Maus v0.1 --------- Maus is a little program that makes the Pilot behave like a mouse! Maus has been tested under Windows95 using the Microsoft serial mouse driver. It will (possibly) work with any 3-byte serial mouse driver - let me know! I've found under Win95 that I need to boot with a real serial mouse plugged in (there is a check that you have a valid mouse plugged in, an Maus fails it at the moment!) after booting the serial mouse can be unplugged and the Pilot running Maus can be used instead! Maus has three buttons on-screen, a left mouse button, a right mouse button and a button marked 'Sticky'. Sticky is used to toggle holding down the left mouse button. Draw on the screen to move the pointer. I seriously doubt that anyone will _really_ use this, but heck, isn't that what Friday afternoons are for?!! Maus is free, so enjoy it! All comments are welcome... Iain ( Risks... ^^^^^^^^ Naturally you can't hot sync whilst using Maus, in fact you will not be able to use the same port for the serial mouse driver and the hot synch program. Maus really eats batteries, as the serial port is open all the time it is running, and as for screen wear... Naturally all use is entirely at your own risk.