
Check-In is a companion application to PowerHack - a replacement for the built in Security App. It provides some nice extras, like a large-font time display, date display, a customisable message (such as, "If Found, please call Fred Bloggs ..."), and a Hide/Show secret records selector. It also provides several security options, such as a 'security timeout', and default modes for access to hidden records.

Pre-requisites and Installation

Future Features, Planned and Suggested

These features are either planned, or have been suggested and are being considered. Some requests may not make it here - either I've decided not to do them, or I am still working out whether it is possible to implement them. Please don't email me with requests for features already listed here - although feedback, encouragement, etc, is always welcome !

Limitations (aka Bugs)

Outstanding issues


Check-In 0.3
Jack Russell: