Directory MSDOS/INFO Filename Length Date Description ========================================== DHAMP.C 5830 880510 The dhampstone benchmark DOS3SRC.ARC 10274 860921 ASMGEN .SEQ files for DOS/BIOS disassembly HELP_7N1.ARC 22673 871216 Capture and display HELP screens w/ASM HR0991.ZIP 56152 910908 DRC's directory of human resources execs 09/91 IFP1S147.ZIP 75594 910807 TP & MASM source code for InfoPlus v1.47 INTS.ARC 3606 880221 Displays page-zero interrupts w/source MEMLIST.ARC 8543 880923 Show MS-DOS memory allocation info, w/MASM src STATUS21.ARC 9866 880811 List PC hardware and configuration, w/ASM src