db4o - database for objects v1.04

Class Db4o


public final class Db4o
extends java.lang.Object

- the db4o factory.

The Db4o class serves as a factory, to open  ObjectContainer  connections. Global settings and the version information are also found in the Db4o class.

Method Summary
static void echo(boolean displayMessages)
          turns db4o messages on and off.
static ObjectContainer openFile(java.lang.String databaseFileName)
          opens an ObjectContainer  interface to the specified database file.
static ObjectContainer use(java.lang.Object jNLPRandomAccessFile)
           Java Web Start interface to open an ObjectContainer on a JNLPRandomAccessFile.
static java.lang.String version()
          returns information on the currently used db4o version.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static final void echo(boolean displayMessages)
turns db4o messages on and off.
displayMessages - true if echo messages are to be given out


public static final ObjectContainer openFile(java.lang.String databaseFileName)
opens an ObjectContainer  interface to the specified database file.
fileName - the full path to the database file


public static final ObjectContainer use(java.lang.Object jNLPRandomAccessFile)
Java Web Start interface to open an ObjectContainer on a JNLPRandomAccessFile. Make sure the JNLPRandomAccessFile is opened for readwrite access and that  sufficient filespace is reserved with FileContents.setMaxLength().
jNLPRandomAccessFile - a javax.jnlp.JNLPRandomAccessFile, typically opened with javax.jnlp.FileContents.getRandomAccessFile("rw");


public static final java.lang.String version()
returns information on the currently used db4o version.
version information as a String

db4o - database for objects v1.04