Public (software) Library Copyright 1993 Nelson Ford, PsL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED C Routines & Tools [3D_DLL] Three_d.dll (Donahue, Ray; $20-$50) is a DLL for making a Windows 3.0 dialog box appear to have a 3-dimensional look. Boxes can be recessed, extruding, or shadowed. C source code and EXE files for a demo program are included. Support is provided for EGA, VGA, and above. [APPMAK] AppMaker 1.0 (Mark Szamrej; $0) creates a skeleton for a Windows based application which is compatible with Visual C++ and MFC 2.0. CTL3D.DLL included. [CDK_VB] CDK-VB (Langley, Brent K.; $0) contains information about creating custom controls for VB with C++. [CENVIW] CEnvi for Windows (Nombas; $38) is a C interpreter that doubles as a Windows batch language. Several CEnvi programs are included, demonstrating such tasks as spawning processes, calling Windows DLLs, positioning windows, and automating messages to Windows processes. [CLIKBAR@] ClickBar 1.0 (WynApse SoftWare; $36) is a DLL that provides Windows software developers a robust 3D button interface. It allows you to produce commercial quality menubars, with 144 3-dimensional buttons to choose from. Other features include seamless integration with Borland's Resource Workshop, example source code, and more. [Dib] Dib (Reilly, Patrick; $0) is a pair of functions for manipulating a DIB bitmap. [DIRPKR] Dirpkr shows how to derive a class from CFileDialog and use a custom template. The dialog is a directory picker dialog, that allows the user to browse his drive(s) and pick a directory. [DOSWin] DOSWin is sample code to restrict puts()-printf() output to a window in Windows 3. It also allows restricting some DOS programs output to a window. [FixDS] FixDS 2.0 (Geary, Michael; $0) is a C routine that eliminates need for EXPORTS and MakeProcInstance() in Windows applications; prevents bugs caused by omitting EXPORTS or MakeProcInstance(); and allows Windows applications to export functions that will be called directly from a dynamic link library. [IXFWIN] IXFWIN 1.1 (Orange Software; $88) turns C or C++ code into a cross referencing database. It lets you interactively search and browse through programs. This can help programmers better understand their source code and enable them to reuse their software. [Journal] Journal (Fogelin, Eric; $0) is a dynamic Link library demonstrating Windows 2.0 Journal Hooks. [Mail_OM] Mail_OM (Oregon Professional Microsystems, Inc.; $0) is the Microsoft C source code for a mailing list application for MS Windows. [NewSpy] NewSpy 1.0 (Feinleib, David A.; $25) is an improved version of the Spy program that is included in the SDK. [REGEXP] Regular Expression DLL (Windfall Software Systems; $10) contains a dynamic link library compatible with Microsoft Windows. The library performs regular expression searches and a number of supporting operations. [ROWCOL] ROWCOL (Howard Silver; $0) creates a MDI text editor for use with Visual C++. [STSBARC] Status Bar Control 1.2.0 (Krikorian, Jean-Marc; $0) is a DLL and associated files for displaying a Status Bar in Windows apps. A sample app and all source code are included. [VCSLID] Slider Control (Northeast Data Corp.; $?) is a DLL control that appears as a slider similar to those used on audio/video equipment such as stereos, tuners, and amplifiers. For C++. [WCE] Windows C Editor 2.0 (DeCillis, Tom; $35) is a programming shell. It features a logical toolbar and click SAA/CUA compliant interface that lets you edit, run, and compile all the necessary parts of a Windows application using the Microsoft Windows SDK. [WINCLAS] WinClass (Pittelkow, Michael; $0) is a C++ class library for Windows 3. [WINET] WINET (Booth, Duncan; $0) is an execution profiler for Windows applications. C source code is included. [WINBGN] WinBegin 3.0 (Crayne, Susan; $35) is a development tool for creating very simple C programs which run under Windows 3.0. It is intended for the beginning programmer. [WIN_CLP] Winclip (Schulman, Andrew; $0) contains source code showing how DOS programs can use INT 2Fh services to access the Windows clipboard (in enhanced mode only). [DIALOG] WinDialog (Cordts, Soenke; $45) is a simple way for programmers to create dialog boxes. These dialogs can be implemented into programs using the Application Program Interface that is included, or C source code can be generated. Features include animation, animated buttons, sound for buttons, and more.