Public (software) Library Copyright 1993 Nelson Ford, PsL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Visual Basic Programming (Continued from VB1.TXT) CONTENTS: -----TOOLS: General Tools/Reference/Info -----MISC -----DATABASE -----SORTSRCH: sorting and searching routines -----INPUT: data entry routines -----KYB_MOUS: keyboard, mouse, cursor and joystick routines -----PRINTING -----API: API Reference/Utils -----SOUNDS: PC speaker, WAV files, MIDI -----DDE -----SAMP_APS: Sample Applications -----FAX -----GAMES -----NUMERIC -----MENU: menu-bar related items -----INI_FILE: INI file related items -----ARRAYS -----COMPRESS: file compression, archiving -----INSTALL: installation routines, programs -----TOOLS: General Tools/Reference/Info [ADDHELP] AddHelp is all the code you need to access a Help file from VB. [ADDITEM] Additem is VB code that illustrates a potential problem with adding fixed length strings to a List Box. [AVI_WI] AVI_WI (Mathison, Rolf; $0) contains annotated VB source code to play AVI files in any window, rather than the default random window. [BASICBS] BasicBasic 1.3 (Davidsaver, Mark; $15) lets you compile BASIC programs for DOS or Windows. Not all "standard" BASIC commands are supported. This is a very easy way to develop small programs without regard for which environment they will run under. Several sample files are included for compiling, and ASCII source code is accepted. [BitMap] BitMap (Young, Ted; $0) is code for an "application" that simply illustrates the use of all the VB Picture Box functions. [BUSTER] Buster automates the VB environment. It saves code and inserts declares and constants in your project. [CLK_DBL] Click & Double-Click (Ford, Nelson ASP; $0) is code that shows how to trap both the click and double-click events for a control. [COLCALC] Color Calculator (Evers, Dave; $0) displays color number for color combo selected on sliding bars. VB source code is included. [Cvdmkd] Cvdmkd (Carr, J. Frank; $0) contains a set of routines that provide the MKDMBF$, MKSMBF$, CVDMBF, and CVSMBF functions for VB 2.0. It also contains routines to convert Turbo Pascal 6 byte reals to VB doubles. A simple demo program is also provided. These routines are important if you plan to convert QB 3.0 or earlier data files to VB. [DLL4VB] DLL4VB is an example of how to make a simple DLL for VB with BC++. C and VB source included. [DLSNIFF] DLL Sniffer v1.0 (Hutmacher, Dave; $9) finds and lists all Declares for external Subs and Functions in your source code. [FOCUTRN] Focus U-Turn demonstrates techniques for the use of Focus, and what to expect when you use it, particularly as it applies to attempts to verify data on exit from a control via LostFocus. [GetDec] GetDec (MicroHelp, Inc.; $0) eliminates unused DLL declarations from the Global module of your programs, resulting in a smaller EXE. [GetHelp] GetHelp (Freel, Fred L.; $0) allows you to call Windows or application Help Files and jump to a page that you specify. [HCSHELL] Help Compiler Shell (Brown, Tim; $0) opens, edits, and saves Help Compiler project files and map files. It runs the Help Compiler and your compiled Help files. It also automates a few of your compiling tasks and reports the compile status. [HYPR_VB] Hyper (Martin, Wendell; $0) shows how to add hypertext to your VB programs. [INSIGHT@] Basic Insight 2.00 (McKelvy Enterprises; $30) helps with the documentation and debugging of Microsoft BASIC and Visual Basic programs. It provides aformatted source listing and variable cross-reference for each subroutine and for the program as a whole. [JUNQUE] Junque shows how you can implement an activity indicator for open-ended routines by displaying a message box that "Things Are Happening". [MRBDNC] MRB Drop n' Comp (CHC Software; $0) is a Windows front end for the Microsoft Multiple Resolution Bitmap Compiler. It enables you to select a group of files using File Manager and drop them onto the MRB Drop 'n' Comp window or icon. An Auto Launch feature automatically starts compilation when a pre-determined number of files have been selected. [PRETTYPR] PrettyPrint 1.0 (Sirkin, Bert; $0) is a source code text printer for Visual Basic. It has options for bold and italic text, two different typefaces, various point sizes, and more. It also formats source code with line numbers. [PRINTVB] PrintVB (Kyle Brant; $18) - is a source code printing utility for VB. Many formatting options are available. [PSPFRM] PSPFrm is source