Public (software) Library Copyright 1994 Nelson Ford, PsL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED =====Visual Basic Programming, Section 1 Also see VB_CTRLS for custom controls and GENERAL for controls, routines and tools which can be used by VB and other languages. CONTENTS: -----API: API Reference/Utils -----ARRAYS -----COMPRESS: file compression, archiving -----COMMUNIC: communications, networking -----DDE -----DRAGDROP: drag-and-drop routines & controls -----FAX -----FOCUS: routines related to focus -----FONT_UT: font utilities -----GAMES: routines for games -----HELP: help system related files -----INI_FILE: INI file related items -----INPUT: data entry routines -----INSTALL: installation routines, programs The following are in VB2: -----KYB_MOUS: keyboard, mouse, cursor and joystick routines -----MENU: menu-bar related items -----MISC -----NUMERIC -----PRINTING -----SORTSRCH: sorting and searching routines -----SOUNDS: PC speaker, WAV files, MIDI -----SOURCE: source code for sample apps -----TIMEDATE: time & date routines ============================== -----API: API Reference/Utils [APIFUNC] APIFunc (Solutions by Smith; $15) is an API function database in Cardfile format. [APIHELP] API_Helper 3.0 (Bostwick, Marshal; $0) displays the calls, constants, and Declares from the WIN31API.TXT in a set of List boxes. You can paste single of multiple lines into VB code windows. [APIXREF] APIXref is a Help file that cross-references the API calls listed in WINAPI.TXT, included on this disk. To use this file, while in VB, press F1 for Help, then Alt-F and O to open the file. [API_SPY] API Spy (Gamber, Mark; $20) displays functions and parameters of DLL calls. Results can be viewed or saved to disk. It also can force a debugger break and can find function addresses in the Windows API. [THC] Tom's Happy Constants (Bassal, Thomas; $0) helps you access API constants declarations in a fast and convenient way. You just have to highlight the constant name in the code window and press a hot key to load the corresponding Global Declaration into the clipboard. [VBAPI] VBAPI.LIB (reg. fee: $0) contains the newest version of VBAPI.LIB which has all the VBAPI function names declared in upper case. [VBAPI2] VBAPI 0.2 (Pruitt, Steve; $0) contains text of the Microsoft WINAPI.TXT file in the Windows .HLP format. It includes additions and corrections as of March 9, 1992, and contains definitions of functions, constants, and data structure for use within Visual Basic. [VBWRAP] VB Magic Wrappers is an educational module with documentation that provides dozens of API wrappers and general use function and subroutines in a .BAS file. (Big Dog Software, reg. fee: $0) [WINAPI] WinAPI (Microsoft Corporation; $0) is a text file listing all the Windows 3 API declarations for VB. With these declarations in your VB code, you can perform many functions not otherwise available in VB. [WN31API] Win31API.TXT (Microsoft Corporation; $0) is a text file containing Windows 3.1 API declarations for VB. -----ARRAYS [HUGE_MC] Huge_MC (Marquis Computing; $0) is the VB Source code to a huge array manager for Windows 3.1. You can create huge arrays of up to 16MB on 386 and 1 MB on 286. [HUGEARR] HUGEARR.DLL (Schmidt, Stephen; $0) is a DLL which contains functions for creation, maintenance, and deletion of arrays larger than 64K, with more than 32k elements per dimension. It also lets you copy contiguous elements from a Huge Array into a specified part of a VB array and vice-versa. C source for the DLL is included. [RWARRAYS] Rwarrays contains a DLL and source for reading and writing VB arrays to/from files. (Marcus Schommler, reg. fee: $0) [VBARRAY] VBArray (Kitsos, Costas) shows how to load/save an array of up to 64k in a single operation. [VQSTRNG] VqStrings allows huge variable and fixed length strings for Visual Basic. VStrings delivers fast access and return error codes compatible with Visual Basic's 'On Error GoTo'. -----COMPRESS: file compression, archiving [MAKSMAL] Micro-MakeSmall 1.0 (Micro-Bytes\Wordware, reg. fee: $10) is a multi-file compressor/expander aid for preparing distribution diskettes for VB programs. This program requires COMPRESS.EXE, EXPAND.EXE, and VBRUN300. [PACK_VB] Packit (Taylor, Ian; $0) contains a DLL that will compress/decompress files using Lempel-Ziv compression modified by adaptive Huffman coding. [REFORM] Reform is a small VB 3.0 utility to unpack packed data downloaded from a mainframe host. Source code is included. (reg. fee: $?) [VBCMP] VBCmp 1.00 (Hein, Scott J.; $0) is a Windows shell for