Public (software) Library Programming Library Descriptions and Compilation Copyright 1993 Nelson Ford Duplication, reprinting and distribution of these descriptions is restricted. See LICENSE.DOC in the PSL_NEWS directory for complete information =====C Programming, part 3 CONTENTS: -----GEN_LIB: General, multi-purpose libraries and routines -----GRAPHICS: graphics routines -----VIDEO: screen control, windowing, program screens, etc. -----DAT_TIME: date & time routines: -----SEARCH: search routines for C -----GAMES: game related routines for C -----INDEXING: indexing routines for C -----SPELL_CK: spell checking -----COMMUNIC: communications routines for C -----TURBO_C: stuff specifically for Turbo C -----TV_FOR_C: stuff for TurboVision for C++ =========================================================== -----GEN_LIB: General, multi-purpose libraries and routines [JHTOOLS] JH'S C Power Tools (Hoffman, Jon; $40) contains a menu and windowing library, mouse interface library, and utility functions library. It also includes graphic cursor shapes for the mouse, keyboard scan codes, examples of menu structures, and more. [PWRCLIB] Power C Functions Library 6 (Steenburgh, Chuck; $0) is a set of C functions for things such as color screen output, text handling, character conversion, EGA/VGA screen functions, music, and more. [TCCLIB] TCCLIB 2.0 (Collins, Chris; $0) is a C library containing of 130 different routines, source code is included. [XMMLRG] XMM Large Model Library for C is a large model port of the Microsoft XMM.ASM library routines for C. A simple handler for storing records in XMM memory is included. [MOVETO] MoveTo (Bender, A. L., M. D.; $0) is an assembler routine that improves on memcpy/strncpy. It adds a fourth parameter which lets you stop the copying process. [STRUCTS] Structs (Giannini, Mario; $0) includes the the C source code which demonstrates the use of arrays of structures for such tasks as screen painting, field definition, and data file searching. [TMULTBOX] TMultiple Box (Ogrinz, Michael; $0) is source for a multi-selection TListBox. [NEWMAT] NewMat (Davies, R.B. and DSIR; $0) contains classes and functions for manipulating matrices. [MULTI_C] Multi-App Core 1.0.1 (MicroGenesis Software; $75) is a set of platform independent classes that will form the core system of any application. It includes classes for communication, file I/O, timing, dynamic data structures, and other functions. [C_ALGORI] C Language Algorithms (Tal, John; $0) is a collection of "classic" C algorithms, including link lists, binary trees, stacks, fifo queues, heaps (priority queues), (shell) sort, file merging, multi-tasking and processing scheduling, virtual memory management, file-based process communication, graph/network job management, and data encryption. All C and C++ source is included. [CTOOLBOX] C Toolbox (Miller, David A.; $30) is a library of functions in the following areas: general video, including windows and fast writing; graphics, including several normal and rotated fonts; sound, including background sound; printer control; mouse control; joystick control and other general functions. [WLIB] C++ Wheaton Libraries (Wheaton, Paul; $0) is a C++ library for developing faster, smaller programs in less time. It includes classes for strings, files, linked lists, vectors (dynamic arrays) and more. [TCXL] TCXL (Innovative Data Concepts ASP; $53) incorporates over 375 multipurpose functions. Features include critical error handlers; macro-string capability to key-bindings; national-language support; nested entry forms; the ability to browse through data with the entry system; support for TopSpeed C/C++, a true floating-point decimal, and MASM 6.0 support. [FLASHPC@] FlashPac C Library 3.61 (SimpleSoft, Inc. ASP; $0-$55) is a set of low level routines for Turbo C that access the video display, keyboard, printer, disk, and mouse devices. [SCL1] SCL1 (Alvira, Jose Rodriguez & Lebron, Jose R.; $25) is a library of over 200 functions for the Microsoft and Borland C compilers. Extensive screen and mouse handling functions are provided that are not found in the standard library. Other functions include background functions, keyboard related functions, file related functions, sound and time related functions, video related functions and Dialog functions. Also included a quick library, example programs, a demonstration program, and a demo of a screen editor/program generator that has been developed to aid using the library. SCL1 supports CGA 40 columns mode as well as EGA 43 lines and VGA 50 lines video modes. Video-pages and Double click are supported. You can also modify the mouse cursor