code that allows printing a form, including border and caption, to a PostScript or PCL printer. Print size is adjustable. [PTK_CC] PTK Control Center (Obeda, Ed; $11) makes it easy to add Professional Toolkit Custom Controls to your VB apps. In addition, commonly used tools can be saved and automatically selected on startup. [Saveme] Saveme (Irwin, Gregg; $0) provides you with a reminder, as well as the ability, to save a project before running it. Forgetting to save before running is a sure way to lose lots of work over time. While Irwin designed this as a stand-alone, it seems like it would be more effective to make it the start-up form in your program during the design and testing period. [Scbar] Scbar (Software Assist Corporation; $0) shows how to have scroll bars represent up to a billion. [SUBDOC] SubDoc 2.02 (Fox, Peter; $35) is for documenting VB2 source code. It catalogues, displays and prints procedures, types, global variables and constants with detailed entries extracted from remarks in the original source. This can be used with all the sources in a project or all the reusable sources that are in the development directory to provide a catalogue of re-usable code. It can also create a calling tree for a procedure. [VB_ASST] VB Assistant (English, Donald R.; $0) displays a menu that lets you save and run the application you are working on, invoke an icon editor, or quickly gain access to all help and text files which relate to Visual Basic. Source code and executable are included. [Valet] Valet 1.0 (English, Donald R.; $15) provides quick access to frequently used help files, constant files, and custom controls while working in Visual Basic 1.0. Other features include the ability to save and run, save and make an EXE, log time spent on a project, drag and drop support, and much more. [VBXPAND] VB/Expand (Beekes, Bernd; $0) is an add-on package for VB2. It provides instant access to help and text files, automatic insertion of headers for forms/modules/subroutines/ functions, inclusion and exclusion of other files, and an open interface to code generation tools. [VB2EXT] VB_2_EXT (Hutmacher, David Th.; $0) lets you easily reuse Declare statements from existing VB source code. It displays a list of all the BAS files on the selected drive and a list of all the Declares in a selected BAS file. [VB2list] VB2list (Barlow, Chris; $0) a Word for Windows 2.0 template that will read Visual Basic MAK files and locate all FRM and BAS files. Then it will read these files and create an outline and table of contents of all Subs and Functions. [VBASICS] Visual Basics #16-#22 (Seymour, Barry; $0) contains articles dealing with various Visual Basic topics. [VBBooks] VBBooks is a list of currently available books about Visual Basic. Information includes name of book, publisher, publisher's address, phone numbers and a brief description of the book. [VBClean] VBClean (Hite, David; $0) is source for an automatic save/load procedure needed to shrink VB executables. [VBGLOB] VB Global Constant Help (Thorpe, Rick; $0) is VB3's CONSTANT.TXT in Windows HLP format. [VB2DOC] VB Source to Document (Juden, Eddir; $25) creates a Word for Windows Document from any MAK file. It will highlight all SUBs and FUNCTIONs, mark all Rem'ed statements, count SUB and FUNCTION usage, and create a Table of Contents. This is a powerful debugging tool. [VBPROJ] VBProject 1.0 (Kallonen, Jari; $0) is a handy start-up tool for VB. It displays up to 12 of your Projects on buttons; click a button and it loads VB and the selected Project. Commented VB source for VBProject is provided. [VBE] VBE (Digital Solutions; $15) adds two useful text options to VB. It allows you to save selected text to a file and to print selected text. These options will appear under the File Menu in VB. [VBFlush] VBFlush 1.1 (Moccia, Lou A.; $4) automates the process of save/load/replace for VB projects. [VBPaths] VBPaths (Brown, Tim; $0) reads a MAK file and shows the path that each Project file is in. [VBLAUNC] VBLaunch (Simms, Jeff; $0) adds a Launch item to the VB menu bar in which it lists everything in Program Manager. This lets you access all the programs from PM without leaving VB. Whether you need this feature or not, the source code that is included has many interesting routines in it. [VBL_JF] VBLaunch (Freudenheim, J.; $0) keeps track of your projects (MAK files); lets you pick one from a list and launch VB. Source included. [VBMacro] VBMacro (Campbell, George; $0) is a group of macros for the Windows macro recorder that can save you a lot of keystrokes when writing code in VB. [VBPLUS] VBPlus ToolBar 1.0 adds over 30 shortcut keys to VB. They include: a project zipper, quick help access, full time resource and memory guages to monitor your work, a multi-file dialog, and more. [VBsave] VBsave (Lawrence, John A.; $0) automatically saves your work in VB after a specified number of minutes. A dialog box pops up to give you the option of saving or not. [VBTDISK1, VBTDISK2, VBTDISK3] VBToolBox Pro 3.0c (Jurcik, Hal; $55) automates the process of saving and running code in Visual Basic 2.0. Functions are also included for calling text files, Icon editors, add-on help files, or just about any program from within the VB editing environment. [VBTIPS] VB-Tips (Compiled by Ford, Nelson ASP; $0) is a large compilation of VB programming tips, routines and common questions and answers contributed by a number of VB experts. Source code for a viewing program is included for accessing the text file. [WIN_DLL@] WinDLL Fastrack (Wildcat Software; $?) is a tutorial/reference tool for accessing Windows calls. Subjects include Communications, System information, Windows Messaging, and INI files. Stand-alone example programs are provided to allow users to test individual Windows calls by supplying the parameters and evaluating the return values, and references are supplied in a Windows Help file. [MMSYS] Winmmsys.txt (Microsoft Corp.; $0) is a text file containing the Windows 3.1 Multimedia API Declarations. -----MISC [GPMVB1] GPMVB1 is source that shows how to use VB to create and edit a form-based document in Microsoft Word for Windows. [PGUIDE] PGuide is the source code for the sample routines in the VB Programmer's Guide. [VB_APPS] VB_APPS 1.0 (Resolutions Now; $33) contains a library of applications and add-on modules for Visual Basic. Programs include a log, multiple simultaneous timers, encryption front end, password protection, enhanced scroll bars, multiple file starter, and a font viewer. [VBXLDEM] VBXlDem is source code to show how to access an embedded chart in Excel and link it to a basic picture control. [CON_HLP] Consthlp.hlp (Buhrer, Richard; $0) is the CONSTANT.TXT file for VB/Win 2.0 edited into a Help file with hypertext links and key word searching. [KBWIN] KBWin is a list of articles in the CompuServe Knowledgebase about Visual Basic for Windows. [MSKB] MSKB is a list of the topics in the MS KnowledgeBase area of Compuserve. [PFIL_DM] Profile (Mosier, Dave; $0) makes the WIN Profile API's easier and safer to use. [Winstal] Winstall.Frm is source code for a program to find and run installation programs on program disks. -----DATABASE [Adr] Adr (Anderson, Tim; $0) contains code for a simple address book. It demonstrates how to access, update, and maintain a dBASE IV table, complete with a routine to "pack" the database. [BTCREAT] Btcreate (Highsmith, J.; $0) is sample source for the use of Btrieve Create in VB. Requires the Btrieve for Windows DLL. [BtrTest] BtrTest (Meyer, David; $0) is source code for a Btrieve for Windows sample program. [CallBT] CallBT (Kubelka, Bob; $0) contains a function which simplifies using Btrieve with Visual Basic. Requires Btrieve for Windows. [CHARLIE] Charlie (Monte Carlo Software; $10) allows you to manage the data-dictionary of an access database, as it's used by the engine delivered with VB 3.0. You can use this to create databases, compress, and repair them. You can delete/add/change tables, and query definitions/fields/indexes and relations between tables. You can also change the type and size of a field and print a professional overview of your DataDictionary. [DATATBL@] DataTable Custom Control 1.1 (Bebber, Douglas; $50) is a tool for building multi-user, network-compatible database management applications. It provides an easy-to-use interface to Borland's Paradox Engine. [DBDOC] DBDocumentor 1.1 (John L. Dilley; $6) prints formatted definitions of the tables in your Microsoft Access or VB3 databases. [DBPRN] Access Database Table Structure Printer (Charles Gallo; $0) is a sample access database browser. Prints only. Requires VB3. [FOXADR] FoxAdr (Tim Anderson; $0) is a simple address book that demonstrates how to access, update, and maintain FoxPro tables, complete with a routine to pack the database. Requires Visual Basic 3.0 and VBRUN300. [PDOXED] Paradox Engine Demo (Jaster, John) contains