Moving the mouse pointer to the right over the Info sub-menu icon displays either information about this version of PsiFS or the following menu:
Selecting the PsiFS menu entry, from the Info menu, displays information about this version of PsiFS. The most important information is the version number shown at the bottom of the window; this should be quoted in all correspondence. |
Selecting the Machine... menu entry, from the Info menu, opens a window displaying information about the connected device. Some details are only available with EPOC devices; the SIBO version of the Psion Link Protocol does not provide access to this information. |
Selecting the Owner... menu entry, from the Info menu, opens a window displaying information about the owner of the connected device. |
Selecting the Power... menu entry, from the Info menu, opens a window displaying the battery and external power status. This is only available with EPOC devices; the SIBO version of the Psion Link Protocol does not provide access to this information. |
[Contents] [Up] | Copyright © Alexander Thoukydides, 1998, 1999, 2000 |