Adelino Oliveira PSION PROGRAMS PAGE Installation Make a directory with the name of AO Psion program name in your \System\Apps\ directory. (you may need to turn on viewing of the normally 'hidden' system area in your system screen preferences). Ex.: For the AOGR program, the folder is: \SYSTEM\APPS\AOGR If all is well, the AP program icon will appear in your Extras bar. (You can create the AO program folder in any other position, but if you do so, it will not appear in your Extras bar.) Disclaimer I the author cannot and will not accept any responsibility for damage of any kind caused by the use of this application, including loss of data, loss of money/buisness, loss of hair , loss of your sainity and basicaly anything else you could loose from the use of this application. There is NO warranty of any kind, and I will not be held liable for any damage. Having said that I have tested the application as much as is posible during normal use and I have not had any troble with it at all, but if any damage does occur it is not my fault. The program uses the official UID. FREEWARE All "AO Psion programs" are FREEWARE! You may freely give "AO Psion programs" to your friends, but if you wish to make it any more public (on a BBS or website for example), the best way to list it on the Web is to link to my home page. Copyright "AO Psion Programs" are copyright of the author. You must not use "AP Psion programs" (source code or executable) for financial gain. "AO Psion Programs" must not be sold, and may be freely distributed (see above) provided that this copyright notice always accompanies it unaltered. AO Psion Programs must not be used commercially, but otherwise permission is granted for free use of the program in any legal way which does not involve financial gain. All my programs had been tested in my Psion.If you find any bug, or have any sugestion, please Email me Thanks Programs are protected with SAFEOPL32, from Richard Smedley. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AO PSION Programs and all associated files are Copyright (C) 1999 Adelino Oliveira. All Rights Reserved Updated versions of AO PSION PROGRAMS can be found in my Home Page or: