MAJOR CHANGES v1.26 This is v1.26. a12_1: Some dialog changes to suit revos. beta11c: a11_7: Size fixes for Revo and Osaris. beta11b: a11_6: New method of determining the system is ER5. beta11: a11_5: Fixed documentation etc. a11_4: Added toolbar show toggle. Added two levels of zoom. On small screen devices default to smaller fonts and hidden toolbar. a11_3: Fixed the ER5 email search. a11_2: Addition of proper search in Email for ER5 - does search through the Email entries in the contacts database. a11_1: Addition of SymLinkRec, to optionally open .gif, .mbm, .jpg and .html files in Web. (Done by creating a dummy Symlink and launching it.) beta10a: Fix bug whereby Extended Preferences could not be enabled. beta10: Change menu strings to "Create shortcut file" and "Open shortcut file". This is beta10. a10_6: Don't implement "Return on exit" for Web documents. a10_5: Better cache of app icon - less overhead with bad links. Change of preferences arrangements - now start with standard pref setup, and also have master switch to hide customisation settings. For typed files, give up on using recognizers to detect the app icon - it takes too long. a10_4: Almost all the features work under ER5, except Email which must route via the Web app. a10_3: Will now compile for ER5, but not all the features work - still runs under ER3. a10_2: Fix of setup program: properly upgrades to new option set. a10_1: Add default type preferences. Use Recognizers when working out which app to use for external files - instead of relying on hard wired list. Better handle running out of memory when launching Emails. v1.21 This is version 1.21. a9_3: Change order of some dialogs, so the field you'd look at first is typically at the top. a9_2: New Setup and Link to new Wizard commands - run the main dialogs in succession. Improvementments to Link to new: Busy signal during dialog construction, "Launch multiple files when linking to same type" now works, as does return on exit. Add relayed logo example to manual. a9_1: Possible fix of app list server bug (at least one possible problem solved). (APPARC list server 1 panic in Link to new). Fix of Geofox-related relayed file bug (Cone 14 panic while showing a relayed object). Modified copy/paste code - can now separately paste the type, and now always copy the whole link too when copying caption or path. v1.2: This is v1.2. a8_2: Added busy indicators during e-mail launching and standard file open dialog. a8_1: Fixed a number of bugs in the type selector dialog. Introduced "mask relayed border" option - removes Sheet table view border. On opening, now treat a relay to a missing file like a relay to an opened file. No longer try to close the help file when closing an embedded instance of Symlink itself - had side effect of pulling System to the front. For scalable relay objects, remember crop margins when the host file is saved. (Previously these were reset to 0 each time). beta7a: Fixed bug where re-using a link to a previously launched file could immediately bring the host document to the front. beta7: This is beta7. a7_3: Introduce "Use application icons in object views" option. Improved "return on exit ..." algorithm - periodically check the status of the target and ignore if the instance starts to edit another file. a7_2: Get rid of extra lower launch button, and better space the subviews. Add "Link to new" toolbar button. Try to consistently use the term "auto-caption" instead of working name "default caption". a7_1: Bug fixes, including: * Fix fault where quick launch of objects depended on the file flag. * No longer generates Cone 14 panic if you Relay link to a Data file. * New objects show properly in the host file, even if "Show default caption in host file" option is not set. * Launch of works even when it does not know the name of the previous document. (Eg. after symlink.ini has been deleted.) Rework of the way that captions are dealt with internally - change in observed behaviour when setting "Use Default caption in object.." option. Combined select and general preferences, and introduced "Object(cont)" page. Added "Close help on exit" switch. beta6: This is beta6. a6_5: For relayed pictures, try to remember scale and crop info, even when the target document changes. For scaled pictures we now try and store the size of the document inside the SymLink. a6_4: Implementation of Return on exit. Currently only for standard documents. a6_3: Relayed embedded views - the glassdoor can be the file contents, for apps that support this feature when they are embedded. Use "official" bookmarks file format, rather than original reverse engineered. Automatically remove "mailto:" when converting a URL to E-mail. a6_2: Reorganise screen - expiry reminder now in bottom left. Sort the programs in "Link to new". Introduce Find operation. Relative stuff now works under MARM. Fix so the install files are now virtually all relative and we can install on different disks. Changed standard documentation target to "\Documents\Symlink Doc". Now use an additional component sis file for the documents. Dynamically link to Message Suite, so Symlink will run when it is not installed. a6_1: Add E-mail types - launch directly to Email, bypassing Web. Add option to treat mailto: URL Symlinks as if E-mail. Make exiting after launch optional (defaults to previous behaviour). Add options for return after exit of multiply launched child, but as yet we can't get it to work, so dim out. Add relative Standard and Folder links. v1.12 This is v1.12. a5_1: No longer quick launch if we open the app directly, eg. via the extrabar. Instead we just open the last file we were working with. Some fixes of the http:\\foo\bar crash bug. (Real bug is in the system