PsiFS: Frequently Asked Questions

Unable To Open Port For Printing

Why is the error Cannot open port displayed when attempting to print?

If the SIBO or EPOC computer gives an error such as Cannot open port when attempting to print via the PsiFS printer mirror, then the serial port is probably already being used.

The most important point to note is that the Psion Link Protocol is not used. Hence, the remote link must be disabled from the System screen of the SIBO or EPOC device before attempting to use the printer mirror:

  • On SIBO devices the link is disabled using the Remote Link or Communications option from the Special menu, or by pressing Psion+L or Acorn+L.
  • On EPOC devices the link is disabled using the Remote link... option from the Tools menu, or by pressing Ctrl+L.

If another application, such as Comms, is using the serial port then it must also be disabled.

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