Conversion Calculator Pro Frequently Asked Questions Q. I have downloaded the files to the system/apps/s5convert/ directory, but no icon appears on the extras bar. If I run the program from the directory, I get error messages and it crashes. A. This is my fault. I included long file names in the program, not thinking that if you unzipped the file in DOS or Windows 3.*, the file names will be corrupted. I can't now change it because anyone upgrading their program will have to create a new directory, leading to greater problems. Sorry. Change: intros~1.mbm to introscreen.mbm s5conv~1.aif to s5convert.aif to s5regi~1.ovl to s5register.ovl Q. Tapping the pen on any currency input line leaves the default 0 (zero) in place. I have to explicitly delete the zero rather than it being deleted automatically as I start my input. (If I ignore the zero it remains on the screen - seemingly as part of my subsequent input, but seems to be ignored during the calculation that follows (as the answers seem OK). A. This is the programming language - nothing I can do. However if you tap the name of the country rather than the value, it highlights if you haven't already changed the value. Q. I find that I can enter values on more than one currency line (all lines if I like). When I attempt to calculate this it results in lots of new figures in all of the currency lines. A. You've missed the main joy of the program. It adds up multiple input lines, then displays the sum in all the other currencies/units Q. HELP FILE: I suspect this is an S5 problem (I am sure I have seen it discussed in a news group). If I go into Help I am taken into The Database App with your Help text "loaded". There are two methods of Exiting this. If I chose CLOSE I am taken to the S5 main screen not back to Convert. If I chose GO BACK I am returned to Convert but I can never get back into Help again - the message "IN Use" appears. A. It is an S5 bug. Really annoying. To return to help you need to tap the Convert window at top right then "Go to" the help file. Daft. Q. Trying to run the program on the D drive, tapping on the Extras icon produces an error message. "Module Not Found" A. Rename the main program file "" to something else, like "S5Convert.tmp" until the icon disappears, then rename the file "" and the program will run from the Extras bar.