Public (software) Library Copyright 1993 Nelson Ford, PsL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Pascal For Windows [AFTRDRK] AfterDark SDK 1.01p (Sands, Richard R.; $0) is a development kit for writing modules for the After Dark Screen Saver. [Ansioem] Ansioem (Robert Digsby; $0) displays the ANSI and OEM character set. It allows you to click on a character to find out what it would be converted to if it were passed through AnsiToOem or OemToAnsi. C Source code is included. [BEEPR] Beeper is TPW code that demonstrates the use of a timer call-back function rather than the timer event message. It shows the use of export, MakeProcInstance, and more. [BITMBTN] Bitmap Buttons (Thomas, Daniel; $0) is a pair of Button objects that lets you create bitmap buttons. [BITVIEW] BitView is TPW source for a bitmap viewer within an MDI framework. It supports 256 colors and compressed files. [Blaise] Blaise (Warren, Robert J.; $0) is a screen saver module for TPW. It hooks into the screensaver of the desktop portion of the control panel. [BMHELP] Bmhelp contains code for displaying a bitmap from a resource file. [BOUNCE] Bounce is source for a bouncing ball graphics demo. [Center] Center (Thomas, Daniel; $0) is a procedure which will center a Popup window in its parent's window. [CLRCMBO] ClrCmbo is a TPW unit for a color selection combo box with colors, not names. [CLOVER] Clover is source code for a graphics display. [CONCEN] Concentration (Rubenking, Neil J.; $0) is the source and resource for a Concentration type game. Demonstrates owner-draw buttons, modifying system menu, making window size exactly match contents, etc. [CCONTRL] Custom Control Library (Vitabile, Anthony M.; $0) is the source code for a custom control library for Resource Workshop. Included is a Percent Completed custom control. [CTL3D_P] CTL3D.PAS (Hamer-Moss, Steve; $0) contains a BP7 interface unit for Microsoft's CTL3D.DLL. It allows BP7 apps to use Microsoft-style 3D dialogs (as in Access, Excel 4.0, etc.) under Windows 3.0 and 3.1. [DYNST] DYNST (Campbell, Tom; $0) is a TP unit for the creation and use of dynamically allocated string arrays on the heap and handling all memory management transparently. The file DEMO.PAS contains an interactive demonstration showing you the allocation, use, and disposition of a dynamic string array. [EMPTYDL] EmptyDLG (Rubenking, Neil J.; $0) is an application template that demonstrates using a dialog window as a main window in a TPW program. [FileCopy] FileCopy.PAS 1.2 (Allard, Adam A.; $0) is source for a fast file copy utility. [FCSRC] File Clerk Source (Peoples, David; $0) is the source code for File Clerk, a file selector and application launcher. [FILEDLL] File Dialog (Gallo, Guy; $0) is a DLL for a file dialog box that can be called from TPW or from Word for Windows. [FONTLST] Fontlist is full source code and resource file for a font listing utility. [FMU] Font Manipulation Utility (Smith, Mark; $0) is a dialog box that allows the user to try out different screen fonts. [Infowdw] Infowdw.PAS is an example of a modeless window that can be used to display status information about a program as it is running. [Janus] Janus (Sawatzki, Peter; $0) let you create dialogs as MDI child windows, create BorDlgs from standard resource, standard dialogs from BorDlg resources, and support foreign language BorButtons. [Lststr] Lststr 1.0 (Rosenberger, Rob ASP; $0) helps document string resources. [MBUTILS] Message Box Utilities 1.0 (Salesas, Robert; $0) makes it easier to write small programs that require little output or input. It is based around the Windows messagebox and provides routines to do MBWriteStr, MBWriteBuf, MBWriteLn, MBClear and MBShowWindow. Source code included. [PNT_BMP] PaintBMP is a unit that lets you create a pop-up window with caption and paint it with a bitmap. Source code and test code are included. [Rattle] Rattle 1.01 (Boyd, Craig; $10) contains code for allocating and deallocating blocks of memory in a random fashion. [Ribbon] Ribbon (Thorpe, Danny; $0) shows how to set up a