Online 0.45 -> Online 0.44 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Send MemoPad memos to serial port - choose 'Export Memo' option Tapping the left side of the screen doesn't go to the far-left when nothing will ever be displayed there (ie., in non-wrap, small font mode) Online 0.44 -> Online 0.43 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ VT100 Emulation can be toggled on and off Characters can follow 'esc' - ie., 'escxxxxx' will now send [escape]xxxxxx '^' can be used to send a Control - ie., ^x in the input buffer or macro sends [ControlX] Incoming tab characters are supported Online 0.43 -> 0.42 +++++++++++++++++++ Small fonts on 2.0 Pilots - At last! Online 0.42 -> Online 0.41 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ All models ++++++++++ Logging - Tap 'L' checkbox to log to a MemoPad category called 'Logs' - which must be created in advance on Pilot 1000 and 5000s or a 'reset' error occurs :( Macros - Enter required text in input buffer and select 'Set Macro' from 'Edit' menu. The text will be placed in the currently selected macro slot. Word wrap - Select 'Toggle Wrap' to switch between wrapping when the text reaches the 80th column Toggle Fonts and Toggle Follow are preserved between sessions. Dial dialog works - at least for Pilot modem, not tested with other modems. Dialogs changed to reflect my new site- Nags more because not enough people are actually registering (hint, hint!) Online 0.41 -> Online 0.4 +++++++++++++++++++++++++ All models ++++++++++ Navigation changed! Hard buttons now do what they should - ie., go to memo, etc. Online navigates via pen taps - tap in upper left corner of output area to go up and left tap in lower left corner to go down and left tap in upper right corner to go up and right tap in lower right corner to go down and right Sent data remains in send buffer but is selected - making it simpler to resend the same thing twice Follow cursor behaviour can be toggled via a menu Settings now only available when offline Can (usually) go to apps with apps button - still crashes some times :( If Online doesn't display properly, try lowering the baud rate. Online 0.3 -> Online 0.4 ++++++++++++++++++++++++ All Models ++++++++++ Send buffer contents sent with a Graffiti Return stroke (is this a GR?!) Direct Entry toggled with checkbox next to send buffer Onscreen buttons send VT100 cursor movement controls Modem hangup on menu (dial not quite done yet) Screen follows cursor, which hopefully reduces the amount of manual scrolling needed Can now send ctrl [,\,],^ and _ (by entering ctl[, ctl\, ...) Major internal rewrite, may have made things a bit slower :^( - it was very necessary as I was using far too much memory before. If you get strange results try dropping the baud rate. 1000s(?) and 5000s ++++++++++++++++++ This is the best change of all! Online now the fixed width font Minico and offers a choice of two sizes - 7-pt and 8-pt. The 7-pt font allows Online to display 40 characters across the Pilot screen. Fonts can toggled at any time by using the 'toggle font' menu item - how cool is that?! Personals and Professionals +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The full functionality of Online is not yet available in the new Pilots. The VT100 emulation will work, but you will not be ablel to use the new fixed font. I've been having a lot of trouble changing the fonts on the new Pilots, so sadly for now I've had to disable the new tiny font on these models. If you want to see how things will look and behave when the problems are fixed, try running Online inside Copilot. I'm really frustrated about these problems, and am trying my best to fix them as soon as possible - please bear with me.