appearance. Other features include Extended and Expanded memory support, support for the Turbo C compiler, and keyboard macros. These files unarchive to over 1 meg of disk space. [SNIPPET@] Snippets (Stout, Bob; $0) is a collection of various C routines. This collection includes macros for ANSI.SYS, macros for direct video work, multiple printer support, BASIC-like string functions, cursor management/manipulation, DES encryption/decryption, joystick functions, mouse functions, sound and timing functions, comment extractor, file search functions, FOSSIL access functions, PRINT.COM interface functions, memory allocation strategy functions, word wrapping functions, absolute sector read/write functions, mouse functions, DOS utilities and much more. [SLTC] Steve's Library for Turbo-C (Margison, Steve E., ASP; $28) has over 100 functions for use with Borland's Turbo-C. [STDLIB1@, STDLIB2@] UCR Standard Library (Hyde, Randall and others; $0) is a library of C-like functions in assembly source code form. [MFL_MS] MicroFirm Function Library - MS (Stout, Robert B.; $28) is a library for use with Microsoft C 5.1 or Quick C 2.0x. The features include an advanced stream I/O with installable stream filters, data encryption and compression, comprehensive direct video package, ANSI Superset Locale and Strftime functions, microsecond resolution timing, filename parsing and normalization, Julian dates, volume label manipulation, push/pop directories, open/read/close directories, file truncation and copying, serial I/O and printer support, sound and gameport support, CTRL-Break handler, basic-like string functions, and ANSI.SYS detect. [MFLZT] MicroFirm Function Library - ZT (Stout, Robert B.; $28) is a C Programming Library for use with Zortech C/C++. The features include: an advanced stream I/O with installable stream filters, data encryption and compression, MSC/TC compatibility functions, ANSI Superset Locale and Strftime functions, microsecond resolution timing, filename parsing and normalization, Julian dates, volume label manipulation, push/pop directories, open/read/close directories, file truncation and copying, serial I/O and printer support, sound and gameport support, CTRL-Break handler, basic-like string functions, and ANSI.SYS detect. This library used to be Steve's Library for Zortech C, but was acquired and enhanced by Stout. -----GRAPHICS: graphics routines [BARS] Bar Graphs (Smith, Dave; $0) is C source for a utility to draw a bar graph. In this app, the number of files of each filename extension is graphed. [EGAPal] EGAPal 1.0 (Young, Scott; $20) allows you to create pictures and animated characters to be included in Turbo C programs using the EGA 640x350x16 video mode. The images are encoded into a header file to be placed at the start of the program or saved to an image file which is read from the disk at the time of display. [3DSHADE] 3DShade is C code (and the executable) to plot z = f(x,y) in three dimensions using shaded graphics. VGA required. [ARTOOL] ARTool 1.4 (Intrinsic Computer Systems; $15) is a graphics editor that will generate TurboC or BorlandC source code for pictures you build using a full screen graphics editor. You can build quite complex graphic pictures using graphic primitives such as circles, lines or polygons. It generates code that can be used in your own applications to produce sophisticated graphic designs, logos, games, and more. Requries EGA/VGA, a mouse, and a hard disk or high density floppy. [GUI_LIB] GUI Library 1.0a (Ludicrous Data; $25) is a graphic interface library for Borland C++ and Turbo C++. You can create graphic based applications featuring push buttons, icons, animated icons, string input, pulldown menus, and more. [MIKE_GGR] Mike's Game Graphic Routines 2.0 (Cantelmi, Michael; $15) is a set of fast library routines for Microsoft C and Quick C. These routines are for screens of any size and number in the 320x200x256 mode. Features include sprites that do not require a separate bit mask and support for joystick, mouse, expanded memory and for loading PCX files. Demos with commented source code are included. [MPlus] MPlus (Yam, Michael; $10-$50) is a graphic interface library for C programs. Built upon Graphics, a library supplied with Microsoft C 5.x, MPlus provides tools to build a graphical user interface: windows, dialog boxes, bar menus, and mouse support. The menu system will support up to five levels of submenus. Wordwrap and text scrolling are supported, as well as hot keys and "checkmarks". You can enable/ disable menu attributes, and a function is included to indicate free memory. [VSA256] VSA256 Graphics Library 1.1b (Spyro