PilotMoney 1.10 Personal finances for the US Robotics Pilot FEATURES: 5 THE MAIN SCREEN 7 PROGRAM TITLE BAR 7 TRANSACTION LIST 8 1. The Date Column. 8 2. The transaction description column 8 3. The transaction amount column. 8 4. The total column. 8 5. The Note column. 9 SUMMARY LINE 9 MAIN SCREEN MENU ITEMS: 9 Actions->Run Report 10 Actions->Preferences 10 Actions->Balance Checks 11 Actions->Enter Repeating 11 Actions->Get Info 11 Goto->First Record 11 Goto->Last record 11 Goto->Today 12 Goto->Specific Date 12 ADDING & EDITING TRANSACTIONS: 13 ADDING A NEW TRANSACTION: 13 EDITING A TRANSACTION: 13 TRANSACTION EDIT SCREEN: 14 REPEATING TRANSACTIONS 16 IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT REPEATING TRANSACTIONS AND HOW THEY WORK: 17 TRANSACTIONS WHICH HAVE CLEARED: 18 MARKING CLEARED TRANSACTIONS: 18 ROLLING UP OR DELETING MARKED TRANSACTIONS: 18 PILOTMONEY PREFERENCES 20 EXPORTING DATA TO QUICKEN AND OTHER APPS. 22 EXPORTING TRANSACTIONS: 22 SELECTING TRANSACTIONS TO EXPORT: 23 Introduction: PilotMoney is a personal finances package for the US Robotics Pilot organizer. It has been written as a handy piece of software to keep track of your day-to- day expenses etc. Disclaimer: THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE RESULTS AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE IS ASSUMED BY YOU, AND STINGERSOFT AND ITS AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTORS ASSUME NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ACCURACY OR APPLICATION OF OR ERRORS OR OMISSIONS IN THE SOFTWARE. IN NO EVENT SHALL STINGERSOFT OR ITS AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE, EVEN IF STINGERSOFT OR ITS AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTORS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE LIKELIHOOD OF SUCH DAMAGES OCCURRING. STINGERSOFT AND ITS AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTORS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOSS, DAMAGES OR COSTS, ARISING OUT OF, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOST PROFITS OR REVENUE, LOSS OF USE OF THE SOFTWARE, LOSS OF DATA OR EQUIPMENT, THE COSTS OF RECOVERING SOFTWARE, DATA OR EQUIPMENT, THE COST OF SUBSTITUTE SOFTWARE OR DATA, CLAIMS BY THIRD PARTIES, OR OTHER SIMILAR COSTS. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES; SO THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS OR EXCLUSIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. Features: ? Keeps track of 16 different accounts. ? Records and displays running balances for each transaction. ? Records are only sorted when needed, and totals are only calculated when needed. ? A note can be attached to each transaction. Up to 400 characters ? Displays minimum, maximum, ending or current balance on main screen. ? Displays if any account at any time is or will be overdrawn. ? Generates reports: Ending Balance, Minimum Balance, Maximum balance, ? Total of unpaid checks, Number or unpaid checks and number of transactions all accounts. ? Automatically enters repetitive transactions on a weekly, bi-weekly, monthly or "End of month" basis. ? Setting for how far ahead (in days) repeating transactions are entered ? Transactions can be replicated or one-time copied using Duplicate Transaction menu. ? Transactions can be marked as "Cleared" and then "Rolled up". ? Transactions can be marked private. ? PilotMoney is lockable using the security application. ? Goto any transaction using: Goto First Record, Last Record, Today or "Select Date" menu at main screen. ? Displays the transaction you just edited in the center of the transaction list ? Standard support for Copy, Cut Paste etc. menus. ? When launched, PilotMoney displays the list so that today’s transactions are shown at startup. ? Move between transactions from the edit screen using the hardware scroll buttons ? Main title bar indicates if your daily balance drops/will drop below $0.00 at any time. ? Transaction dates and times are recorded. ? Clicking on the date of a transaction marks it a "cleared" for easy account reconciliation. ? Multiple display formats for checks and descriptions on the main screen: Chk#: Description Description: Chk# Description ? User selectable currency indicator ($ sign can be changed) ? Added a Debit/Credit popup item so you do not have to enter - signs on debits. ? Dynamically resizes Total and Amount columns for best screen usage ? Integrated fully with the Pilot “Find” function to find checks by number, description or note field. The Main Screen The PilotMoney main screen displays several things about your accounts. On the top right is the usual "Category" selector which is used to select which account you’re looking at. Program Title Bar The main title on the top right shows the name of the program and also in brackets a “+” or “-“. This indicates whether the current account balance is ever negative. If the balance on the currently selected account is ever below 0, the title will show (-). If not, the title will show (+) This makes it easy to tell if your account will be overdrawn any time in the future as a result of any transaction you might enter. Transaction List The main screen of PilotMoney shows a list of transactions. Each item in the list shows the following information in the following columns: 1. The Date Column. If the transaction occurs on or before the current date and time, the date is displayed as white-on-black. 2. The transaction description column If the transaction has been marked as "Cleared" the description will appear in brackets. () If the transaction is a repeating transaction, the description will have a small vertical line on the left hand side. If the transaction has a check number the check number will also appear. You can set how this is to be displayed in the Preferences screen. 3. The transaction amount column. This is the amount (- or +) of the transaction and will be shown using the formatting you specify in the program’s preferences screen. 4. The total column. This column can be turned off in the preferences to make more space for the description column. The total column will keep an up-to-date running balance of the current account. 