FreeCell 0.7 (beta) Copyright (c) 1996 Bill Kirby Revision History: -- Version 0.7 (beta) -- Fixed bugs: - Several crash bugs that were caused when you dropped a card "outside" of any column or pile. - You can no longer drop a stack of more than one card onto a free cell. This would cause some or all of the cards to disappear, making the game impossible to win. The next time you started the game, you would see the message "game corrupted, starting new game". -- Version 0.6 (beta) -- New features: - Auto-play is now an option (via preferences dialog). When auto-play is turned on, cards are moved to aces after each move. Fixed bugs: - You can now move any card to an empty column. - If a stack of cards is already in correct order, you could move it to any pile, breaking the 'descending rank' and 'alternating color' rules. -- Version 0.5 (beta) -- Initial release.