non-MDI child window in an MDI window. [TIMICON] Time Watch Icon (Mackey, Jack C.; $0) illustrates how to make an updateable icon. [TPWGray] TPWGray (Overmyer, Doug; $0) is TPW code showing how to create a dithered gray scale. [Vtest] Vtest (Mark Elder; $0) is Pascal source code for a simple test program which shows how to get mmsystem to play Video-for-Windows. [WinVer] WinVer 1.0 (Kitsos, Costas; $0) stamps Windows EXE's or DLL's with the required Windows version. TPW source code is included. [DIB] DIB (Smith, Ralph; $0) contains three example TPW programs illustrating the use of device independent bitmaps. One program is for 16-colors, and two are for 256-colors. Source code is included. [DDEConv] DDEConv (Schmid, Klemens; $0) implements a DDE conversation with any DDE client like Excel, WinWord, ProgMan etc. [Dndlb] Dndlb (Hayes, Ian; $0) contains a unit for a Drag'n Drop listbox. [Ezdpmi] Ezdpmi (Bucknall, Julian M.; $0) is a unit that encapsulates all the common DPMI requirements for protected mode and Windows programs. You can allocate/deallocate DOS memory with pointers, call a real mode interrupt, map a protected mode pointer onto real mode memory, and more. [Encrypt] Encrypt (Keul, Manfred; $0) encrypts a string using the same method as Windows' ScreenSaver. [Ezdpmi] Ezdpmi (Bucknall, Julian M.; $0) is a unit that encapsulates all the common DPMI requirements for protected mode and Windows programs. You can allocate/deallocate DOS memory with pointers, call a real mode interrupt, map a protected mode pointer onto real mode memory, and more. [HEAPAUD] Heap Auditor 1.0 (Overmeyer, Doug; $0) helps diagnose memory leaks from orphaned objects in the GDI local segments. Source code is included. [MkFmx] MkFmx (Cariotoglou, Mike; $0) contains source code and a DLL for a utility to test the File manager extensions. [MSortP] MSortP (Kokkonen, Kim; $0) is a unit for sorting items in real or protected mode applications. It supports TPW or BP7 for DOS real mode, DOS protected mode, or Windows targets. It takes advantage of all extended memory in protected mode and performs a disk based merge sort if it runs out of memory. [PCCLDLL] Percent Complete DLL (Vitabile, Anthony M.; $0) is the source for a percent-complete custom control. [Playmid] Playmid (Cribbs, Derek; $0) contains a unit with BP7 source to play MIDI files in WIN31. This is similar to SndPlaySound but for MIDI files. [RunDlg] RunDlg (Beck, Randolph; $0) provides a dialog box where the modal loop is inside-out so that a program can be interrupted while performing long tasks such as printing reports. [Scrgo] Scrgo# shows how to instantly start the WIN31 screen saver and how to install a wh_Mouse Windows hook. [SSAVETP] Ssave.dll lets you access the screen saver password function. [STATDMO] StatDemo is source and sample code for a status bar. [STAT_AC] Status (Carney, Adam; $0) is code for a modeless status box. [Strmsgs] Strmsgs (Nielsen, Ravi; $0) displays a messagebox with both program-supplied and string resource text. [TI2000] TI2000 is a routine for pausing your app while you execute another . [UGLBEDT] UGlbEdit (Taylor, Mike; $0) is a TEdit variant that uses the global heap, allowing the full 32k to be used. [TPWINDR] WinDir (Shaw, Donald E.; $0) contains source code and an executable for producing a directory listing in Windows. Directories can be sorted by name, extension, size, or time/date. [Xini] Xini (Maischein, Max; $0) source for accessing INI files. [FrameOH] FrameOH (Hess, Olaf; $0) allows dialog boxes with the Borland chiselled steel look without having to use BWCC. It also implements recessed/raised frames. [ITSYBIT] ItsyBit lets you create windows with small horiztonal or vertical captions. [MSCROL] Mscrol contains Pascal unit for implementing a micro scrollbar. [Ownrdr] Ownrdr (Snoddy, Todd T.) includes objects that allow you to use BWCC style bitmapped buttons in your own programs without the BWCC. DLL. [ALRMTPW] Alarm (XIAN Corporation; $0) contains source code and an executable for a Windows alarm application. You can