DocChop Version 0.1 beta DETAILS: DocChop is a simple program that will cut a large text file into smaller pieces (you get to pick the size of the files), then it will write a batch file (callled runme.bat) that you can use to convert the smaller text files to .prc files using Pat Beirne's Makedoc.exe you might have to rename the current beta version of MakeDoc USAGE: DocChop [name of large text file] [size of chopped files] [prefix of chopped files] [name of docs to appear inside DOC] Then run runme.bat to convert the smaller text files to .prc files. EXAMPLE: Let's say you have a text file called: bigbook.txt (150K) then you could run: DocChop.exe bigbook.txt 50 bbook- TheBigBook- This would produce: bbook-1.txt (50K) bbook-2.txt (50K) bbook-3.txt (50K) runme.bat (1K) and the batch file rume.bat would look like this: ---cut--- REM This file was created by docCHOP makedoc bbook-1.txt bbook-1.prc TheBigBook-1 makedoc bbook-2.txt bbook-2.prc TheBigBook-2 makedoc bbook-3.txt bbook-3.prc TheBigBook-3 ---cut--- DocChop is Freeware, Beta, and may have lots of bugs. Adam Deaves