45RPMSW.ZIP 640565 03-17-94 Music Box Series 1.0 is a music player for | sound board systems. There are many CMF music | files included of all assortments. Sound | Blaster or compatible required. AUTOPLAY.ZIP 36995 02-24-91 Autoplay 1.1 plays Sound Blaster (CMF) music | files. Requires Sound Blaster Card, Playcmf, | and SBFMDRV which comes with SB. It plays CMF | files only. COMPOZ.ZIP 95268 04-15-94 Compoz allows you to compose and play back | multi-voice musical scores for the Sound | Blaster. Up to nine voices are programable | with any of sixteen instruments from the | built in instrument cache or imported from | your directory of SBI files. Notes can be | input either by mouse or keyboard over a | seven octave range. Sharps, flats and | naturals are supported, as are dotted and | tied notes. Several sample music files are | included. 640K and the Sound Blaster software | driver required. DRMBLST.ZIP 304717 05-31-92 Drum Blaster turns your PC into a | professional sounding drum pad with 40 killer | digitized drum and sound effects at your | command. You can tap out rhythms by pressing | the keys, and it can also play CMF music | files in the background. A synthesizer mode | turns the top row of letter keys into a music | keyboard. An amusing animated drummer and | keyboard player are displayed at the top of | the screen. Several sample music files are | included. While this will work in a limited | capacity on a regular PC speaker, a Sound | Blaster compatible card is highly | recommended. Requires 512K RAM, EGA/VGA with | at least 256K video memory, and a hard drive | or high density floppy drive. PCDRUM24.ZIP 147654 05-17-95 PC Drummer 2.4 is a drum machine program for | use with a Sound Blaster. It combines | presampled digitized percussion sounds into | patterns of various musical styles. You can | also create your own patterns and configure | individual instrument volume and stereo | positioning. Requires 386+, EGA/VGA, Mouse, | and Sound Blaster. PLAY2.ZIP 75227 06-14-91 Play2 is a Sound Blaster CMF file player. It | provides a selection box for you to choose | songs you wish to play, and allows you to | attach a 40 character description to songs. A | batch file is included that will | automatically load the SBFMDRV and run the | PLAY2 program. ROLCON.ZIP 78082 08-04-90 Rolcon converts ROL files (Adlib compatible) | into CMF files (Sound Blaster compatible). | Requires 500k+ of disk space. SBOOM10.ZIP 71206 07-26-94 Sonic Boom 1.0 is a music mixer for the | SoundBlaster and compatible cards. It | includes several sampled sounds, such as | trumpet, piano, drum, etc. that can be mixed | to produce digital musical passages. Other | features include up to eight channels of | sound that can be played at once, the ability | to import and export VOC files, and more. | Requires a mouse. SBTIMBRE.ZIP 114006 02-11-94 SBTimbre 3.50 lets you create and modify | instrument sounds for Soundblaster and Adlib | FM compatible sound cards. STYLES.ZIP 14963 10-04-93 Styles 1.0 includes CMF files of Chopin, | Palestrina and three original works.