of the topics in the MS KnowledgeBase area of Compuserve. [PGUIDE] PGuide is the source code for the sample routines in the VB Programmer's Guide. [PFIL_DM] Profile (Mosier, Dave; $0) makes the WIN Profile API's easier and safer to use. [RDBLIB] RDB Library 1.0 is a collection of routines for VB. It includes common error handling routines, routines to print a string centered on a specified line, start a program and wait until it completes, print a problem report form, and more. (Royce D. Bacon, reg. fee: $0) [VB_APPS] VB_APPS 1.0 (Resolutions Now; $33) contains a library of applications and add-on modules for Visual Basic. Programs include a log, multiple simultaneous timers, encryption front end, password protection, enhanced scroll bars, multiple file starter, and a font viewer. [VBXLDEM] VBXlDem is source code to show how to access an embedded chart in Excel and link it to a basic picture control. [WINSTAL] Winstall.Frm is source code for a program to find and run installation programs on program disks. -----NUMERIC [BASECN] BaseCnv (Lyle Lensen; $0) is a routine for doing number base conversions. [BINVBX] Binvbx (Garry J. Vass; $0) is a VBX control that implements the Binomial (Cox-Ross-Rubenstein) Method for the valuation of equity options. Requires VB3. [CFIXVB] CFixVB (Mack, Jim; $0) is a routine to round Currency variables at a given number of decimal places. ASM and OBJ files and sample code included. [COERCE] Coerce is a routine to force Currency variable amounts to 0, 1, 2, or 3 decimal digits of accuracy. [CVDMBF] CVDMBF 1.0 (J. Frank Carr, reg. fee: $0) contains example code of how to perform conversions from Microsoft Binary Format to the IEEE format used by Visual Basic. [CVDMKD] CVDMKD (Carr, J. Frank; $0) contains a set of routines that provide the MKDMBF$, MKSMBF$, CVDMBF, and CVSMBF functions for VB 2.0. It also contains routines to convert Turbo Pascal 6 byte reals to VB doubles. A simple demo program is also provided. These routines are important if you plan to convert QB 3.0 or earlier data files to VB. [NUMBERS] Numbers (Computing, Marquis; $0) is a set of routines to emulate binary coded decimal and IEEE string/numeric conversion functions (MKI$, etc.) found in QB and PDS but not in VB. -----PRINTING [BARVBX] Barcode.VBX 2.1 (Jeff Gottschalk, reg. fee: $45) is a custom control used to create 18 different varieties of barcodes. [CODEPRN] Code.Print 2.1 (Caladonia Systems, Inc. ASP; $35) lets you print your VB source code with a wide range of options, including titles, headers, footers, project name, font control, user-defined pagination, margins and line spacing. Other features include the ability to print entire applications or single modules or routines; to sort source code by subroutine; to serialize backups of source code files; to print an index of functions and subroutines; VB2 compatibility; and more. [DEVTES] Devtes contains sample code to locate available devices and set the default printer in Visual Basic. [DRAWSCR] DrawScript Routines (McClure, Jim; $0) is a set of routines for previewing printer output on screen. [ENDPRN] Endprn is source code for a small utility for cancelling a print job. [FLTRTPW] Filter (Smith, Wilson; $0) is a DLL that can tell you if the default printer has changed. TPW source code for the DLL and sample VB code is included. [GSPRNTR] Gsprntr.dll (Hopkins, Geoff; $50) is a DLL to query and set the printer paper page orientation. [HPENV_S] HPEnv 2.0 (Himowitz, Michael J.; $0) is VB source for an application that prints envelopes in landscape mode without having to change printer setup. This is also on a Windows applications disk. [JUSTIFY2] Justify2 is a routine which can extract text from a Text Box and print it justified. [PICT_T] Pict_t (Santamarina, George F.; $0) demonstrates how to print bitmaps using Windows 3.1 Common Dialog routines. [PPORIEN] PPOrient (Poellinger, Paul; $0) is a DLL to find out and set the current printer orientation to Portrait or Landscape. [PPRTR4] PPRTR 4.1 contains a DLL that allows you to get a list of available printers, change default printer, and get default printer and port. (Paul F. Poellinger, reg. fee: $10) [PRINTCB] Print Clipboard (Barnett, Clifford P.; $0) contains source code and an executable for printing the contents of the Windows Clipboard. Text and graphic dumps are both supported. [PRNTCAN] PrintCan demonstrates how to implement a modal "Cancel" dialog box for long print jobs. The dialog box can be updated by the background print job periodically, to provide progress feedback. (reg. fee: $0) [PRNTPIK] PrintPik demonstrates how to dynamically change the Windows default printer. This is useful when you want to map the VB Printer object to different installed printers at run time. (reg. fee: $0) [PRNSTVB] Prnset is a DLL that allows changes to the default printer settings. [PROJPRN] Project Printer 2.1 (Holland, Sarah; $10) produces a nicely formatted listing of your VB file in Word for Windows, while also saving text/loading text for you. [PRSETUP] PrSetup (Schwartz, Corey; $0) is a DLL and supporting code to add to your applications to allow the user to select printers, as well as to adjust printer setup and configuration. All C and VB source code is included. [PRTLIST] PrtList (Mattila, Jussi; $0) is a set of printer selection procedures for VB. [PSETUP] Psetup revC (Kitsos, Costas; $0) is a DLL that lets you invoke the Windows standard Printer Setup Dialog. Sample source code is included. [PSOUT] PSOut (Cramp, Stephen; $0) illustrates a method of printing bitmap files up to 32k in size. It has been tested on PostScript and HP LaserJet printers only. [PWRAP] Print Wrap (Ivory Tower Software, reg. fee: $0) is a routine for sending text to the printer with word wrap at word breaks, as delimited by spaces. [VB2GRID] VB2Grid contains a grid control print subroutine for VB 2.0 [VBB_DS] VBBook (Scott, Dennis; $0) is source code for an app that lets you print ASCII text files to an HPLJ printer in booklet format. [VBPDEMO] VBPDemo (Obeda, Ed; $0) shows how to calculate the default printer's lines per page under the declared FONTNAME and FONTSIZE. It will also a allow the user to ABORT the print job, thereby flushing the printer buffer. [VBPRINT] VB Printer Control (Harrington, Dennis; $0) demonstrates how to put a laser printer into Landscape mode and how to select a paper bin without going through the Windows print manager. [VIEW_VB] Viewer for creating a screen preview of printed files with scroll bars. -----SORTSRCH: sorting and searching routines [COMBSRT] Comb Sort (Dacon, Tom; $0) is a sort algorithm that is simpler than Quicksort while still nearly as fast. [SRCH_VB] Search contains source code and a sample application for quickly searching a list box. [VBSORT] VBSort (Ford, Nelson; $0) is the code and a sample application for sorting both a List box and an array. Testing shows that it takes 8 times longer to sort a List box. -----SOUNDS: PC speaker, WAV files, MIDI [AVIDEMO] AVIDemo (Turpin, Jerry; $0) is VB source for an app that shows how to open and play AVI, WAV, MMM, and MID files. [DSOUND] DSound is a DLL that allows you to play sound files through a PC's speaker. A sample SND file and sample VB code are included. [MERGEWAV] MergeWav 1.01 (Unicom Aviation Systems; $25) contains a sample talking clock application to demonstrate how to merge .WAV files on the fly. It uses a VB routine which facilitates faster and smoother delivery of audio with immediate return to your program. Included comprehensive notes, sample audio files, and more. [MMPVB] MMPVB (Turpin, Jerry; $0) shows how to use the MultiMedia Extensions to play MID, WAV, and MMM files. [MSGMUS] Message Music (Zuck, Jonathan; $0) lets you add sounds to Message Boxes. There are different, "descriptive" sounds for Normal, Stop, Question, Exclamation, and Information boxes. [SHUFLER] Shuffler (Stine, Brian D.; $0) is VB source code for a utility to shuffle (randomize) sound files assigned to system events. Requires Win31 and the Professional Tool Kit for VB. [SNDDEMO] SoundDemo shows how to access the user-selected Windows system sounds and attach them to message box functions. [SNDPLAY] Sndply demonstrates use of sndPlaySound() in VB to play WAV files. [SOUNDLL] SounDLL (White, Bill; $0) is a sound driver (DLL) with VB source code to illustrate its use. TPW source code for the DLL is included. [VBMP] VB MIDI Piano 1.1 (Artic Software; $0) is a playable graphic MIDI piano. It shows how to send MIDI OUT data using Visual Basic. You can play the 3D piano keys with your mouse, control general MIDI patch changes, and control panning, volume and octaves. Requires VBRUN300. [VBMPU] VBMPU Demo contains an MPU-401 MIDI card demo and play-only source routines. Dynamic MIDI channel and velocity change are supported. [WINPLJZ] WinPlay (Zuck, Jonathan; $0) is a DLL that plays simple music files through the PC's speaker. Although this cannot compare to the music you can play through sound cards, it does offer some sound effects for machines without such cards. -----SOURCE: source code for sample apps [APPSHEL] App Shell 1.0 (Presley, Jim; $0) is VB source code for a sample application that can be used as a starting point for file-oriented applications. The app includes forms for file open/save, printing, printer selection and setup (including a custom DLL with C source) and print canceling and a main form that ties everything together with pull-down menus and related code. [BASEXP] Basexp contains a module and sample program