a DLL and source code for a simple demonstration of the Paradox engine. [PdxBro] PdxBro (Kesler, John; $0) is VB source code and the executable for a Paradox table browser. It requires the Paradox engine PXENGWIN.DLL. [PXCREAT] PXCreate (Nech, Jim; $0) provides a way to use the Paradox Engine to create Paradox tables in Visual Basic. Source Code is included, and VBRUN is required. [SQLQRY] SQL Query is an upgrade of the Query VB program in MS's VB SQL Server DLL kit (required to run this file). It improves the handling of returned rows. [SQLGrid] SQLGrid (Hyland, Bob; $0) shows how to use a GRID control with the VBQSL SQL Server (from Microsoft). [SubFrm] SubFrm (Courtesy User Friendly, Inc.; $0) is an example of using an array of data control to simulate the subform capability of Access in VB3. [VBDB] VBDB is a set of forms and code for a dBase engine. A lot of coding has gone into it. The sample application is about 85% complete; the engine is completely done. [VB_ISAM] VB_ISAM (Eibl, Gunter; $0) contains the source code for an ISAM-emulation, using the rules of Basic PDS 7.1. The emulation needs the Btrieve DLL. An an example is included to see how to use Btrieve from Visual Basic. [Vbmsdn] Vbmsdn contains a sample application of a custom database. The SQL statement is included. [VBPXENG] VB-Paradox Engine Interface (Dooley, Sharon F.; $0) is a set of declarations that create an interface to the Paradox Engine. It will translate between VB and Paradox data types. [VXBASE] vxBase 3.0 (Comsoft Inc.; $50) contains a DLL and sample files for creating dBASE compatible applications. Features include up to eight active browse windows, large indexing buffer, memo functions, multi-user options, and much more. [VXBASST] vxBase Assistant 1.0 (Tim Purcell; $15) - lists all commands and functions available in the vxBase DLL and will paste them into your application as you work. Requires VBRUN200 and vxBase. [DATAWORK] DataWorks is an xBase power user's tool to be used by developers building applications with VXBASE for Visual Basic. [WinBtrv] WinBtrv (Novell; $0) is a DLL to allow using Btrieve in VB applications. [XQLMVB] XQLM Declarations are the VB declarations for working with Novell XQL. [GENTYPE] Gentypes (VB3: Database; $0) contains source code for an application to generate TYPE definitions for all tables/querydefs. It will also list the structure of your.MDB file. -----SORTSRCH: sorting and searching routines [COMBSRT] Comb Sort (Dacon, Tom; $0) is a sort algorithm that is simpler than Quicksort while still nearly as fast. [SRCH_VB] Search contains source code and a sample application for quickly searching a list box. [VBSort] VBSort (Ford, Nelson; $0) is the code and a sample application for sorting both a List box and an array. Testing shows that it takes 8 times longer to sort a List box. -----INPUT: data entry routines [CfgText] CfgText (McClure, Jim; $0) is a set of routines for setting a Text box for maximum length of input, upper and lowercase translation, and password hiding. [EditDem] EditDem (Milligan, Keith; $0) is a set of data entry control routines for VB: date entry, price/quantity, currency, two and four decimal places, string to a specified length, uppercase text input, and others. [TXTYLE] Text Style (Irwin, Gregg; $0) shows how to change the style of Text boxes to allow only uppercase or only lowercase letters, to limit the number of characters, and to create a password entry box. [TXTFMT] TxtFmt controls text input formats. It formats numeric, dates, uppercase, length of input, literal constants, etc. [Vbcal] Vbcal (Mower, Chris; $0) is a calendar module for VB3. It provides a pop-up calendar for users to enter a date. [WEDL] Windows Enhanced Dialog Library (Smedley, Mike; $60) is an extensive DLL designed to make dialog box data entry much easier for both the programmer and the user. Features include formatted data entry, field validation, automatic updating of variables, numeric data entry, overtype mode, context-sensitive help, and much more. A demo executable is included. -----KYB_MOUS: keyboard, mouse, cursor and joystick routines [Curlib] Curlib (Fillion, Pierre; $15) is a DLL of 28 different cursors (many are animated) which you can use in your apps. Source showing all the APIs for accessing a cursor DLL is included. [CURSRPF] Cursor (Fillion, Pierre; $0) is source code to create a cursor in VB without a DLL. [CURSMAN] Cursor Manipulation (Fillion, Pierre; $0) is