RFM command summary =================== RFM INSTALL [PORT=] [BAUD=] [USE J: A:]*4 Installs the TSR. If PORT= or BAUD= is supplied then they must occur before any USE commands. Up to 4 drive pairs can be specified after the USE commands. The first drive letter specifies an MSDOS drive and the second drive letter specifies a drive letter on the remote machine. PORT= may be specified as: COM1,COM2,COM3 or COM4. Alternatively as: 1,2,3 or 4. Alternatively as TTY:nXyyy where: n=Interrupt number in HEX (i.e. 3,4,A,B etc.) yyy=I/O base address in HEX (i.e. 3F8) Default=COM1 BAUD= maybe specifies as: 300,600,1200,2400,4800,9600,19200. Default=19200 (For Series3 Classic or HC this should be 9600). Not available under windows. EXAMPLES RFM INSTALL USE I: M: L: A: R: B: This installs the RFM TSR using COM1 at 19200 baud and maps MSDOS drive I: to the remote drive M: (internal), L: to A: and R: to B:. (I,L and R are nmemonics for INTERNAL,LEFT and RIGHT). RFM INSTALL PORT=2 USE I: M: L: A: R: B: As above but uses port COM2. RFM INSTALL PORT=COM2 BAUD=9600 USE I: M: L: A: R: B: As above but uses a baud rate of 9600. RFM I P=2 B=9600 U I: M: L: A: R: B: As above but uses abbreviations for all the keywords. RFM I P=TTY:3x2F8 B=9600 U I: M: L: A: R: B: As above but specifies IRQ 3 and I/O address 2F8 which is the same as COM2. RFM SHELL [PORT=] [BAUD=] [USE J: A:]*4 [EXEC=command] Starts RFM and then executes the DOS command shell, optionally passing it a command line. If a command line is specified then it will be executed and RFM will exit. The command can be a .BAT file. The PORT,BAUD and USE commands are as described for INSTALL. If RFM is started without a command then it can be exited by typing EXIT at the command line. Note that in this mode RFM REMOVE does not have any effect. Not available under windows. RFM REMOVE Removes the TSR after freeing all the USE drives. This command reports an error if RFM was started with the SHELL command. Not available under windows. RFM PAUSE Temporarily stops opeartion allowing the PORT to be used for other purposes. Not available under windows. RFM CONTINUE Resumes operation. Not available under windows. RFM USE [J: A:]*4 Assigns a DOS drive to the remote drive. Up to 4 pairs of drive assignments can be specified. Not available under windows. RFM FREE [A:]*4 De-assigns the DOS drive. Up to 4 drives can be specified for freeing. Not available under windows. RFM FORMAT J:[\labelname] RFM NFORMAT J:[\labelname] Formats the remote assigned to MSDOS drive J: optionally specifying the label as labelname. The program will request a Y/N answer before proceeding to format the device. Any files open on the remote drive will cause this command to return a LOCKED error. It may prove useful to use RFM STOP drive: to make sure that no files remain open on the remote drive. NFORMAT behaves in a similar fashion to FORMAT with the exeception that no Y/N answer is requested. This is dangerous, so use it with caution. RFM STOP J: This command will stop any programs which have files open on the remote drive assign to the MSDOS drive. This command is especially useful when backing up the whole of a remote drive. By stopping all running programs on the remote drive all files can be copied without ACCESS errors stopping the copy. RFM [DISPLAY] Shows the current status of RFM. RFM QUERY Sets the ERRORLEVEL variable in batch files to: 0 - If RFM is running and connected. 1 - If RFM is not running. 2 - If RFM is running and not connected. RFM EXEC programName [MODE=mode] [ALIAS=alias] [DIR=dir] [EXT=ext] [TEMPLATE=template] [command/filename] N.B. This function isn't fully implemented yet in V1.10 ======================================================= This will cause the program programName to be started on the remote computer and optionally pass it a command. For Series3 computers the filename to be opened is all that is normally needed as RFM will work out the necessary details. If no drive letter is specified then the internal drive will always be used. RFM EXEC SHEET BUDGET (Opens the file \SPR\BUDGET.SPR on internal) RFM EXEC SHEET A:BUDGET (Opens the file \SPR\BUDGET.SPR on drive A:) RFM EXEC SHEET A:BUDGET (Opens the file \SPR\BUDGET.SPR on drive A:) RFM EXEC \TEST *.