COMPRESS.EXE. [ZIPINF] ZIP File Info Custom Control is a Visual Basic custom control that lets you find out what files are in a ZIP file and lots of information about those files. (James Shields, reg. fee: $15-35) [ZIPREAD] ZipRead is source code for reading the contents of ZIP files. -----COMMUNIC: communications, networking [ADIALER] ADialer (Lamson, George; $0) is the source code and executable for a program to dial the phone. [AXPHON] Axis Phone 3.1 (Tirio, Joseph J.; $0-$5) is VB source code for a modem dialer. [COMDEMO] ComDemo 1.0 illustrates the use of several COMM API functions. Includes source code and an executable file. [FILENET] Filenet.BAS contains procedures for logging in/out of a FileNet server, opening/closing specified FileNet Image Display windows, and displaying documents using DDE. (reg. fee: $0) [IPXSPX] IPX/SPX Custom Controls allows you to create applications that can communicate as clients and/or servers on Novell NetWare networks. (Note: you must use the -d option when unzipping this program to recreate the proper directory structure.) (Lee Wiltbank, reg. fee: $30) [LINKLOD] Link'n Load (Krumsee, Art; $0) is VB code that shows how to establish a network link, run a specified application, and when done, unload the link. Network managers with VB only have to enter the application name into the code and compile it for this to work. [LMV100] LinkManager 1.0 is a set of VB modules that provide application to application comunications across any type of network supporting network disk drives. This is very useful for multi-user games and educational programs. (Genius Software., reg. fee: $15-80 Pounds) [MSCOMM] Mscomm is a new bug-fix version of MSCOMM.VBX which comes with VB2/VB3 [MSLOT] Mslot (Zane Thomas, reg. fee: $25) is a VB custom control that provides simple interprocess communication between programs running on the same or different computers running Windows for Workgroups. No API calls are required. [NETLIST] NetList is a VB3 network node tracking database. It utilizes an MS Outline control to do a summary to detail form from an Access 1.1 secure database. Includes SYSTEM.MDA and code examples for reading INI files. (Bill Beckett, reg. fee: $?) [NETPRNT] NetPrint (Krumsee, Art; $0) is VB source that allows network users to link and unlink printers from within Windows. It includes declarations for 3 undocumented Windows API functions which should make this application network independent. [NETVBX] NetVBX is a custom control that allows VB programmers to add Windows for Workgroups functions to their applications, and provides network facilities to users. (Jean-Claude Streel, reg. fee: $?) [NOVL_VB] Novell-VB (Johnson, L.J.; $0) contains an example program with source code that allows you to attach to and detach from multiple servers. You can also set drive mappings on your primary server. Many of the basic Novell API's are demonstrated. [SENDMAIL] SendMail contains a sample application that shows how to mail enable your VB apps using VIM calls. Requires the VIM DLL's found in the VIM Toolkit. (Radium Software Inc., reg. fee: $?) [VBCOMM] VB Communications Control 2.0 (Mark Gamber, reg. fee: $0) a custom control that lets you access a modem through a VB application. It can be configured in many ways. A sample application is included to help you get started. [VBMATE] VBMate contains a library of routines and sample code for interfacing VB with EXTRA! for Windows EHLLAPI.DLL. This gives VB the ability to interact with a 3720 mainframe terminal session. [VBTERM] VBTerm (McGuinness, Charles; $0) is source code for a simple VT100 terminal emulator. [WNET] WNET (Ken True; $0) contains a sample VB program that shows how to use the common built-in WNETxxx calls to retrieve user name, disk/printer network mapping, and connect/disconnect disks/printers in a network independent manner. Requires VBRUN300. -----DDE [DDESHR] DDEShare (Software Assist Corporation; $0) is a VB implementation of the WFW DDEShare application. It provides an example of utilizing several of the API functions used in controlling the DDEShare database. [DDEUTIL] DDE Utility shows how to do DDE in a generic fashion. Lets you test which DDE commands will work with specific applications. Prompts for appname, pathname, topic, item, execute string, window mode and attempts to conduct the DDE link. Source code included. [DDE_VB] DDE_VB (Pleas, Keith R.; $0) contains source code for prototyping DDE strings and exploring DDE connections. [GMPVB2] GMPVB2 shows how to use DDE to get and manipulate data from Word for