for a basic five-function algebraic expression evaluator. (Big Dog Software, reg. fee: $0) [BMPVWS] BMP Viewer Source Code (Mike Young, reg. fee: $0) contains VB source code for a simple BMP file viewing utility. [BTNCLOC] Button Clock (Andy Klein; $0) contains source code and executable for a simple Windows time/date display clock. [COMSERV] ComServ (Buck, Alan; $0) is the source code for a VB application for keeping track of Zip files. [ED11] ED 1.1 contains source code and an executable of a Windows front end for DOS text editors. Requires VBRUN300. (Network Resources, reg. fee: $0) [F12SHEL] F12Shell (Force 12, reg. fee: $0) contains VB3 source code and an executable file for a program launcher. It has 3-D buttons, a stay-on-top option, and a built-in date and time display. [GPIB] GPIB is a sample application that shows how VB can be used as a control and monitoring software. [LB_MSGS] List Box Messages (Hutmacher, Dave Th.; $0) is a sample app that demonstrates the use of SendMessage API commands lelated to List boxes. Source is included. [MNYTH2] ManyThings 2.0 contains VB3 source code for a Windows 3.1 screen saver. (Bruce McLean, reg. fee: $0) [MEMWTCH] MemWatch (Warren, David; $0) displays available system memory as well as real-time changes in memory use. It also includes a graphical display of System, GDI, and User resource demand, and a count of the number of tasks running. [METNOM] Metnom (OsoSoft; $0) contains VB2 source code for a metronome. [SMALCAL] SmallCal (Meadows, Al; $0) is source for a sample application which illustrates how to generate a calendar for a user-specified month. [SYSCLOK] SysClock (Lamson, George; $0) is source code for an on-screen clock. It can optionally display the date and free system resources and can add the current time to the title bar of the active window. [TXTEDIT] Textedit (Huskins, Douglas A.; $0) is the VB source for a clone of Windows' Notepad. [VBADRES] VB Address Book (Burgess, Mark S.; $0) is a very nice little desktop address book. In addition to name and address fields, it provides entries for office, home, and fax numbers. It also allows you to quickly print out a single mailing label for the entry being viewed. VB source code is included, and VBRUN is required. [CALEND] VBCalendar 1.0 (Wessex Systems; 5 Pounds Sterling) is a handy pop-up calendar. This example requires VB3 DLL/VBX files to be present. [WALCHNG] Wallpaper Changer (Hitchings, Tim; $0) is the source for an app that changes wallpaper automatically at selected intervals. It also continuously displays time, free resources, free memory, and free disk space. [PWBROW] WINDOWS Magazine Version Browser 1.2 contains source code and an executable for a utility that shows information in the "version resource" of many Windows programs, DLL's, and other files. Information about author, purpose, etc. can be displayed or printed, allowing version control of installed files. Requires VBRUN300. (Karen Kenworthy, reg. fee: $?) -----TIMEDATE: Time/Date Applications [CAL_PRO] Calendar Program (Meadows, Al; $0) is the source code and executable for a calendar program. [DAT_TIM] DateTime (Michna, Hans-Georg; $0) is VB source to display the date and time in a variety of international or custom formats. [DATE_VB] Date Functions (Tyson Bonn; $5) can convert a given date to the number of days that date is past January of the year 0, into a long integer value. That value can be stored as a part of your user-defined types. [DATEMTH] DateMath (Expertec, Inc.; $25) is a DLL which adds date math to your apps. [GRIDCAL] GridCal (Meadows/Graves; $0) is source for making a calendar using the Grid custom control. [HOLIDAY1] Holiday.BAS ($0) is a function written in VB to calculate the date of a holiday for holidays which do not fall on specific days of the year (Easter, Thanksgiving, Mother's Day, etc.). [VBCALN] VB Calendar (IntegrationWare, Inc., reg. fee: $10) contains source code and an executable for a monthly calender that does not require a grid or other special controls. [VBCLOCK] VB Clock 1.0 (Gagliano, Jim; $0) is VB source for an app to display the date and time in a very small window. [VBCLK] VBClock 1.1 (Holland, Sarah; $0) contains source code and an executable for a Win31 utility that shows the date, time, and the percentage of free system resources remaining. Options include background/foreground color selection, font selection, alarms, and more. [CALDR] VB-Coded 3-D Calendar (Glenn Silverman, reg. fee: $0) is VB source code for a monthly calendar. You can easily place it on your forms, customize, and make it data-aware. [VBPCAL] VB Popup Calendar (Schueler, Don; $0) is source for a small pop-up calendar. It is intended for popping up in date fields and returning the value to the field.