PsiShop v 1.0 August 1999 Shareware 100 F PsiShop is able to manage business (small or big). It allows the capture of sales as a cash register, a complete management of items, stocks, accounting and offer options of statistics. Easy to use, The software supporte the keyboard and the stylus. The take in hand is quick and efficient. The functionning of the software is simple, you create a business which you assign a name and optionaly a background. After you define the VAT rates you use ( till 3 ), and you register the items you sell. After that, the software will help you. The available options are : Items management - This options allow you to manage the item for sale. You can add, modify, delete, search, print any item or obtain infos about an item. Suppliers management - This option allow you to define the suppliersand the items they distribute. This option allow you to add, modify, delete any supplier. Moreover you can prit infos about a supplier or the list of suppliers. It's possible to view the infos of a supplier and the items it distribute. Those items comes from the list of items for sale. You can in this way add, delete the items distributed by a supplier or print the list. Accounting management -This option allow to consult the diary of sales. It's possible to view the list of sales carried out according to precise criteria of dates: all, between two dates, this year, this month, this week, today. It's possible to print the diary of sales, to delete any sale, to consult the infos about any sale and the list of items sold during the sale as well as their quantity. Stocks management - this option allow you to know the items which stock are too small or rarely to big. You can obtain the total number of items available, you can modify the stock of an item... Statistic Analysis - This option give a report of the evolution of sales of an item or an items family acdcording to precise criteria of dates. It is also possible to obtain the list of items most sold or less sold, to calculate the raw and clear incomes and the cost of items as well as the total number of solded items. Some other smalls options complete the software as the management of returns which avoid you to search a sale in the accounting and to delete it and to modify the stock of the returned item. This option make it automatically. You just have to give some informations. The 11 currencies Euro converter which allow to convert each currency in Euros and vice versa for number till to 999999999999. Options of backup and restoration which allow you to save in only one file all the informations of a business and to restore if there is a probleme. The backup file can be copied anywhere to keep your data safe. It is possible to you to modify one of the three VAT rates available. This will update directly all the items using this rate to avoid you to update each item. You can change the bacjgrounf of the software to put it to the effigy of your business (mbm picture in 580 * 240). three options allow you to create, delete and change business at any time. You can create till 50 business. The name of the current business is the title of the toolbar. To keep the memory, all data are compacted when you quit the software. Psishop is able to manage till 50 business and for each business up to 30000 items, up to 30000 suppliers and many years of accounting. Here is a presentation of the main functions available in Psishop. Now, I let you discover the software and maybe adopt it. Small story of the software : the idea of PsiShop is born from someone who need of a software able to manage his business with his Psion and a printer. 6 month have been necessary for the realisation of this software which I hope will be suitable to you. If you have any question, any idee, any critic, if you have founded a bug, contact me to : INSTALLATION : To install PsiShop, you have to extract the file PsiShop.sis in any folder of your PC, connect your Psion to your PC, run the file PsiShop.sis and follow the instructions. If your Psion support the .sis file you can directly extract all the *.sis file and install them SHAREWARE : PsiShop is a shareware, if you want to have the complete version of the software, you must register. For that, install the software, run it and consult the 'How to register' option. CAUTION : I can't be responisble of any loss of data or any problem due to the use of a bad utilisation of the software. it is possible that the software contain a bug, if you find one, please contact me. WHAT'S NEW IN THE NEW VERSION Version 1.1 - Possibility to save a text for each item (32 Kb) - You can edit a note when you want by pressing the space bar - Menus are available in each module - Several bugs fixed - Print options for items - New search option for items - Software more 'stable' - Three zoom levels - The size of lists is updated according to the size of the screen (Geofox, Netbook, Series 7) - Title on each list in the modules - Hotkeys with or without 'Ctrl' are supported - Auto-compression of database - Possibility to delete or edit an entry in the registering module - Reorganisation of the main menu - Print set-up available in modules - In the registering module, tapping on the price, the total or the designation display some informations - Closing the help file when quitting the software - Restoring RAM memory when closing the software - Possibility to include 'spaces' in the name of business ... Jean-Baptiste Lernout 275, Avenue Frédéric Mistral 83220 Le Pradet France e-mail : site web :