Windows. -----DRAGDROP: drag-and-drop routines & controls [APTBOOK] Apptbook (Wisniewski, Gary; $?) contains a complete implementation designed to demonstrate drag-and-drop techniques, including cell-to-cell grid dropping and user-feedback issues. [DDSERVE] DDServe (Zuck, Jonathan; $0) is a DLL that lets you add Windows 3.1 drag-and-drop capability to your applications. Several example apps are included. [DRAGDRP] Drag'n'Drop (Bonner, Paul; $0) shows how to add support for the Windows 3.1 File Manager drag-and-drop facility to a VB program. [DDROP] Drag-and-Drop Custom Control 1.0 is a VB object which can accept files when they are dragged onto its parent window from the Windows File Manager. (Winefred Washington, reg. fee: $?) [DD_VBX] Dragdrop.VBX (Apex Software; $0) allows Visual Basic applications to intercept File Manager drag/drop messages. [DRAGFRM] DragForm (Simms, Jeff; $0) demonstrates how to drag a form without a title bar and dragging a textbox using similar code. [FMDROP] FMDrop (Mabry Software, reg. fee: $15) is a custom control that notifies you when a file has been dragged and dropped from the Windows File Manager. [LANDAU] Landau shows how to use drag and drop, how to link to the Windows calculator, notepad and winhelp, and how to use the clipboard. [LSTDRAG] LstDrag (Mosher, Sue; $0) is code for dragging a line in a List box to another line with the mouse or cursor keys. [MOVETXT] MoveTxt (Funk, Keith; $0) shows how to use a Picture control to simulate dragging of a Text control (which normally cannot be dragged). [OUTDRP] OutDrp contains four high-level functions along with a sample project on how to drag/drop to a particular row of an outline. Requires VB Professional 3.0. (reg. fee: $0) -----FAX [SIMPLFX] SimplFAX (De Bruijn, Michiel; $0) is an example program for sending short FAX messages via Delrina's WinFax 3.0. It demonstrates how to get/set the Windows default printer, how to talk to the FAX software via DDE and how to start it. [TKOFAX_1, TKOFAX_2] TKofax Toolkit 1.0 (LCK Consulting; $20) simplifies communications with the Kofax image engine. It provides classes, a custom control, a VBX file, as well as sample programs to facilitate the development of applications that are image-enabled. This works transparently as a standard Windows control, such as the edit or listbox controls. It also adds several common dialogs that are needed for image manipulation. TIFF, IMG, PCX and EMS graphic formats are supported. -----FOCUS: routines related to focus [FOCUTRN] Focus U-Turn demonstrates techniques for the use of Focus, and what to expect when you use it, particularly as it applies to attempts to verify data on exit from a control via LostFocus. [LOSTFOC] LostFocus contains a small demonstration project that shows how to use the LostFocus event to handle field level validation. It allows the user to select a Cancel button using mouse, ESC key or an Accelerator key. (N. Price, reg. fee: $0) -----FONT_UT: Font utilities [ENUMFNT] EnumFonts (Telelink Systems; $8) is a DLL which allows you to access the Windows API service EnumFonts. A demo is provided which shows how to find which typefaces and fonts are supported by the default printer. Source code is included. [FONTRO] Fontro (Young, Ted M.; $0) contains VB source code to create a rotatable font that can print sideways. [FONTVW] FontView 2.0 (Snider, Charles; $0) is code for an application to find, display, and print Windows fonts. [ROTFONT] Rotfont (Egger, Fredi; $0) shows how to print text at any angle in VB apps to screen or printer. [VRTFNT] Vertically Rotate Font is source code for rotating a font vertically. -----GAMES Also see QCARD.ZIP in the GENERAL section. [VBCARDS] VBCards 1.01P (Sands, Richard R.; $0) is a card-deck DLL for writers of card games for Windows. It contains 52 cards, a Joker, seven card back designs, two indicator cards, some support routines, and a short sample program. Although the sample code is in Visual Basic, the DLL should be usable with other languages. -----HELP: help system related files [ADDHELP] AddHelp is all the code you need to access a Help file from VB. [GETHELP] GetHelp 1.0 (Jeff Lorenzini, reg. fee: $0) creates an INCLUDE file of helpcontextid's for use in creating a help file for a project. [GETHLP] GetHelp (Freel, Fred L.; $0) allows you to call Windows or application Help Files and jump to a page that you specify. [HCSHELL] Help Compiler Shell (Brown, Tim; $0) opens, edits, and saves Help Compiler project files and map files. It runs the Help Compiler and your compiled Help