STD Codes ========= (converted by Alan Meban) There are two files in this archive: std.txt - you're reading it std.dbf - a Data file Place std.dbf in a \DAT directory and use the built-in Data application to search through it. If any errors are found in the datafile, please email me at so that I can keep the file up-to-date. Note: PhONEday From Easter Sunday 1995, nearly all area codes will have an extra digit (1) inserted after the initial 0 eg: 071 (Inner London) will become 0171. From 1st August 1994, it will be possible to dial using either method. std.dbf has the extra 1's already inserted in preparation for next Easter. NB: From 1 Aug 1994 both dialling methods will work; on PhONEday, the old method will be turned off.