OnTap(tm) gets the rest of your information from your desktop into your Pilot. OnTap has two components: OnTap Desktop translates desktop documents into Pilot-ready format. You can use bold, underlining, fonts, and hypertext links to present and navigate your information effectively. The OnTap Reader lets you manage and view your documents on your Pilot. It takes full advantage of the Pilot's categories and global find functions. Try the OnTap Demo. It contains a demo version of the OnTap Reader and a sample OnTap database with COMDEX and Pilot information. Use Pilot's InstallApp program to install the OnTap Reader (OnTap.prc) and the sample COMDEX/Pilot database (OnTapDB.pdb). Please take a few minutes to let us know what you think about OnTap to help us with our development efforts. Reply here or send mail to demitrios@aegean.com. 1. How do you see OnTap being used by you personally or in your work environment? 2. How would you expect to purchase OnTap? 3. What computer platforms should the OnTap Desktop program run on? 4. What kinds of information or types of documents would you put on your Pilot? 5. What other PDAs should OnTap support? Thank you, The OnTap development team