STIGMA - COMMERCIAL DEMO ======================== WELCOME to the wonderful world of STIGMA. Firstly - The game and all its files will fit quite comfortably on a 128k flash/ram card. I'm sorry that the game is quite large, but if you only have a 512k psion with no ram cards, it could be about time to spend some money and upgrade. All my next games will be in the area of 80k-128k because of the added graphics and samples. INSTALLING Make a directory within your \APP\ directory called STIGMA. Then copy the *.GAM file into \APP\. The other files with the extensions *.SPR, *.GFX, *.LEV, and *.SND should be placed in the \APP\STIGMA\ directory. You may put these files on any drive, and also place the *.GAM on one drive and the other files on another, this could be handy if you are short on memory with several drives. DONOT split the files in the \APP\STIGMA\ directory, as these are expected to be all together. SAVING SOME MEMORY I haven't tested this, but if you delete all files in the \APP\STIGMA\ directory with the extension *.SND the game can be played in silence (no samples) but should still work o.k. This will save you 29.9k on your internal ram or card. RUNNING To run stigma for the first time - on the system screen, press PSION I and select the *.GAM file, press enter. The system screen should now contain an icon representing a ball, this is STIGMA. You may now press ENTER when the icon is highlighted and the game will run. HIGHSCORES AND RECORDS Upon running STIGMA for the first time, two files will be created on your internal memorys root directory. These files take up only 1.5k at maximum. The two files are STIGMA.HI (The highscores) and STIGMA.REC (the records, If you delete these your scores will be lost! THE DEMO This is the original shareware version of a now commercial game. This version is very different from the commercial version. The commercial version has new levels, redefine key option, secret messages, new and much better samples, full system checks, some new graphics, improved gameplay, 3 levels of difficulty and much more. Keep your eyes peeled for its release. NOTES If you find any bugs, spelling mistakes, or have any recomendations for future games - please feel free to contact me. THANKS TO Thanks go to:- Peter, Kenny and MR.K. for playtesting, Darren for extra graphic editing, Phil Creed for enhancing the quality of the samples and supplying an improved Proteus logo. Flash (me) for all coding and the original graphics and samples. Compuserve members for all the comments since its debut. CONTACT FLASH (Michael Ware) PROTEUS DEVELOPMENTS, 213 Gertrude road, Norwich, Norfolk, NR3 4RY. ENGLAND. CIS:#100626,2716 Thanks for your interest in STIGMA, Mail me and keep me informed, Yours, F*L*A*S*H NOTE Disregard any messages in the game about registrations as they no longer apply. You may freely mail/phone me, and my address etc. is in the program.