and some instances possibly remain.) v1.1: This is v1.1. a4_1: Added help file. Split off Question and Answers from main manual. Added registration mechanisms. Fixed Rom1.0 bug - workarounds to enable launching of OPL applications and their data files, as well as .exe programs. beta3: This is beta3. a3_7: Added support for unknown symlink types - if a type is out of the known range it displays as "Unknown" and is always invalid. a3_6: Add "Link to new" to create a file/folder from inside SymLink. Make Multiple Launching of Symlink files themselves optional, as the effects can be a bit surprising. Take out grey "Caption" for failing everything default caption - just use blank. a3_5: Radical change: introduce typed Symlinks. Initially just Standard (file), Folder and Url. The type dictates how we select the path, what counts as valid, how we launch etc etc. Introduced new folder select dialogue. This dictates that folder paths now have a trailing backslash incl. when seen by users. Several related internal changes. Note that a previous SymLink will be turned into a Folder link if it points to a folder, and otherwise a Standard one. Backwards compat lost, because previous versions checked the type field was -1. The Url links are entered freeform and use a modified launch that passes the path through for Web to interpret as a URL. Both http: and mailto: supported. When a full path is not given (usually because entered freeform) and we use fileselectors to pick a file, use the document we are working in to indicate the folder and drive. (Prev did not work for Objects). Fixed panic when there was no existing clipboard. No longer bomb out on links to volumes (Z: C: etc) but still gives invalid path message. When selecting a caption, use the default (grey) caption as the starting point if the previous real caption was blank. Use smaller fonts for labels, status and ownership banner to de-emphasise. a3_4: The Goto function is now a "Goto Folder" function that goes to the folder that contains the entry - even for folders. Added multiple launch capability to Web browser. a3_3: The clipboard is now saved and restored, so that it remains unchanged after System and Web app openings. If the System prefs say Open multiple files on plain enter, we launch multiple. Also add new "Open multiple files when linking to same type" option - eg. Symlink Object in Word doc to another Word Doc. Lookup hotkey sequences intead of being hardwired, so less dependent on English ROM versions. a3_2: Rather than the files showing what their glass door would be like, we just display text for their captions. We now optionally use the caption in the launch time info message. Also if no caption is given, the system acts as though the filename of the file is the caption - although to preserve previous look, not for glass doors. This default caption is shown in grey - we only use the old functionality of putting "Caption" in grey when there is nothing else. New multi-page general prefs dialogue because a plain one overflowed the screen. a3_1: Added copy&paste and undo/redo functions. Just one level. beta2: This is beta2. a2_11: Having problem with new document open code in ROM1.0. Partly fallback on old code for builds <= 113. a2_10: Improved, more streamlined code handling exceptional launch situations. Added "Launch multiple files" command - like System shell behaviour. File selector dialogue now understands the "Show Z:" option. a2_9: Rewrite documentation to reflect a2_8. Put in own folder (Symlink Data) to keep it tidy. Add Changes.txt and Issues.txt to those distributed. Fix bug where if a symlink is opened using Switch Open File, then it is not saved. Fix bug where the file selector assumed Show System was always true. Add Shell Boomkark options, to optionally bookmark the current folder when we switch the folder System displays. Changed General Prefs dialog to group objects' and files' switches. a2_8: Changes in internal source organisation - no change in functionality. Changed expiry date to 28/2. Include TreesoftSupport in the Symlink.sis, instead of having a separate .sis file. a2_7: Add "Goto file", using the link to directories technology, but finding the file we link to. (This version only finds a file with the correct starting letter). a2_6: Links to directories added. Use the clipboard to paste the filenames to the browser and the system shell. (Faster, much more reliable, but we trash the clipboard). a2_5: Add additional file selection dialogs - for plain text input and plain filename input Discovered non-browser dialogs can show system too, and to lesser extent show Z:, so made these prefs independent of Use Browser. a2_4: Show ROM preference is now controlled by Show System - it is a no-op if Show System is false. Show ROM is renamed Show Z:. Much improved About functionality. a2_3: No longer automatically quick launch on switch open file. Handle setting preferences in several simulataneously open apps. Valid behaviour if the linked to file's folder does not exist. a2_2: Links to symlinks now work. If with a link to a .app, the program is already open, we just bring it to the front. (Previously only worked with documents). Can now launch OPL apps and their documents. Can now launch .txt and .doc files via the Message Suite functions, if they are present. Can launch browser supported files (.htm/html, .gif, .jpg and .mbm) a2_1: Check UIDs of file during launch to give proper error messages. Added code for optional logging of launch process. Can now launch .exe files, although not tell if they are already launched. Can now launch .app files. Separate out some of the code to separate, shared module TreesoftSupport, which is given as a dependency in the .sis file.