source code that shows how to make API calls to limit cursor movement to a specified area, to hide the cursor, to read the cursor position, and to move the cursor to a specified position. [HKEYVB] HotKey.DLL (Zuck, Jonathan; $0) is designed to provide hotkey support to Visual Basic, which is not directly supported in VB. [JOY_WIN] Joystick For Windows (Six, Raymond W.; $0) contains everything required to setup and test a game adaptor port as a Windows 3.1, multi-media joystick device. It includes a Windows joystick driver, Windows control panel applet for calibration, and a tool for examining/testing the joystick. [JOYSTAT] Joystats contains source code for a joystick status application. [JOYSTI] Joysti (Thomas, Zane and Intelligence Engineering; $0) contains source code and VBX file for reading a joystick from VB. It features modules to handle major functions and a simple game app to demonstrate use. This will work with VB3. [JSTICK] Joystick DLL (Dabel, Bret or Martin, Robert; $15) is a DLL to access the joystick settings for writing games using Visual Basic. It returns the x and y coordinates and button settings for either joystick 1 or 2. It can read the joystick settings by either the hardware or BIOS. A demo with source code is provided to show how to call the routine in the DLL. [KeyCode] KeyCode (Mosher, Sue; $0) displays the hex keycode for any key pressed. This is useful for any Windows programmer, but the included source code is VB. [NCalc] NCalc (Smaby, Marcus; $0) demonstrates the implementation of a common keyboard handler. [REGIONS] Regions detects when the user has clicked in a specified area. A demo app shows the API calls and sample code. -----PRINTING [CODEPRN] Code.Print 2.1 (Caladonia Systems, Inc. ASP; $35) lets you print your VB source code with a wide range of options, including titles, headers, footers, project name, font control, user-defined pagination, margins and line spacing. Other features include the ability to print entire applications or single modules or routines; to sort source code by subroutine; to serialize backups of source code files; to print an index of functions and subroutines; VB2 compatibility; and more. [Devtes] Devtes contains sample code to locate available devices and set the default printer in Visual Basic. [DRAWSCR] DrawScript Routines (McClure, Jim; $0) is a set of routines for previewing printer output on screen. [ENDPRN] Endprn is source code for a small utility for cancelling a print job. [FLTRTPW] Filter (Smith, Wilson; $0) is a DLL that can tell you if the default printer has changed. TPW source code for the DLL and sample VB code is included. [GSPRNTR] Gsprntr.dll (Hopkins, Geoff; $50) is a DLL to query and set the printer paper page orientation. [HPENV_S] HPEnv 2.0 (Himowitz, Michael J.; $0) is VB source for an application that prints envelopes in landscape mode without having to change printer setup. This is also on a Windows applications disk. [JUSTIFY2] Justify2 is a routine which can extract text from a Text Box and print it justified. [Pict_t] Pict_t (Santamarina, George F.; $0) demonstrates how to print bitmaps using Windows 3.1 Common Dialog routines. [PPORIEN] PPOrient (Poellinger, Paul; $0) is a DLL to find out and set the current printer orientation to Portrait or Landscape. [PPRTR] PPRTR 3.00 (Poellinger, Paul; $10) contains a DLL that allows you to get a list of available printers, change default printer, and get default printer and port. [PRINTCB] Print Clipboard (Barnett, Clifford P.; $0) contains source code and an executable for printing the contents of the Windows Clipboard. Text and graphic dumps are both supported. [PRNSTVB] Prnset is a DLL that allows changes to the default printer settings. [PROJPRN] Project Printer 2.1 (Holland, Sarah; $10) produces a nicely formatted listing of your VB file in Word for Windows, while also saving text/loading text for you. [PrSetup] PrSetup (Schwartz, Corey; $0) is a DLL and supporting code to add to your applications to allow the user to select printers, as well as to adjust printer setup and configuration. All C and VB source code is included. [PrtList] PrtList (Mattila, Jussi; $0) is a set of printer selection procedures for VB. [Psetup] Psetup revC (Kitsos, Costas; $0) is a DLL that lets you invoke the Windows standard Printer Setup Dialog. Sample source code is included. [PSOut] PSOut (Cramp, Stephen; $0) illustrates a method of printing bitmap files up to 32k in