'Word v6.0 macro to convert a .PRC or .PDB document into a temporary 'text file, and then open it. 'Written April 1997 by D A MacLeod, davmac@bigfoot.com Sub MAIN 'file locations and constants MakeDoc$ = "c:\pilot\add-on\makedoc7.exe" TempDoc$ = "c:\temp\fred.txt" OpenFrom$ = "c:\pilot\add-on" FileMask$ = "*.prc;*.pdb" 'Change to the directory where the forms are located ChDir OpenFrom$ 'Choose which .PRC or .PDB file Dim dlg As FileOpen GetCurValues dlg dlg.Name = FileMask$ On Error Goto Done Dialog dlg On Error Goto 0 'Start Makedoc and convert the DOC file to a temporary text file Shell MakeDoc$ + " -d " + dlg.Name + " " + TempDoc$, 0 'Wait until conversion has finished WaitMsg$ = "Converting " + dlg.Name While AppIsRunning("makedoc") WaitMsg$ = WaitMsg$ + "." Print WaitMsg$ For Delay = 1 To 100 Next Delay Wend 'Open the temporary text file FileOpen TempDoc$ Done: End Sub