PsiFS: Frequently Asked Questions

Old Serial Block Driver

Why is the error Internal error, no stack for trap handler, Illegal instruction or Abort on data transfer displayed when attempting to enable the remote link?

Versions of the InternalPC block driver earlier than 1.12 are incompatible with PsiFS. Use of these versions may lead to unpredictable behaviour and fatal errors.

PsiFS is supplied with version 1.12 of the InternalPC block driver in !PsiFS.Resources.Modules.InternalPC. However, if !SerialDev has been seen by the filer then the version inside !SerialDev is used instead.

The versions of all available serial block drivers may be displayed using *PsiFSListDrivers -verbose. If the version of InternalPC is listed as being earlier than 1.12 then it is strongly recommended that the copy inside !SerialDev is replaced by the copy inside PsiFS.

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