size. It has been tested on PostScript and HP LaserJet printers only. [PWrap] PWrap (Wagner, Richard; $0) is a routine for sending text to the printer with word wrap at word breaks, as delimited by spaces. [VB2Grid] VB2Grid contains a grid control print subroutine for VB 2.0 [VBB_DS] VBBook (Scott, Dennis; $0) is source code for an app that lets you print ASCII text files to an HPLJ printer in booklet format. [VBPDemo] VBPDemo (Obeda, Ed; $0) shows how to calculate the default printer's lines per page under the declared FONTNAME and FONTSIZE. It will also a allow the user to ABORT the print job, thereby flushing the printer buffer. [VBPRINT] VB Printer Control (Harrington, Dennis; $0) demonstrates how to put a laser printer into Landscape mode and how to select a paper bin without going through the Windows print manager. [VIEW_VB] Viewer for creating a screen preview of printed files with scroll bars. -----API: API Reference/Utils [APIFunc] APIFunc (Solutions by Smith; $15) is an API function database in Cardfile format. [APIHELP@] API_Helper 3.0 (Bostwick, Marshal; $0) displays the calls, constants, and Declares from the WIN31API.TXT in a set of List boxes. You can paste single of multiple lines into VB code windows. [APIXREF] APIXref is a Help file that cross-references the API calls listed in WINAPI.TXT, included on this disk. To use this file, while in VB, press F1 for Help, then Alt-F and O to open the file. [API_SPY] API Spy (Gamber, Mark; $20) displays functions and parameters of DLL calls. Results can be viewed or saved to disk. It also can force a debugger break and can find function addresses in the Windows API. [THC] Tom's Happy Constants (Bassal, Thomas; $0) helps you access API constants declarations in a fast and convenient way. You just have to highlight the constant name in the code window and press a hot key to load the corresponding Global Declaration into the clipboard. [VBAPI] VBAPI 0.2 (Pruitt, Steve; $0) contains text of the Microsoft WINAPI.TXT file in the Windows .HLP format. It includes additions and corrections as of March 9, 1992, and contains definitions of functions, constants, and data structure for use within Visual Basic. [WinAPI] WinAPI (Microsoft Corporation; $0) is a text file listing all the Windows 3 API declarations for VB. With these declarations in your VB code, you can perform many functions not otherwise available in VB. [WN31API] Win31API.TXT (Microsoft Corporation; $0) is a text file containing Windows 3.1 API declarations for VB. -----SOUNDS: PC speaker, WAV files, MIDI [AVIDemo] AVIDemo (Turpin, Jerry; $0) is VB source for an app that shows how to open and play AVI, WAV, MMM, and MID files. [DSound] DSound is a DLL that allows you to play sound files through a PC's speaker. A sample SND file and sample VB code are included. [MERGEWAV] MergeWav 1.01 (Unicom Aviation Systems; $25) contains a sample talking clock application to demonstrate how to merge .WAV files on the fly. It uses a VB routine which facilitates faster and smoother delivery of audio with immediate return to your program. Included comprehensive notes, sample audio files, and more. [MMPVB] MMPVB (Turpin, Jerry; $0) shows how to use the MultiMedia Extensions to play MID, WAV, and MMM files. [MSGMUS] Message Music (Zuck, Jonathan; $0) lets you add sounds to Message Boxes. There are different, "descriptive" sounds for Normal, Stop, Question, Exclamation, and Information boxes. [SHUFLER] Shuffler (Stine, Brian D.; $0) is VB source code for a utility to shuffle (randomize) sound files assigned to system events. Requires Win31 and the Professional Tool Kit for VB. [SNDDEMO] SoundDemo shows how to access the user-selected Windows system sounds and attach them to message box functions. [SNDPLAY] Sndply demonstrates use of sndPlaySound() in VB to play WAV files. [SounDLL] SounDLL (White, Bill; $0) is a sound driver (DLL) with VB source code to illustrate its use. TPW source code for the DLL is included. [VBMP] VB MIDI Piano 1.1 (Artic Software; $0) is a playable graphic MIDI piano. It shows how to send MIDI OUT data using Visual Basic. You can play the 3D piano keys with your mouse, control general MIDI patch changes, and control panning, volume and octaves. Requires VBRUN300. [VBMPU] VBMPU Demo contains an MPU-401 MIDI card demo and play-only source routines. Dynamic MIDI channel and velocity change are supported. [WINPLJZ] WinPlay (Zuck, Jonathan; $0) is a DLL that plays simple music files