PsiFS: Frequently Asked Questions

Baud Rate Too High

Why is the remote link very slow or unreliable?

The most likely cause of the link being slow or unreliable is that the baud rate has been set too high. The *PsiFSStatus command may be used to monitor the error rate. If the baud rate is set correctly PsiFS should be able to maintain a connection with 0 retries or invalid protocol frames.

If problems are experienced, then try configuring both PsiFS and the SIBO or EPOC device to use the highest recommended baud rate. The standard serial port of older RISC OS computers is only intended to operate at 19200 baud or lower. Higher speeds will probably be offered as options, but they may not operate satisfactorily.

Care must be taken when trying baud rates above the recommended maximum; the computer may become unresponsive, or even appear to hang. Ensure that all important documents are saved first.

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