Gumas; $20) contains C routines which supply 256 color capabilities in all VESA resolutions including 1024x768 and 1280x1024. Demo, source, and VESA BIOS TSRs are included. This library can be used with TIFF256 Graphics Library Extensions (#4574, below). [TIFF256] TIFF256 Graphics Library Extensions 1.1b (Spyro Gumas; $20) is a library of C routines to read and display TIFF graphics. This library supports 256 color video modes defined within the VESA standard. Microsoft C and Borland C are supported. TIFF file analyzer, demo, and source code are included. -----VIDEO: screen control, windowing, program screens, etc. [BOXDRAW] BoxDraw (Mulroy, Edward; $0) is the source for a box-drawing function. [CPRN_RG] CPrint (Gerharz, Reinhold J.; $0) is a set of object files which perform high-speed writing directly to the display using printf-type calls. [DBLMON] Dblmon (Holbrook, Mark R.; $0) is a routine that lets you output to a monochrome monitor as a secondary monitor. [FRAMES] Frames (Huff, Howard; $0) is a set of frame building tools with 35 fifferent frames designed for ease in putting different style frames in your C programs. [INTENSE] Intense (Gee, Ron; $0) code showing how to have any of up to 16 different background colors, instead of the usual 8. [LINEDRW] LineDraw (Raeburn, Steve; $0) is a header file that makes it easy to draw lines, boxes, and borders in text screens. Demo program and source included. [MAXLINE] MaxLines (Arneson, Eric E.; $0) is C source to switch the text mode to the maximum number of lines allowed on the present video adapter (43 lines on EGA, 50 on VGA). The file 25.C contains code to switch back to 25 lines. [MDA_SPY] MDA_Spy (Lapaille, Eric; $0) contains C routines for writing to a second (MDA) monitor. Routines include clearing the MDA screen, displaying a string at a specified location, and displaying an integer at a specified location. [MONOSCR] Monochrome Screen Driver 1.0 (Richard, Rick; $0) is a device driver that redirects all standard C output functions to the mono display allowing you to send debugging messages to your second monitor without writing over your main application screen. It also works within Windows applications. [PAGEDEM] PageDem (Boone, Gary; $0) shows how to do paging in the nonstandard 320x400x256 VGA mode, which has two pages. This allows you to instantly change graphics screens by flipping between the two pages. [PHIRES] Project: Hi-Res (Morris, Ben; $0) shows how to access high-resolution 640x400x256 graphics modes. It includes source code for 12 specific adaptors. [SCRMEM] ScrMem (Goshko, Robert; $?) is a set of three functions that allow you to write directly to the screen. This will enable you to use the extended text modes supported by EGA and VGA. [SCRNEXPR] Screen Express (WindowSoft; $69) is a screen design program for programmers working with Lattice, MS or Turbo C. This is one of the most unique and slickest screen designers that we have seen. In addition to the usual line and and box drawing (and some "unusual" box drawing), SE lets you mark off areas of the screen ("blocks") and move, copy, fill in, or change the color of the contents of blocks. SE saves screens in a compacted form that takes little disk space and you can link code to your program with supplied modules that will handle the screen display work for you. Another valuable feature is the ability to save screen blocks or just the parts of the screen on which you have drawn. [SMSCRL] Smooth Scroll (Slayton, Joe; $0) shows how to smoothly scroll the 16-color EGA/VGA plane-mapped graphics screens. [TXTVID] Txtvid (Anderson, Everett; $?) contains a group of functions to create a simple menu system with a selection bar/character scheme. Source code and an executable are included. [VGA16] VGA16 (Sieraski, John; $0) is a BGI graphics device driver which supports various 16 color VGA graphics modes: ega/vga 320x200, ega/vga 640x200, ega/vga 640x350, VGA 640x480, ATI VGA 800x600, Orchid VGA 800x600, Paradise VGA 800x600, Vega VGA 800x600, Video7 VGA 800x600, and the Sota VGA-16 800x600. Demo program is included. [VGAkit] VGAkit 4.1 (Bridges, John; $0) is a SuperVGA programming kit with all C and assembler source code. It includes routines to support 360x480x256 on any VGA and S-VGA modes on virtually all S-VGA cards. [XGAKIT] XGA Programmer's Toolkit 1.1 (Tyler, Bert; $0) is C-callable assembler code that checks for the presence of an XGA adapter, throws it into and out of any of its extended video modes, and reads/writes pixels in those modes. Source and demo driver are included. [ScrnToC] ScrnToC 1.0 (Wheeler, John; $0) converts formatted ASCII files to C printf