* (Run file TEST in the root directory passing it a command line of *.*) If program name is specified without an extension, i.e. RFM E AGENDA then a search will be made for the program on all drives of the local filing system and then the ROM filing system looking for files with the extensions in the following order: 1) .ALS in directory \APP\ (.ALS is an ALIAS file) 2) .OPO in directory \OPO\ (.OPO is an OPL program) 3) .OPA in directory \OPA\ (.OPA is an OPL application) 4) .APP in directory \APP\ (.APP is an application) 5) .IMG in directory \IMG\ (.IMG is a command line program) If an extension is specified then the search will be restricted to files with that extension only on all drives and the ROM. If a path is specified then the serach will be in the specified path only on all drives. As the ROM filing system does not support paths it will not be searched in this case. If a drive is specified the search will be restricted to that drive only. Series3 programs can also be passed their specialised command lines using the MODE, ALIAS, DIR, EXT and TEMPLATE keywords. A command line of this kind is signalled by the presence of any of the keywords. If the target machine is not a Series3 then these extra parameters are ignored and just the command is passed to the program. MODE= O - Opens a file which must already exist (default) C - Creates a new file which must not exist ALIAS= Some programs such WORD.APP can be aliased to behave in different ways. WORD.APP if passed ALIAS=OPLXR will behave as PROGRAM, the OPL editor. DIR= This is the default directory the program should work from. For WORD.APP this should be DIR=\WRD\. If no DIR is specified then it is taken from the command line which must specify a directory. If it does not then a default directory of \TMP\ will be supplied. EXT= This is the default extension for the program. e.g. For Agenda it would be .AGN. TEMPLATE= Certain programs such as Word use a template file. This is specified in the Shell Data File by yet another bit. It gets added on the end of path name. EXAMPLE RFM E AGENDA.APP M=O DIR=\AGN\ A:\AGN\AGENDA.AGN RFM HELP [INSTALL SHELL REMOVE PAUSE CONTINUE USE FREE NFORMAT FORMAT STOP DISPLAY QUERY EXEC] Provides HELP. All RFM commands may be abbreviated. RFM I is equivalent to RFM INSTALL, as is RFM INST. Where commands start with the same letters enough letters must be specified to determine which command is required. i.e. RFM FR and RFM FO for RFM FREE and RFM FORMAT. NOTE: The internal drive on Series3 can be specified as M: or I:. ERRORLEVEL ---------- The RFM program always sets the ERRORLEVEL to 0 on successfully completing a command. Otherwise it set the level to 1. The RFM QUERY command is an exeception and can set the value to 0,1 or 2. BACKUP ====== RFM can be used to automate the task of backing up a remote drive with a batch file RBACK.BAT. The batch file is invoked with the following command line to backup remote drive A. RBACK A This will cause the whole of the contents of remote drive A to be copied to directory \BACK\A. A higher level batch file could do all the drives on a Series3 by having the commands: RBACK A RBACK M RBACK B If RFM is running permanently (RFM INSTALL) then use the RBACK1 batch file. RBACK.BAT has the following line: RFM SHELL EXEC=RBACK1 %1 (Assumes 19200 baud and COM1) RBACK1.BAT has the following lines: RFM USE X: %1: RFM STOP X: IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO END IF EXIST \BACK\%1\NUL THEN GOTO CHANGED XCOPY X:\*.* \BACK\%1\*.* /S GOTO END :CHANGED XCOPY X:\*.* \BACK\%1\*.* /S/M :END RESTORE ======= A similar system can be used to manage restoring a backup. If RFM is running permanently (RFM INSTALL) then use the RREST1 batch file. RREST.BAT has the following line: RFM SHELL EXEC=RREST1 %1 (Assumes 19200 baud and COM1) RREST1.BAT has the following lines: RFM USE X: %1: RFM STOP X: IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO END RFM FORMAT X: IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO END XCOPY \BACK\%1\*.* X:\*.* /S :END The RFM FORMAT X: can be changed to RFM NFORMAT X: to give an unattended restore facility but caution should be used as it is easy to specify the wrong drive.