BusyView 1.30. History: 1.30 : -BusyView should now work on the Siena. It has however not been tested on a real Siena. Let me know if it works! -Overlapping appointments are now always shown correctly. -Extra preferences for displaying inverted daynumbers. (Press enter in the first preference screen) -Shift-dayletter jumps to previous day. So 'w' jumps to the next wednesday, 'W' to the previous. -Line on the display marking the beginning of a new month. -Month and full year are displayed now in top left corner. They change when cursor switches to new month. This looks better than displaying both the month names and it leaves extra space on the topline to show more info about the appointments. -updated ini file. BusyView handles all the changes automatically and saves all your preferences to the new ini file. -Jump to a specific week/year. -Unregistered users get another 3 weeks for testing! -When changes were made in Agenda AND a memo was opened AND you switch to BusyView the contents of the memo would be lost. Now BusyView saves them for you before rereading the file. 1.20 : -BusyView now works with file lists (aliases). As BusyView has to 'learn' what file list to use, you should start Agenda first and then BusyView (using the same file!). That's all. (Only needed once, after that BusyView 'knows' what list to use) -New time bars make the view more readable if things get a little crowded. -BusyView now handles up to 512 items per 4 week view. (for the power users) -Updated ini file. Automatically takes over your previous settings and registration info. -Todo items could previously be included on the priority they had, later BusyView used only the Agenda preferences for the todo lists. ( 'Show in other views' settings) Now you can select: 1. Use Agenda preferences 2. Never show 3. Choose from priority to show. -New section in readme.txt which explains some BusyView preferences in more detail. 1.12 : -Shows crossed out items only on the day they were crossed out instead of on today. (Was getting a little crowded!) -When changes were made in Agenda AND a memo was opened AND you switch to BusyView, it indefinitely tries to open the agenda file to update the display. This is a very odd problem. Agenda now jumps to the foreground, closes the memo and then jumps back to BusyView which can then reread the file. Agenda handles this jumping back and forth! It works now correctly, but any changes made in the memo are lost!! Better not to jump back to BusyView while in a memo. -Yearly repeats did not work correctly if more than one year was visible in the 4 week view. 1.11 : -Solves a silly bug in an error message telling you you have more entries in 4 weeks than BusyView can Handle. (250) -Increase the maximum number of entries to 300. (1.11 was not generally released) 1.10 : -Supports agenda files up to 512 Kb in size -Automatically uses agenda preferences for displaying todo items, therefore removed this option from BusyView preferences. -Removed a few small bugs nobody noticed yet. -Repaints where not correctly done in some situations. -Updated readme.txt -Show optionally crossed out items. (Todo items have there own preferences from agenda regarding this. 1.01 : Solves unneccesary 'Agenda file corrupt' messages. 1.00 : Initial release. What is BusyView: ----------------- BusyView is an extension for the built in Agenda application. It adds an extra view to your appointments. It shows 4 (2 on the Siena) weeks at a time, and shows when you are busy (hence the name). It optionally shows untimed entries as well. An excellent overview is the result. And above all, it does it at blinding speed. Starting the program, reading an agenda file of 24 Kb, interpreting the file and displaying the results, all in about 2 seconds! (Written in C) It runs on Psion S3a, S3c and Siena. BusyView is shareware: ---------------------- This means that you can use BusyView for 3 weeks. If you like it, register it. If you don't like it, remove it from your system. To evaluate properly a new system has been built into BusyView. This enables you to test all functionality of BusyView for 3 weeks. No nagging, no disabled functionality. It all works! For three weeks. Then most navigating options will be disabled and you are reminded to register BusyView. It will stop working after 6 weeks. This means you will have a full working versions for three weeks. You don't have to pay to see all options work. No surprises. You know exactly what you are going to pay for. It is however NOT timelocked to a specific date. It starts counting after you install BusyView. (WARNING: do not start tampering with this system by changing the system date as it might start nagging immediatly. You can only recover from that situation by registering BusyView! If you do have to reset your system, set the system clock before starting BusyView) To register you have a three options: $ = US dollars. 1. Compuserve : GO SWREG and search on 'BusyView' or use ID=13715. ($25) 2. Internet : http://www.swregnet.com/482p.htm. ($25 + $5 handling) 3. Send cash : Send $25 or 40 Dutch guilders (or Euro Cheque in Dutch currency) to: Lieuwe de Vries Taling 11 9101 ZG Dokkum Netherlands State (at least) your name, adress and email adress. After registering you will receive a registration code which can easily be entered without reinstalling the application. Registration gives you the right to support (by email only) and updates up to version 1.99. Installing: ----------- Make sure your system time and date are properly set! Unzip the file you received. Copy BusyView.app in any \APP\ directory. That's all. When starting for the first time BusyView will make a small ini file on the internal drive (LOC::M:\OPD\BusyView.ini). No more files are created by BusyView. After copying the file, install the application in the systemscreen. A list of agenda files appears under the BusyView icon. To let BusyView 'learn' a few things from Agenda, start Agenda first and then start BusyView, both using the same agenda file. You only have to do this the first time you use it. After that Agenda can be started from BusyView. This is of special importance if you use a new file list (alias) for Agenda. WARNING: After installing and starting BusyView, you should go to the preferences