PsiFS provides an interface to allow the integration of third party file format converters with a unified user interface. Both stand-alone and embedded file format converters are supported.
The documentation accompanying file format converters should describe any necessary installation procedure. However, in general, it will be sufficient for the file format converter to be either seen by the filer or copied into the !PsiFS.Converters directory. |
When PsiFS is loaded it first boots any applications contained within the !PsiFS.Converters directory. Wimp_StartTask is used to run any !Boot files found within sub-directories.
Next, all system variables starting with PsiFSConverter$ are enumerated, and any files called !PsiFS within the referenced directories are parsed to build a list of all available file format converters and their characteristics. If successful any toolbox resource file called !PsiFSRes within the same directories are also loaded. Two simple file format converters have been included as examples. The first is based around !ChangeFSI, and the second is a simple wrapper for commands provided by the PsiFS module. |
[Contents] | Copyright © Alexander Thoukydides, 1998, 1999, 2000 |