Light Cycles v1.0 © Johnnie Walker 1999 Installation: If Cycles does not reach you as an sis file, then you need to copy the files & Cycles.aif into a new folder: 'System\Apps\Cycles" on your C: or D: drive. To do this you may first need to check the 'show system folder' box in the system preferences menu. You should now be able to run the game from the 'extras' bar. Playing The Game: The object of the game is to cause your opponent to crash into a trail (or 'black line') before you do. It's not rocket science, but then the best ideas never are.You don't get a great deal for your trouble, other than the usual satisfaction of having completed a petty, meaningless task. Try getting a score of 10-0 with the difficulty set to 'Nightmare'. Player One: Player Two Turn Left Z N Turn Right X M Quit Ctrl-e Sound settings Ctrl-s Options Ctrl-o Pause & menu 'Menu' Sound: To play sound during the game, press menu and choose 'sound settings' (or Ctrl-s) from the settings menu. Choose a volume other than 'none'. Initially the program will look for three s5 sound files called Start, Crash and Exit in the directory 'c:\System\Apps\Cycles". Their functions are self explanatory. If the sound files are not found or your batteries are too low the volume level will simply be set to 'none' again. You can configure the game to use sounds anywhere on any of your drives (even in ROM). Two Player Games: As with many games, the most engaging games ore two player based. With the game limit set to 'no limit', the scores will be saved upon exit. This will enable you to keep a running total between two players who play often. You can play limited two player games and any limit one player games without affecting this running total, as long as you don't exit cycles in two player mode with the no limit flag set. Got it? good. Registration: It's freeware, you don't have to register. Just visit my website at from time to time, and see what else I've done. Your Part of the Deal: This game is intended as a fun application. It was never intended to cause any damage, and to the best of the author's knowledge it is not within it's capacity to do so. By installing it on your machine you agree that the author can not be held responsible for any damage it may cause. This version (v1.0) has been thoroughly tested on my s5 and a couple of others and most of the dents have ben ironed out. It has not been tested on a 5mx, 7 or revo. Inevitably some bugs may remain. The author would be grateful if these were reported. See in-game disclaimer for more information. The source code, graphics (including the icons) and text are all © Johnnie Walker 1999. Copies of the source code are available for cash. Email me at: for more information. Is anyone Still Reading?: Go play. Still Reading?: I wrote this game because I couldn't find a version of the light cycles thing that was nearly as good as one on the loading screen of a pirate version of Midwinter on the Atari ST. I didn't own it, a friend did, so don't start on about all that. I can't remember who wrote it, but well done anyway. This version attempts to do what that did only in as much as it runs faster than any other version I've seen on the s5. I also wanted a go at this OPL thing. Another skill never hurt anyone. Now go play. Johnnie Walker, November 1999