BeatThis! by Julian Toler ( November 1998 This is a "Simon Says" type game requiring memory! Just watch the sequence on screen and then follow it. Scores above 10 are rewarded with a compliment. Scores below 11 are treated with disdain. To install, make a system/apps/BeatThis directory and copy the app and aif files into it. Not a lot more to say about it really. It is free and so is the source code. If anyone wants to modify (and improve!) the code, feel free, but please let me know. Ideas for improvement: 1. dragable playing board 2. better sound handling (asynchronous mode allowing greater control over playback and event handling) 3. variations on the theme - e.g. repeat various patterns with gradually increasing sequence length etc.. 4. hint system While the improvements may be possible, I quite like it the way it is and it has the advantage of being small. Drop me a line if you like it!