Pittsburgh Maps for the PalmPilot (requires PalmPilot Image Viewer V2.1) The following maps were generated using Vicinity MapBlast (http://www.mapblast.com) and converted to Image Viewer by me. All copyrights to these maps still resides with Vicinitly and I do not in anyway wish to infringe or violate their copyrights. The maps for the Pittsburgh area were converted to the ImageViewer format for my own convenience and are being made available AS IS for other to use as well. Requirements: USR/3COM PalmPilot PalmPilot Image Viewer V2.1 or higher by Arthur J. Dahm III (adahm@cyberramp.net) (go to http://www.pilotgear.com or http://www.pilotfaq.com to find Image Viewer) Installation Instructions: Unzip the file PittsburghMap.zip and use the Pilot Install tool to add Pittsburgh.pdb and ThreeRiversArea.pdb to your PalmPilot. You must have the PalmPilot Image Viewer software already installed. Manu Kumar sneaker@sneaker.org http://www.sneaker.org 20th September, 1997