ASHMEETS.ZIP 192225 05-23-95 Ash Meets Dirty Harry 1.0 is a music file in | MOD format. BJ_ADAY.ZIP 230719 05-08-95 Another Day 1.0 is a very good instrumental | work in MOD format. DMP301.ZIP 126512 08-18-94 Dual Module Player 3.01 is a MOD file player | that can also play STM, S3M, 669, FAR and MTM | files. DMP32295.ZIP 266394 07-08-94 Dual Module Player/32 2.95 is a 32-bit | protected mode sound file player which | supports MOD, STM, S3M, 669, FAR and MTM | files. DMPC230.ZIP 77629 08-18-94 Dual Module Player Companion 2.30 is the | front end for the author's Dual Module | Player. It can read files inside ARJ, LHA, | ZIP, LIMIT, SQZ, HA, HYPER, HPACK, ZOO, ARC, | PAK and UltraCompressor II archives. FP100B_M.ZIP 52742 10-10-94 FairPlay 1.00b is a MOD player with the | ability to add echo, reverb, and chorus | effects to the sound. It supports Sound | Blaster compatible and Gravis Ultrasound | sound cards. (Jens-Christian Huus) GLOVER.ZIP 43989 08-30-93 Glover is a MOD file of an English folk | tune. IDYLL.ZIP 90530 05-24-95 Idyll in Olympia 1.0 is a very good rockin' | instrumental in MOD format. KAKTOOS1.ZIP 1205275 06-09-95 Kaktoos 1.0 is a collection of instrumental | music files, in MOD format. It also includes | a player interface. This program contains | language which may be deemed objectionable by | some. Requires a VESA driver, such as UNIVBE KAKTOOS2.ZIP 1007821 06-09-95 See KAKTOOS1.ZIP MODEDIT3.ZIP 85453 04-21-94 MOD Edit 3.1 is an editor for MOD sound | files. MODMNU21.ZIP 26228 09-23-94 ModMenu 2.1 is a menu interface for your MOD | music files. It can be used as a shell to any | player of your choice. It features file | tagging, random play and continuous play | modes, and more. MODNAM10.ZIP 26894 02-14-94 S3 MOD Name 1.00 creates a listing of MOD | file names and corresponding track titles | either in a DOS file or to a device. MOVZM10.ZIP 24790 02-14-94 S3 Move ZIPped .MODs 1.00 allows you to | process a large directory of ZIP files and | move the ZIP files that contain MODs files. | Requires PKZIP and a file move utility. MUSICH01.ZIP 674774 07-25-94 MOD Music Disk #1 1.0 is a collection of 10 | MOD music files and an attractive player for | them. The player will present you with a | scrolling menu of musical selections and can | also be run in the background while you | perform other tasks. MUSICH02.ZIP 498056 07-25-94 MOD Music Disk #2 1.0 is a collection of 10 | MOD music files and an attractive player for | them. MUSICH3.ZIP 710937 07-25-94 MOD Music Disk #3 1.0 is a collection of 10 | MOD music files and an attractive player for | them. MUSICH4.ZIP 726278 07-25-94 MOD Music Disk #4 1.0 is a collection of 10 | MOD music files and an attractive player for | them. NATURAL.ZIP 202399 05-23-95 Naturally 1.0 is a techno-tronic instrumental | in MOD format. PROMOD.ZIP 13586 12-27-91 ProMod 1.1 plays stereo Amiga MOD files on a | SoundBlaster Pro card. PTMID.ZIP 59280 06-23-94 PTMID 1.0 converts MIDI files to MOD format. PUR_STV2.ZIP 1202319 06-12-95 Save the Vinyl - Issue 2 is a great set of | industrial-dance instrumentals from Belgium, | in MOD format. SPKPLAY.ZIP 106745 10-17-94 SPKPlay 8.0 allows you to play MOD files | through a sound card or your PC speaker. TRAKBLST.ZIP 422027 04-10-94 Trakblaster plays Amiga Soundtracker files | on the SoundBlaster card. The sounds are | extremely impressive because the Amiga | software uses sampled sounds rather than | synthesized ones. It even allows you to have | voices. Other features include a graphical | oscilloscope, and a spectrum analyzer | display. TUPLAYER.ZIP 115180 04-02-94 TU Player is a MOD player for Sound Blaster | compatible cards. TVMODS.ZIP 438153 05-24-94 TV MODS is a collection of five television | them songs in MOD format. VOICE.ZIP 123521 05-24-95 Voice of the Gods 1.0 is a very good rockin' | instrumental in MOD format. WHACKER.ZIP 164809 04-03-94 Whacker Tracker lets you create, edit, and | play MOD files. It supports SB, SB Pro, | Covox, PC Speaker, and Printer Port D/A | Devices. Requires EGA/VGA and 640K memory. WOW.ZIP 40714 01-26-92 Wow 2.01 is a graphical Amiga MOD player for | use with Sound Blaster compatible cards. | Features include control of all four | channels, an oscilloscope that beats to the | music, and ability to view PCX picture files | when playing a MOD.