CharSet for the Psion Series 3 ============================== VERSION 1.1 =========== Copyright Chris Hennings - July 1992 Email: Voice: UK 01-856-8643 (Home) UK 0322-23488 x2440 (Work) Home : 45, Kenilworth Gardens, Shooters Hill, London, SE18 3JB United Kingdom =========================================================================== Changes in CharSet Version 1.1 (Notes for Upgraders) CharSet v1.1 includes the following changes :- * Support files & Installation - CharSet is now supplied as an .OPO file. I think this is preferable when the app doesn't have multiple associated files (as per word). Simply copy CHARSET.OPO to the \OPO directory on any drive and the CHARSET.PIC file to the \OPD directory ON THE SAME DRIVE. Charset should now work on any drive. Version 1.0 only worked on drive M: (well it was my first attempt at opl). * Charset now provides support for external font (.FON) files. The Psion-F key combination now pops up a dialog from which you can access and display the character sets contained in these files. You can also reset the display to the system font from here. Please note :- a) If you have an external font with character sizes too large to display in the 16 cols by 8 rows you're probably going to get the characters overlapping one another or not fully displayed. Max character size (for now) is 11x9 pixels. b) When displaying an external font file, the character displayed in the status window with the decimal and hex values is shown using the default system font and not the external font. I was going to fix this but I then found it quite useful for exploring character conversions. But let me know what you think. Thanks again to everyone on CIX and CIS for their comments. Cheers, Chris 21th July, 1992 =========================================================================== CharSet Documentation Version 1.1 July 1992 Description: Charset Provides a full screen (well 2 of them actually) display of the Series 3 character set ($00 thru $FF). Installation: Copy Charset.opo to the \opo directory and Charset.pic to the \opd directory on any drive. The drive must be the same for both files. Operation: Run Charset. Use the cursor keys to navigate. Use PSION-X to exit. The MENU key redisplays the initial screen. The HELP key provides the above information. Pressing Psion-F will put up a dialog from which you can load an external .FON file. The reset button in the dialog will reload the default system font. That's it. Disclaimer & Conditions: You may use Charset completely FREE of charge. However, I will accept no liability arising from such use. You may distribute Charset provided that a) all the files contained in CHARS11.ZIP are included and unamended and b) no charge is made other than for distribution.