set the date and time, and a message box pops up with any text you have entered. [APIDLL] APIDLL.PAS shows how to launch windows and dialogs from inside a DLL without the aid of OWL. [COMDLG7] COMDLG7 (Aez, Juancarlos; $0) contains several units for a BP7 object shell around the Common Dialog API. Code is included to show how to use BWCC with common dialogs and how to add your own controls to them. A WIN31 printer object is also included. [Dlghlp] Dlghlp (Ritchey, Pat and Denzlein, Michael; $0) allows you to use the F1 key to call WINHELP. It uses a filter function to get the F1 key in a dialog and sends a message to the dialog window function. [F1Help] F1Help (Ritchey, Pat and Steketee, Scott; $0) contains an example for implementing F1 help for both menus and dialog boxes using a Windows hook procedure. Menu help allows the user to press F1 while highlighting any menu item, and to receive context-sensitive help on that item. [MODAL] Modal Windows contains a unit implementing modal windows which can behave completely like a dialog box but needs no dialog resources. [MSVID] Msvid contains an interface unit for Microsoft Video for Windows. [OPENFI] Openfi contains source code and an executable that demonstrates how to use the File Open common dialog as a main window. It also demonstrates common dialog hook procedures, alternate templates, and adding an icon to a minimized dialog. [Patchmb] Patchmb (Hess, Olaf; $0) is a small program and DLL that show how to patch calls to functions in Windows-DLLs. [PLAYER] Player (Calvert, Charles; $0) contains source code demonstrating how to use the multimedia extensions to Windows. The code uses the MCI interface to play MIDI, WAV, and CD-ROM. A batch file is included to compile an executable and three DLLs. The DLLs contain the multimedia functionality and the executable represents an object oriented interface. [SSAVWIN] SSaveWin (Keul, Manfred; $0) demonstrates how to write password protected Screen Savers for Windows 3.1 using Borland Pascal. Screen Savers can be installed via control panel. It uses password-protection that is compatible with Microsoft's algorithm. Full source code, including some simple animation examples is provided. [Stadll] Stadll (Plett, Bradley; $0) contains a DLL which displays a % complete status box. It also allows the user to cancel a task. The status box is done using a modeless dialog box. [VMODE13] VMODE$13.PAS (Hess, Olaf; $0) is source code for changing to a different video mode under Windows using two undocumented functions. [PPFont] PPFont (Poellinger, Paul F.; $10) is a DLL providing higher-level language access to NEWLOGFONT and NEWTEXTMETRIC (logical and physical) information about available fonts via EnumFontFamilies. [SJLKBD] On Screen Keyboard (Leonard, Steve; $0) is source code that draws an on screen keyboard that lets you type with the mouse, then send the text to another application that is waiting for text. It will not work unless you come directly from the other app., where you were positioned in an input dialog box. [WinPCX] WinPCX (Rafn, Mark D.; $0) contains source code and an executable for a PCX file decoder. [Bezier] Bezier 1.0 (Overmyer, Doug; $0) demonstrates how to approximate Bezier curves and produce a rubberbanding Bezier tool for drawing on the screen. [Cdfile] Cdfile contains files that allow access to the CD-ROM Extension. [EDI_THD] EDI Threads for Windows 1.0 (Eschalon Development Inc.; $95) is a complete multi-threading library for Windows. It lets you easily create applications that use background printing, complex redrawing, repagination, serial port polling, text searches and more. [Frame3] Frame3 (Hess, Olaf; $0) contains an OWL object to create dialogs that have the Borland chiselled steel look without using BWCC. It also shows how to customize a COMMDLG dialog using a hook function. [HelpBMP] HelpBMP (Smith, Matthew T.; $0) is a text file with helpful hints for placing BMPs in WinHelp RTF/HLP files. [Mfloat] Mfloat.PAS (Thornton, Chris & Rubenking, Neil; $0) is a routine for forcing a window