and check the agenda keys: Agenda view key : Used when using psion-g in BusyView to set the view in the Agenda application. The letter you have to enter is the capital letter you find in the Agenda application in the diamond menu behind the view of your choice. If you want the week view, and the diamond menu in Agenda shows : Week view : shift-psion-W, you should enter the (capital) W as the agenda view key. Agenda jump key: Used to switch to the selected date in Agenda. You find the option in the search menu of Agenda. In the UK and Dutch version this is psion-j, so enter a 'j'. The german version uses psion-g. You should then enter 'g' as the Agenda jump key. BusyView and agenda files: -------------------------- BusyView shows all types of agenda entries. BusyView only reads agenda files. It will not modify your files. If Agenda changes the file (adding a new entry) BusyView will reread the file automatically when you switch to BusyView so your view is always up to date. The following events in the psion will cause BusyView to update its display: 1. System date is changed (manually or at midnight). 2. System settings for time, date or start of week have changed. 3. Agenda file changed. Using BusyView: --------------- Starting: Select an agenda file from the list and press ENTER. The first time BusyView is started it sets the viewdate to today. The view always starts at the 'start of week' day you assigned in the time application. If Agenda is using the same file, it is closed first and restarted after reading the file. Default values for time and date representation are set in the Time application. The view: The view consists of 4 week blocks. Inside the blocks you can see your timed appointments as black blocks. Overlapping time blocks are in 'grey'. Alongside the blocks are time indicators. In the top right of the screen you can see the text of the timed appointment(s). Optionally untimed items from the agenda are also shown there. They are always last in the list. Step through the list using the '+' and '-' keys. If there is more than one item an indicator shows how much there are and which is the current one. Timed appointments are only shown in the list when the cursor is on the black block which indicates the appointment. Untimed items are always shown on the day they occur (optional). Daynumbers are inversed if they have untimed item(s) and if the inversion is set in the preferences. The top left shows the month and year and the current day. Navigating through the view: Use the TAB key to goto the next timed appointment. Use shift TAB to goto the previous. Control TAB goes to the next overlapping time block. Use cursor keys to goto next/previous day or hour. This will shift the view 1 week if neccesary or the viewtime. End/Home key shifts the view 1 week. Control left/right shifts the view 4 weeks. Pressing the space key will bring you to the current system time and date in the view. Pressing Shift space will bring you to the first appointment AFTER the current system time and date (if available). ENTER will give you a list of all timed and untimed(optional) items of the current day. (It shows the first 12 lines) Pressing the first letter of a dayname will bring you to the next day starting with that letter. It will shift the view 1 week if neccesary. Shift dayletter will do the reverse. Pressing ESC will show you the last used 4 week view. PGUP/PGDN shifts between the early/default and late view. The early view shows all appointments from midnight to three in the afternoon. The late view from 9 in the morning to midnight. The default view can be set in the preferences. Use psion G to goto Agenda, using the current file. If Agenda it not started it will do that for you. If Agenda is started but is using another file it will instruct Agenda to load the file you use in BusyView. Then it jumps to the date you selected in BusyView using the view you chose in the preferences. Finally it brings Agenda to the foreground. General: The easiest way to use BusyView is to assign it an application button like Control Agenda. This allows you to switch easily between BusyView and Agenda. You can also set a hot key in the preferences. Preferences: ------------ Show untimed entries: If set to 'yes' it will display untimed entries and anniversaries. Todo items have their own preference setting. Show crossed out items: Set to 'yes' it will display all crossed out items except todo items if they use the agenda preferences. Show todo items up to prio: 'Use Agenda preferences' takes the Agenda preferences for each todo list as described in 'Show in other views'. Choose 'Never show' to never view them in BusyView. Choose a priority to show todo items up to the specified priority. This is valid for all todo lists. Hot key: Enter a lower case letter here to assign a hot key to BusyView. This letter is used in conjunction with Shift-Psion to bring BusyView to the foreground wherever you are. If you enter a 'p' here, pressing Shift-Psion-p will bring BusyView to the foreground. This system will have unexpected results if the hot key is already used as a hot key or as an application key. You should look for a unique hot key! Press ENTER to show the next preference screen. This 3 new options allows you to set when the daynumbers are inverted. You can choose 'Todo items', 'Untimed items' and 'Anniversaries' or any combination. Limits of BusyView: ------------------- 1. Maximum (theoretical) size of the agenda file is 512 Kb. If you have a big agenda file, you should split it. Use a seperate file for every (half) year. It saves you memory when running Agenda and BusyView. It's also a lot faster. 2. Maximum number of items is 512. Every timed or untimed agenda entry counts for one. A daily repeat for 4 weeks, counts for 28 items. 3. Maximum number of items in top right of screen is 50. Memory usage: ------------- Installing BusyView takes about 32 Kb. Starting it takes about 50 Kb plus the size of the agenda file you use. How to reach the author: ------------------------ If you find any bugs or have some remarks, please let me know. Support on the program however is limited to the registered users. Email: 100121.3102@ompuserve.com. Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/platodva/psion.htm.