through the PC's speaker. Although this cannot compare to the music you can play through sound cards, it does offer some sound effects for machines without such cards. -----DDE [DDESHR] DDEShare (Software Assist Corporation; $0) is a VB implementation of the WFW DDEShare application. It provides an example of utilizing several of the API functions used in controlling the DDEShare database. [DDEUTIL] DDE Utility shows how to do DDE in a generic fashion. Lets you test which DDE commands will work with specific applications. Prompts for appname, pathname, topic, item, execute string, window mode and attempts to conduct the DDE link. Source code included. [DDE_VB] DDE_VB (Pleas, Keith R.; $0) contains source code for prototyping DDE strings and exploring DDE connections. [GMPVB2] GMPVB2 shows how to use DDE to get and manipulate data from Word for Windows. -----SAMP_APS: Sample Applications [APPSHEL] App Shell 1.0 (Presley, Jim; $0) is VB source code for a sample application that can be used as a starting point for file-oriented applications. The app includes forms for file open/save, printing, printer selection and setup (including a custom DLL with C source) and print canceling and a main form that ties everything together with pull-down menus and related code. [APTBOOK] Apptbook (Wisniewski, Gary; $?) contains a complete implementation designed to demonstrate drag-and-drop techniques, including cell-to-cell grid dropping and user-feedback issues. [BTNCLOC] Button Clock (Andy Klein; $0) contains source code and executable for a simple Windows time/date display clock. [ComServ] ComServ (Buck, Alan; $0) is the source code for a VB application for keeping track of Zip files. [GPIB] GPIB is a sample application that shows how VB can be used as a control and monitoring software. [LB_MSGS] List Box Messages (Hutmacher, Dave Th.; $0) is a sample app that demonstrates the use of SendMessage API commands lelated to List boxes. Source is included. [MANYTHN] Many Things (McLean, Bruce; $0) shows how to write a Windows 3.1 variable screen saver. [MEMWTCH] MemWatch (Warren, David; $0) displays available system memory as well as real-time changes in memory use. It also includes a graphical display of System, GDI, and User resource demand, and a count of the number of tasks running. [Metnom] Metnom (OsoSoft; $0) contains VB2 source code for a metronome. [SMALCAL] SmallCal (Meadows, Al; $0) is source for a sample application which illustrates how to generate a calendar for a user-specified month. [SYSCLOK] SysClock (Lamson, George; $0) is source code for an on-screen clock. It can optionally display the date and free system resources and can add the current time to the title bar of the active window. [TXTEDIT] Textedit (Huskins, Douglas A.; $0) is the VB source for a clone of Windows' Notepad. [VBADRES] VB Address Book (Burgess, Mark S.; $0) is a very nice little desktop address book. In addition to name and address fields, it provides entries for office, home, and fax numbers. It also allows you to quickly print out a single mailing label for the entry being viewed. VB source code is included, and VBRUN is required. [CALEND] VBCalendar 1.0 (Wessex Systems; 5 Pounds Sterling) is a handy pop-up calendar. This example requires VB3 DLL/VBX files to be present. [WALCHNG] Wallpaper Changer (Hitchings, Tim; $0) is the source for an app that changes wallpaper automatically at selected intervals. It also continuously displays time, free resources, free memory, and free disk space. -----FAX [SIMPLFX] SimplFAX (De Bruijn, Michiel; $0) is an example program for sending short FAX messages via Delrina's WinFax 3.0. It demonstrates how to get/set the Windows default printer, how to talk to the FAX software via DDE and how to start it. [TKOFAX@1, TKOFAX@2] TKofax Toolkit 1.0 (LCK Consulting; $20) simplifies communications with the Kofax image engine. It provides classes, a custom control, a VBX file, as well as sample programs to facilitate the development of applications that are image-enabled. This works transparently as a standard Windows control, such as the edit or listbox controls. It also adds several common dialogs that are needed for image manipulation. TIFF, IMG, PCX and EMS graphic formats are supported. -----GAMES [QCard] QCard ($0) is a DLL for creating card games in Visual Basic or C/C++. It includes two decks of cards and six cardback designs which you can draw, deal and drag around. About 40 card game specific