ÿWPCó ûÿ2· ZBœ0´ÿÿHP LaserJet IIP PlusÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿHP2PP.PRSSˆßx6X@X@Ð È ÐÐЫßx6X@X@<Ô6X9`+CourierXèÀˆûè0ˆûAp‹ArialBoldTTèßx6X@X@<Ô6X9`+CourierXûÿ2éñ#|sÑ#èÀˆûè#ÑHow to file a subpena duces tecumÑ#ßx6X@X@#Ñ Ã ÃGo to the filing clerks window, ask for a criminal subpena deuces tecum, have the girl sign and stamp the original then. Make copies of the original, front and back Attach the affidavit to the subpena duces tecum, original to original, copy to copy. Go to the district attorney or city attorney office ask who receives subpena duces tecums© they will say deputy whatever, then ask if you can see him, when he arrives give him one copy. Then turn over the original, put his name down as the person who received it, put the date and time in the proper places, sign it where it states non process server. put the same information on your copy. Take the original to the filing window, give the clerk the original for filing, have her stamp your copy. Then go home. Ä Ä