QUICKEX 1.2 Converts PSION MONEY files to QIF files (Quicken Interchange Format) Freeware. Placed in the Public Domain 12/02/1994 QUICKEX is capable of exporting PSION MONEY transactions to Quicken and compatibles (such as Microsoft Money). QUICKEX will generate a QIF file for every Money account. To install QuickEx, copy QUICKEX.APP to one of your Series 3a disks, choose "Install" from the "Apps" menu in your Series 3a system screen, and select QUICKEX.APP. The QuickEx-icon will appear, with a list of Money files below it. To convert a Money file, put your cursor on it and press enter. QuickEx will then offer a number of options: On the first lines of the dialog, specify the directory where the QIF files must be stored (the short account names of Money are used as filenames. Consider exporting to a remote directory, since QIF-files tend to be large.) Next, specify whether transaction descriptions should go into the Quicken 'memo' field or into the Quicken 'payee' field. Finally, specify which transactions are to be exported. QUICKEX will suggest a date range that includes all transactions. Before you import the QIF-files into Quicken: 1. Disable 'special handling of transactions'. (In Microsoft Money, disable 'import only one side of transactions') 2. Make sure Quicken and Money use the same date format. 3. Create Quicken accounts with the same names as the Money account DESCRIPTIONS. Note that Quicken does not allow names longer than 15 characters. A Money category description "Depreciation:Computer" will be matched with the Quicken sub-category "Computer" of the Quicken category "Depreciation". Limitations 1. There are a few fundamental differences between (un)reconciled Money transactions and (un)cleared Quicken transactions. All transactions are therefor exported 'Uncleared'. 2. QUICKEX will try to match the Quicken 'Num' field to the Money 'reference' field. However, Quicken will ignore all but the first 5 characters of parent references.