statements. [ULTRATK] Ultra (Kallal, Tom; $0) is a set of functions that are Turbo C implementations of many of the extended BIOS routines provided with UltraVision 2.0. [PWRWIN] PowerWindows (Weber, Andre; $25) is an excellent set of windowing routines. [WINDC] Westborough Windows (Harris, Bill; $22) is a library of Quick C functions that can create and manipulate stackable text windows. Also included is WINDM for mono systems. [SHOWBOX] ShowBox (Baker, Chuck; $?) is source for a text-based message box. [BOSS] Window Boss (Mongelluzzo, Philip A. ASP; $55) is a powerful window manager for C. It lets you easily create pop-up windows, pull down menus, status lines, and in-context on-line help functions. Data entry routines and mouse support are included. Window Boss supports most C compilers. BOSS is preinstalled on the CD because of its size and directory structure. [C_WNDW] C_Wndw and C_Ndx Libraries (Marietta Systems, Inc. ASP; $79) provides input and output windowing facilities operating at professional speeds for Quick C and Turbo C. This provides C programmers with color and cursor control within multi-layered windows, and pull-down and pop-up menus. The file access functions trap and handle all usual errors, and provide access to ASCII, dBase III Plus, hashed random and relative files. Automatic editing of input numeric and date fields provides a clean user interface. [dCurses] dCurses (Reynolds, Daniel J. ASP; $28) is a window oriented screen management system based on the UNIX Curses library and is designed to provide optimized screen i/o within a system that ports easily between UNIX and MS-DOS environments. The system consists of a library of C functions which implement virtually all of the UNIX curses functions that make sense in a MS-DOS environment. Several additional variables are available in the TermInfo database to allow setting the specific hardware configuration without having to recompile the dCurses system. The UNIX ETI PANELS library is implemented and incorporated into the curses library. [FONTLIB] FontLib 1.0 (Gagliano, Joseph V.; $25-$35) contains a library of 13 functions that provide fast and easy display font capabilities. Fonts can be up to 60 pixels high by 30 pixels wide. Other features include the ability to draw letters/symbols or strings on the screen in any graphics mode, complete control over font spacing, the ability to draw in portrait/ landscape/ columns, font shadowing, and much more. This works best in applications that use color or mono EGA/VGA with reso lutions of 640x350 or better. [HIM] The Human Interface Manager (Allsoft Computer Products, ASP; $89) is a library of more than 230 functions and macros designed for use with Turbo C. It makes designing and coding user interfaces much easier by providing a rich set of functions designed specifically for presenting information to, and obtaining information from a user of your application. [LVS_WIN] LVS Windows (Lake View Software; $54) is a powerful, flexible windowing system for C. The number of windows is limited only by memory. Features include multi-field formatted data entry; moving bar menus that pop up, pull down, emulate Lotus, or user designed; scrollable pick menus; several video output methods; mouse support; push buttons; radio buttons; check boxes; support for 43-line VGA mode; and much more. Functions are included that are specifically designed to support the Borland Paradox Engine, and an interactive screen painter is also included. [MCWin_TC] MCWin_TC (Mlachak, Michael G. & Cassista, Brian L.; $35-$55) is a library of window and quick-write routines. [PANELS] Panels for C (Brown, J. and B.C. Systems; $30-$70) is a set of routines for doing screen i/o. Screen layout files can be created with any text editor and are not compiled into your code, so you can modify screens without having to recompile. [PcCurses] PcCurses (Larsson, Bjorn; $0) is an extensive C library of screen and window management routines modeled after the UNIX curses and ncurses libraries. [PCWindow] PCWindow (Muscatelli, Denny; $0) is a windowing system for Turbo-C. Included are three demos in executable and source form. [PullC20] PullC (Eagle Performance Software; $29) is a set of high performance pull-down menu modules for Turbo C 2.0 programmers. Features include: pull-down menus, unlimited levels of submenus, unlimited data entry windows for nine data types, selection by cursor or command keys, and a fill-in-the-blank method for programmers to interface to the modules. [QWIKC_SU] QwikC Screen Utilities (Eagle Performance Software; $29-$39) is a set of high performance screen writing tools for Turbo C 2.0. QSU