Tiny Sheet Converter 1.0 This program can help you to convert Tiny Sheet Export Data to CSV file format which can be read by Microsoft Excel. Procedure: 1. Use export command in Tiny Sheet to export the data to Memo Pad 2. HotSync the Memo Pad data from PalmPilot to your PC 3. Run Pilot Desktop to export the Memo Pad data to a Text file 4. Run Tiny Sheet Converter and select the Text file you want to convert 5. Select the symbol to replace the comma, it is because if a cell contain comma, Excel will seperate in two cells. 6. Press Convert Button 7. Save it: Caution: Tiny Sheet Converter is run in Windows 95 or Windows NT and need a run-time library (MSVBVM50.DLL). It is a Freeware which it can be freely distributed. This program is written by Markie Chan from Hong Kong, China. If any bugs found or any suggestions, please send a mail to markie@usa.net. *Microsoft Excel, Windows 95 and Windows NT is by Microsoft PalmPilot, Hotsync and Pilot Desktop is by 3COM Tiny Sheet is by StarFort Software