files. It also automates a few of your compiling tasks and reports the compile status. [PERSHLP] Personal Helper assists in creating help files. It allows you to import your VB project files into an MS Access database, creating a context id for the project itself and all the controls in each form in the project. You can then write scripts for each control for which you want text, create popups and jumps to other contexts, etc. Requires the Microsoft help compiler. (FAR, Inc., reg. fee: $15) [VALET] Valet 1.0 (English, Donald R.; $15) provides quick access to frequently used help files, constant files, and custom controls while working in Visual Basic 1.0. Other features include the ability to save and run, save and make an EXE, log time spent on a project, drag and drop support, and much more. [VBAHA1] VB AHA 1.3 lets you create Windows Help files with simple mouse clicks. Features: macro support, bullets for use in combo fields, a field menu item which will allow you to read a text file into a field with the option of reformatting it for a help file. (Craig Villalon, reg. fee: $30-50) -----INI_FILE: INI file related items [INI_ART] Ini_Art (Jones, Tim; $0) is a tutorial on writing and using INI profile files. Source code examples are included. [INIMOD] Ini_Mod1 (Berry, Forrest; $0) is a VB module to create, read and update private INI files. You only need to add it to your project and call it. Sample code is inlcuded. [INI_VBX] Ini.vbx (Dexter, Walter F.; $0) is a custom control for writing to and reading from .INI files. [INICON25] IniCon 2.5 is a custom control to help deal with INI files. It will handle Windows API calls, and comes with a Windows Help file. (Mabry Software, reg. fee: $5) [MINIFILE] Minifile.BAS is a VB module that simplifies the use of INI files. [PFILEVB] Profile.BAS (Vance, Rob; $0) is VB code (API calls) that makes it easy to store program data in WIN.INI. [PROF_VB] Profile VB is VB source code for reading and writing INI files. (reg. fee: $0) -----INPUT: data entry routines [CFGTEXT] CfgText (McClure, Jim; $0) is a set of routines for setting a Text box for maximum length of input, upper and lowercase translation, and password hiding. [EDITBTN] EditBttn contains sample code demonstrating methods to prevent user input in bound and unbound controls. The controls remain read-only until the user clicks on the Edit button. (Barth Riley, reg. fee: $0) [EDITDEM] EditDem (Milligan, Keith; $0) is a set of data entry control routines for VB: date entry, price/quantity, currency, two and four decimal places, string to a specified length, uppercase text input, and others. [TBMASK] TBMask shows how to do masked input with a regular VB Text Box using only Basic code. It will handle simple masked input such as a phone number, date, decimal number, or dollar amount. This is not a DLL. (Bob Craig, reg. fee: $0) [TXTYLE] Text Style (Irwin, Gregg; $0) shows how to change the style of Text boxes to allow only uppercase or only lowercase letters, to limit the number of characters, and to create a password entry box. [TXTFMT] TxtFmt controls text input formats. It formats numeric, dates, uppercase, length of input, literal constants, etc. [VBCAL] Vbcal (Mower, Chris; $0) is a calendar module for VB3. It provides a pop-up calendar for users to enter a date. [WEDL] Windows Enhanced Dialog Library (Smedley, Mike; $60) is an extensive DLL designed to make dialog box data entry much easier for both the programmer and the user. Features include formatted data entry, field validation, automatic updating of variables, numeric data entry, overtype mode, context-sensitive help, and much more. A demo executable is included. -----INSTALL: installation routines, programs [NEWSET] NewSet is an updated version of the Visual Basic 2.0 Setup Toolkit SETUP.EXE file. A text file describing the problems that it fixes is included. [SETUP] Setup contains revision 1.00.002 of SETUP.EXE for the Setup Toolkit in Microsoft Visual Basic for Windows 3.0. [SETUP3] Setup 3.0 (Chapman, Mike; $0) is an enhanced version of the installation utility provided in VB. Features include a customizable setup dialogue box title/message, unlimited number of pre-installation files, notifies user if there is not enough hard disk space to install files, detailed help file, and more. [SETUPW] Setupwiz contains revision 1.00.544 of SETUPWIZ.EXE for Visual Basic 3.0. [VBINST] VBInst 1.4 (Kallonen, Jari; $0) is the source code for a VB app to install a program from a floppy to a specified subdirectory. It can also create a Program Manager group.