to stay on top of other windows on the Windows 3 desktop. [MODIALG] Modeless Dialog (Vitabile, Anthony M.; $0) contains a unit for using modeless dialogs as MDI child windows. Also Source and sample code are included. [Modem] Modem (Borland International; $0) contains an example that shows how to use MS-Windows communication API functions. An executable program is included that will dial out and allows you to configure baud rate. Full source code is provided. [NoteBox] NoteBox (CGSoft; $0) is a function similar to a messagebox except that it disappears after a specified number of seconds if no user input is received. [OGLREF] OGLRef is a reference for all objects and methods found within the WhiteWater Group's ObjectGraphics TPW library. It is formatted for printing for a hardcopy reference. [OWL_CC] OWL Custom Controls (Baker, Shawn Aubrey; $0;) contains a base custom control object, a base custom control button object, a bitmap button object and a sample code. [OWNERD] Owner-Draw List Box (Perkins, Rex K.; $0) contains example code of an Owner-Draw list box. It shows how they can be used to display graphics as well as text. [Paper] Paper (Smith, Ralph; $0) is source code that shows how to load wallpaper and to adjust the palette. [RealIn] RealIn (Perkins, Rex K.; $0) is a unit for calling a real mode interrupt from protected mode. [Realm] Realm (Perkins, Rex K.; $0) shows how to use the DPMI to access the first meg of physical memory in Windows Real mode. Also included is an example that displays the base addresses of the COM and LPT ports. [SSWITCH] Screen Saver Switch (Rochester, Peter Franchuk; $0) is the commented source for a utility to disable/enable the Win31 screen saver. [Splash] Splash (Hanrahan, Scott; $0) is a unit that adds a 2- or 16-color bitmap splashscreen to TPW programs. Source and sample files are included. [STOPLIT] Stoplite (Boyd, Craig; $0) demonstrates how to create an animated traffic light icon. [StrParse] StrParse (Cooper, John; $0) is a TP unit for parsing strings into tokens for easier manipulation. It is an adaptation of the C function StrTok. [ToolBox] ToolBox (Radecki, David; $0) is a unit that builds a toolbox similar to the one in the Resource Workshop Dialog Editor. [TPW_MM] TPW-MM (Milton, Steve; $0) contains several units for accessing the new functions and structures in Microsoft's Multimedia Extensions. [TPWSpy] TPWSpy (Boyd, Craig; $0) spies on all the windows that are currently open in your Windows session, and displays a window containing all the information it can find out about those windows. TPW source code is included. [VBSNdex] VBSNdex (Zuck, Jonathan; $0) is an example for TPW programmers on how to create a string function in a DLL. TP source code included. [WinPlay] WinPlay (Gibson, Don Phillip; $0) is a TPW unit for playing music in your programs similar to the Play command in BASIC. Sample music is included. [WINPRIN] WinPrint 1.0 (Bayliss, Paul; $0) is a unit to change and setup a windows printer and produce output. [WinRezU] WinRezU (Daunt, Brendan; $0) makes Turbo Vision resource files available to TPW programs. Any type of object can be stored on stream and referenced using character strings. [MWCC03] MWCC Object Library 1.03 (Microworks; $0) provides a comprehensive set of 3-dimensional windows, dialogs and custom controls to use in application development. You can easily implement an enhanced Borland look, an enhanced Microsoft 3D look, or use the library's own custom 3D style. Example code for several applications is included. Requires PKUNZIP (on #1705) to extract files. [TPW2VB] TPW2VB 3.0 (Liddicoet, Brett; $20) lets you write VB custom controls in TPW instead of C by providing access to the VB API via a DLL. [TPWmisc] TPWmisc (Willer, Steve; $0) contains source code and executables for several useful utilities. Included are applications for monitoring free resources, memory, and disk space. Others include a FRAMES unit that draws various types of 3-D boxes, and a TWindow descendant that couples Borland's look with the NDW percentage bar.