works on all IBM compatible computer and video systems. It eliminates snow and flicker. It writes on all video pages and on virtual screens in RAM. It is up to 2300% faster than TC2's cprintf. [TEGL_C] TEGL Windows Toolkit II for Turbo C (TEGL Systems Corporation; $50) is a library of routines for creating programs with a Graphical User Interface. The virtual memory handler automatically uses both EMS and hard drive as an extension of the heap area to provide an almost unlimited windowing ability. Your program functions can be called by clicking on icons. Window routines include hide, show, explode, implode, drop, scroll, move, and stack rotate. The 27 proportional bit-mapped fonts range from 6 to 24 pixels in height. An Icon Editor is included to design and edit your own icons. [XPWNDG] TExplodeWindow (Woodruff, Eric; $10) TExplodeWindow and TExplodeDialog Classes allow you to add exploding windows and dialog boxes to applications. Both classes are fully streamable and can reside in a resource file until needed. Source is included. [UW_1, UW_2] UltraWin 2.10 (EnQue Software; $20-$30) is an extremely small and fast text windowing library. Features include layered pop-up windows, data input control, scrolling of text in multiple windows at the same time, text scrolling zones within a window, a wide selection of window borders and colors, background printing support, EGA/VGA downloadable fonts with font editor, context-sensitive help, enhanced data entry, clock interrupt support and more. [INTUIT1, INTUIT2] InTUItion 1.5 (EnQue; $0) is a text user interface library for UltraWin. It allows you create dialogue boxes, menus, pick lists, sliders, buttons, check boxes, images and more. Requires UltraWin, above. Also included on this set: ENCOM (#4756), a small model C communications library. The second disk contains additional libraries for Turbo C++, Borland C++, Microsoft C++, and Zortech C/C++. Same updates were made to UltraWin 2.5 [WINDPRO] Window Pro (Stott, Kenneth; $50) is a screen control library for C. It lets you create programs that look and feel like Framework, Lotus and dBase III. It also lets you create dialog boxes, context sensitive help, pop-up and pull-down menus; lets you drag, zoom, split, hide and scroll windows quickly without snow; detect the type of video card in use and set video modes and control the cursor. Window Pro is compiler and machine independent. [WndwC] WndwC (Eagle Performance Software; $29-$39) is a set of high performance multi-level virtual windows for Turbo C 2.0 and Turbo Assembler. Create, hide, move, resize, rearrange, zoom and access smoothly. Optional true virtual windows in RAM have phenomenal speeds - even updates overlapped windows! Up to 254 fixed or virtual windows can be on the screen at one time. All windows can be randomly accessed with 28 window-relative writing routines and 15 different border styles with shadows. For all IBMs, all text modes, all video pages. [SCRN_MAN] Screen-Man 1.0LS (Daniel Burke Associates; ?) is a screen managment program which allows C language programmers to quickly and easily display screens and accept input on IBM PC's and compatibles. -----DAT_TIME: date & time routines: [CJDATES] Crazy Jack's Date Routines (Crazy Jack; $0) are date routines that make it easy to determine the number of days between dates, find the day of the week of a date, convert between Gregorian and Julian dates, sort on dates, and to check the validity of given dates. Source code (assembler, C, TP), OBJ and TPU files and sample code are included. [DATEDEM] DateDemo (Rohr, Gerald; $0,) is a set of date handling routines for C. [DATELIB] DateLib (Rath, Klaus; $0) are date and time manipulations in C. [DATE_AG] Dates (Gifford, Al; $0) is source for almost anything you could want to do concerning dates, including generating a calendar. [JULDAY] Julian Day 1089 (Kessel, Brian and Perry, J.; $?) is a new version of the C code for computing Julian Days. [DATECLS] Killer Date Class 4.11 (Price, Charles D. and others; $0) is a full-function date class, including a full set of overloaded operators for addition, subtraction and comparison of date objects; an overloaded operator with a variety of print formats and options, and constructors to create date objects from a variety of source formats. Source included. [SCHDATE] Schon Date-Time (SchnSoft; $0) is a set date-time handling functions. [SDATE] Sdate is an illustration of searching on a date field using the CLOSESTRECORD parameter. [STRFTIM] Strftim is a routine to convert a time structure into a formatted string based on; the standard ANSI C function as described in K&R. [TIMEDAT] TimeDate (Humkey, John K.; $0) is the source code for two time and date manipulation classes. [WEEKDAY] WeekDay is a simple C function that returns the weekday given the day, month and year. -----SEARCH: search routines for C [BRUTE] Brute Force (Smith, Dave; $0) is an algorithm for searching text within binary files or text files. [Globber] Globber 1.10 (Kercheval, J.; $0) is an expression parser which could be used for search routines and wildcard filename interpretation. [LOOKING] Looking (Smith, Dave; $0) contains documented source code for a file search utility. [METAPHN] Metaphon (Parker, Gary; $0) is a "fuzzy" string search algorithm that is an alternative to (and claims to be better than) Soundex. [PRIME2] Prime2 (Kirby, L.I.; $0) contains C source for fast sieve and heap based prime searches. -----GAMES: game related routines for C [CODEBRK] Code Breaker II (Fogel, Kenneth; $0) is the source code and bitmap files for a MasterMind type game for Windows. [Deck] Deck 1.0 (D'Ascensio, Paul; $0) is a C++ class that contains basic card handling routines for card games. The header, source, and doc files are included. [Grunda] Grunda 1.0 (Walsh, Joe; $0) is the source code for a game in which a robot has gone mad. [SHUFFLC] Shuffelc (Howell, W.; $0) is a routine for shuffling and dealing a specified number of card hands of a specified number of cards. The randomness has been proven to be statistically valid. [BNCE_RA] Bounce (Abramson, R.; $0) is C source code (and the .EXE) for a bouncing block program with a shoot'em-up feature. -----INDEXING: indexing routines for C [WI_LIBT] is an indexing library for Turbo-C and OS/2. [WI_LIBC] is an indexing library for MSC and OS/2. [LIB_DOS] is an indexing library for MSC and DOS. -----SPELL_CK: spell checking [MGSPELL@] mgSPELL 1.4 (MicroGenesis Software; $20) is a set of Turbo C compatible routines that enable easy addition of spell checking capabilities to existing C programs. It comes with a modifiable dictionary [MGDICT@] containing around 120,000 words, and offers such features as spelling suggestions and word list maintenance. -----COMMUNIC: communications routines for C [COMSTR] ComStr (Reilly, Patrick; $0) is source for a serial port stream class. [CPPCOM] CPPCom (Herrera, William; $0) is a C++ communications library. [COMM] Comm (Giannini, Mario; $0) is a set of routines that creates a interrupt driven communications interface for MSC 5.0 & QuickC. [FILESHR] FileShare shows how to implement file sharing on a LAN. [HSEND] HSend is the C source code for a file transfer system for both host and remote computers. [IBMCOM] IBMcom (Intrinsic Computers; $15-$25) is a set of RS232 interrupt driven communications routines in C -- small memory model only. [INTSER] IntSer (McGuinness, Charles; $0) is a minimal function, all C interrupt serial routine. It supports buffered input and output. [MG_COMM] MG_Comm (Giannini, Mario; $0) is the source code for a small, flexible interrupt-driven communications handler for Turbo and MicroSoft C. [PPL4C] Personal Protocol Library for C 1.0 (MarshallSoft; $38) consists of a state driven library which implements the XMODEM, XMODEM-CRC, XMODEM-1K, YMODEM, and YMODEM-G file transfer protocols. This allows the programmer to run multiple simultaneous protocol transfers while interacting with the user at the keyboard. [RJCom] RJCom 1.3 (Ryu Consulting; $0) is a communications library for Microsoft C. ANSI support is included. [RS232] RS232 (Karcher, Chris A.; $20) provides the functionality needed to employ serial I/O in any application written with Borland C language compilers. [SER_LIB] Serial++ Library 1.01 (Cortlandt Technologies ASP; $25) is a library of small routines that bring interrupt-driven serial port support to your C++ programs. This can give you complete access to the registers of the 8250 UART and easily handles multiple ports and multiple instances. [TERM] Term (Reilly, Patrick; $0) supports streams for terminal emulation. [AUTOLIB@] AutoLibrary Program-Playback Tool (McDaniel, Wayne ASP; $62) is a C function library to automate communications. Keystrokes are manually coded into C programs and played back when the program executes. [CPORT] CPort 2.0 (Bri Productions; $65) is a C language interrupt-driven serial communication library. It is compatible with most if not all DOS-based C compilers. Features include baud rates from 50 to 115200 baud, COM 1 through COM 4, hardware and software handshaking, adjustable transmit and receive queues, support for simultaneous communications, NS16550 support, and queues as large as 65534 bytes each. [LITECOM] Litecomm Communications Toolbox (Information