functions are provided. These functions allow you to track card positions, drag single cards and drag blocks of cards. [VBCards] VBCards 1.01P (Sands, Richard R.; $0) is a card-deck DLL for writers of card games for Windows. It contains 52 cards, a Joker, seven card back designs, two indicator cards, some support routines, and a short sample program. Although the sample code is in Visual Basic, the DLL should be usable with other languages. -----NUMERIC [BASECN] BaseCnv (Lyle Lensen; $0) is a routine for doing number base conversions. [BINVBX] Binvbx (Garry J. Vass; $0) is a VBX control that implements the Binomial (Cox-Ross-Rubenstein) Method for the valuation of equity options. Requires VB3. [CFixVB] CFixVB (Mack, Jim; $0) is a routine to round Currency variables at a given number of decimal places. ASM and OBJ files and sample code included. [COERCE] Coerce is a routine to force Currency variable amounts to 0, 1, 2, or 3 decimal digits of accuracy. [Numbers] Numbers (Computing, Marquis; $0) is a set of routines to emulate binary coded decimal and IEEE string/numeric conversion functions (MKI$, etc.) found in QB and PDS but not in VB. -----MENU: menu-bar related items [Clacker] Clacker (Weimar Software; $9) is a VB custom control that allows you to add a dynamic menu help status bar to your VB app. [FixMenu] FixMenu (Young, Ted M.; $0) is code that shows how to get/change properties of menu items. [Flyout] Flyout (Koch, Peter; $0) shows how to create a flyout menuing system in VB2. [MENUON] MenuOn shows how to disable and then enable the entire Menu Bar of a Form quickly and without flicker. -----INI_FILE: INI file related items [INIMOD] Ini_Mod1 (Berry, Forrest; $0) is a VB module to create, read and update private INI files. You only need to add it to your project and call it. Sample code is inlcuded. [Ini_Art] Ini_Art (Jones, Tim; $0) is a tutorial on writing and using INI profile files. Source code examples are included. [IniCon] IniCon 2.0 (Shields, James; $5) is a custom control to help deal with INI files. It will handle Windows API calls, and comes with a Windows Help file. [INI_VBX] Ini.vbx (Dexter, Walter F.; $0) is a custom control for writing to and reading from .INI files. [Minifile] Minifile.BAS is a VB module that simplifies the use of INI files. [PFILEVB] Profile.BAS (Vance, Rob; $0) is VB code (API calls) that makes it easy to store program data in WIN.INI. -----ARRAYS [Huge_MC] Huge_MC (Marquis Computing; $0) is the VB Source code to a huge array manager for Windows 3.1. You can create huge arrays of up to 16MB on 386 and 1 MB on 286. [HUGEARR] HUGEARR.DLL (Schmidt, Stephen; $0) is a DLL which contains functions for creation, maintenance, and deletion of arrays larger than 64K, with more than 32k elements per dimension. It also lets you copy contiguous elements from a Huge Array into a specified part of a VB array and vice-versa. C source for the DLL is included. [VBArray] VBArray (Kitsos, Costas) shows how to load/save an array of up to 64k in a single operation. [VQSTRNG] VqStrings allows huge variable and fixed length strings for Visual Basic. VStrings delivers fast access and return error codes compatible with Visual Basic's 'On Error GoTo'. -----COMPRESS: file compression, archiving [PACK_VB] Packit (Taylor, Ian; $0) contains a DLL that will compress/decompress files using Lempel-Ziv compression modified by adaptive Huffman coding. [VBCmp] VBCmp 1.00 (Hein, Scott J.; $0) is a Windows shell for COMPRESS.EXE. [ZIPREAD] ZipRead is source code for reading the contents of ZIP files. -----INSTALL: installation routines, programs [NEWSET] NewSet is an updated version of the Visual Basic 2.0 Setup Toolkit SETUP.EXE file. A text file describing the problems that it fixes is included. [SETUP] Setup contains revision 1.00.002 of SETUP.EXE for the Setup Toolkit in Microsoft Visual Basic for Windows 3.0. [SETUP3] Setup 3.0 (Chapman, Mike; $0) is an enhanced version of the installation utility provided in VB. Features include a customizable setup dialogue box title/message, unlimited number of pre-installation files, notifies user if there is not enough hard disk space to install files, detailed help file, and more. [SETUPW] Setupwiz contains revision 1.00.544 of SETUPWIZ.EXE for Visual Basic 3.0. [VBInst] VBInst 1.4 (Kallonen, Jari; $0) is the source code for a VB app to install a program from a floppy to a specified subdirectory. It can also create a Program Manager group.