Technology, Ltd. ASP; $65) [for MS C and Turbo C] is a set of powerful routines designed to provide easy access to the full capabilities of the PC's asynchronous communications ports without any specialized hardware knowledge required on the programmer's part. The critical interrupt handlers have been written in assembly language in order to support higher baud rates. A fully automatic flow control is provided using either hardware of software. [PCL4C] Personal Communications Library for C 3.5 (MarshalSoft; $45) is an asynchronous communications library designed for experienced software developers programming in Microsoft C or Turbo C. Features include over 20 communications functions, six support functions, interrupt driven receiver, runs from 300 to 115,200 baud, supports COM ports 1-4, adjustable receive queues from 8 to 16 bytes, 11 comm error conditions trapped, allows 2 ports to run concurrently, and provides complete modem control and status. Several example programs are provided. -----TURBO_C: stuff specifically for Turbo C [GRAPH_PL] Graph! 1.0 (Lapsansky, Paul; $15) is a library graphing functions for creating bargraphs, 3D bargraphs or piecharts for Turbo C 1.5+, Turbo C++ or Borland C++. Compact memory model. [MERGEC] MergeC (Kamp, Rick; $0) is a utility that combines the Borland Turbo C source with Assembler source code generated when using the "-S" switch of the Turbo C compiler. This program is a tool for programmers using a hardware debugger or who merely want to see how well Borland generates Assembler code. [PDXPP] Paradox Class Libraries (Weinfurther, Gary B.; $0) is a set of class definitions for accessing the Paradox Engine. For use with Turbo C++. [TPATCH] Patch is a file patching utility. It is needed for applying the patches in the file TC2Pat on this disk. [PCPILOT] PCPilot Grubbe, Tom ($0; offers a variety of C subroutines and tools. They include an ASCII chart, number) base converter, box character function, color codes function, keyboard codes function, printer setup function, ruler, and a TSR engine. There are also several screen functions included. [QPRT_JF] QPrint (Fontanesi, Jeff R.; $0) is a set of routines for quick screen printing for Turbo C. [RD_STK] RD-STK 1.1 (Cooley, Earle; $12) routines to read the game port and to control the cursor. [SEEKTST] SeekTest (Ryle Design; $8) is a program written in Turbo C to very accurately measure the seek time of a hard disk in "real world" terms by using BIOS interrupt services and a very high resolution timing methodology. [TC2PAT] TC2Pat is a set of patches to fix bugs in TLIB, __TURBOC__, TC's overwriting of INT 60H, and the "floating point formats not linked" problem. Window OOP (WOOP) is a window management library with pop-up prompts and menus. The library also includes some video/keyboard functions which are independent from windows. -----TV_FOR_C: stuff for TurboVision for C++ [CHECKTV] Check (Shabi, Ezra; $?) is C++ source that shows how to create Turbo Vision menus with check items. [EZHINT] EZHint (Reilly, Pat; $0) shows how to implement the help message functionality of Turbo Vision status lines. [LISTVW] ListView source code for a derived TListViewer for Turbo Vision. [OPTION] Option accepts a TColleciton of strings for the source of a picklist. [PRINTQ] Printq (Reilly, Pat; $0) shows how to allow a Turbo Vision application to perform quasi-background printing. [PROGBAR] Progbar contains a TV Progress Bar class with source code. [TCOMBO] Tcombo (Dentice, Vincent; $0) contains TV source code designed to create a Combo Box similar in functionality to the one in Microsoft Windows. [THANDLR] THandler 1.01 (Newton, Michael; $23) is an interrupt 24H handler that replaces Turbo Vision's TSystemError class. Contains class and support files in C++ large memory model library form. [TI1006] TI1006 explains how to create an overlaid TV program. [TITLBAR] Titlebar (Reilly, Pat; $0) includes the code necessary to use a title bar with TV. It also has the mouse restricted so that it doesn't enter the title region. NEWMOUSE.OBJ is included. [TVALT] Tvalt (Reilly, Pat; $0) provides a method that allows TV to use an alternative display method than the default direct-video writes. Included are examples using BIOS calls and graphics mode display. [TVCAPTUR] TVCAPTUR lets you redirect output to a window via a file handle [ie: using "printf()"]. [TVCOLOR] TVColorDialog 1.01 (Newton, Michael; $23) is a TV dialog box for changing an app's colors and background pattern. (The author can no longer be reached at the address provided in the documentation.) [WW_TV__@] Wordwrap (Primatech Inc.; $?) has modules for a wordwrapping editor.