5. The Note column. If there is a note attached to the transaction a small note icon is listed in this column. You may click on the I to go directly to the not field. If there is no note icon in the column, it indicates that the note for the transaction is empty. You may click on the space where the note icon would be to enter a note, or you can enter notes from the transaction edit screen. Summary Line Under all the transactions is a single line with the New button on it. This line also displays the current accounts Balance, Ending Balance, Minimum balance or Maximum balance. Clicking on the balance text itself cycles through the options. Main screen menu items: There are several menus on the main screen of PilotMoney. They are used to find transactions, run reports, enter repeating transactions or edit the Pilot Money preferences. Actions->Run Report This opens the report screen. From there you can select a variety of different reports to run. PilotMoney will generate the following reports: ? Ending Balances ? Minimum Balances ? Maximum Balances ? Total of unpaid checks ? Current Balances ? Number of unpaid checks ? Number of transactions Actions->Preferences This menu option allows you to open the Preferences screen. On this screen you can set: ? The description line check # display format. ? Number display format. ? Number of days in advance to enter repeating transactions. ? Whether to automatically enter repeating transactions on startup. ? Whether to disallow access to PilotMoney if the “Show Private Records” option in the security control panel is turned off. ? Whether or not to display the main screen’s “Total” column. ? The designator for the currency you use: E.g.: $ Actions->Balance Checks This menu item causes PilotMoney to delete all transactions marked as “Cleared” and apply their amounts to the account starting balance. Actions->Enter Repeating This menu item causes PilotMoney to enter all the upcoming repeating transactions. Actions->Get Info Shows the Information screen with PilotMoney tech support information as well as version numbers. Goto->First Record Positions the main screen’s list at the “top” of the transaction list. Goto->Last record Positions the main screen’s list at the “bottom” of the transaction list. Goto->Today Positions the main screen’s list so that the current day’s entries are displayed on screen. Goto->Specific Date Allows you to position the main screen’s display to show any date’s transactions. Adding & editing Transactions: Adding a new transaction: To add a new transaction, click on the button labeled NEW on the main screen. This will create a new transaction, and set it’s time and date to the current time and date. It will also take you directly into the transaction edit screen to enter the information about the transaction. Editing a transaction: To edit an existing transaction, just click on it’s description in the main view. Alternately, if you have just used the “Find” command, and you click on “GoTo…” PilotMoney opens up in the transaction edit screen. Transaction Edit Screen: The transaction edit screen lets you enter or modify the properties of the transaction you selected, or the new transaction you just created. There are several fields on this screen. They are: ? The date that the transaction will/or did occur on. ? The time that the transaction will/or did occur. ? A description - which will appear on the main screen. ? A check number if the transaction is a check. ? An amount of the transaction. The little DR/CR popup menu lets you easily enter debits or credits without having to use the - sign which is difficult to enter using Graffitti. ? How often this transaction is to repeat (E.g.: Rent may repeat each month) - See the “Repeating Transactions” section for more info. ? The Type of transaction. This field is for reporting, so you can keep track of what types of transactions you used. ? Whether you received a receipt for this transaction. (For expense tracking) ? Whether the transaction or check has cleared your account. (This is used for reconciling - See the “Transactions that have cleared” section later in the manual) ? Whether this transaction is flagged to be exported to Quicken or to Excel. Check the “Export” checkbox if you want to export the transaction. ? Whether this transaction is private and should be hidden when you have security turned on. ? The note button. Click this to enter notes about the transaction (up to 400 characters). The note will appear with no writing on the pad if there is no note attached to the transaction. If there is a note attached, the notepad icon will appear with text on the page. None of the fields are mandatory and you can leave the ones you are not using blank. Clicking on the Done button will return you to the main screen. Clicking on the Delete button will delete the transaction. I suggest that you always add a "Balance" transaction first with your current account balance Repeating Transactions Any transaction in Pilotmoney can be set to automatically repeat. To do this, you need to edit the transaction by clicking on it from the main screen. Once you are editing the transaction you will notice that there is a popup list labeled Repeat. From this list you can select how often the transaction is to repeat itself. Once you have selected the repetition interval, click Done to return to the main screen. You will notice that repeating transactions have a small vertical line next to them. This line indicates that this transaction is a repeating transaction. Transactions which are marked as repeating transactions are entered automatically into the Pilot in two ways: 1. If you select "Enter Repeating" from the main screen menu 2. Each time the program is loaded. You can set how far in advance the transactions will be entered by selecting Preferences from the main screen menu. On the preferences screen you can set two items. The first is how many days in advance the transactions will be entered (in days). You enter this value in the Repeat Range field. The second is the Enter Repeating Transactions on Startup checkbox. Check this if you want your transactions entered automatically each time you start the program. Important note about repeating transactions and how they work: You will notice that after repeating, only the last transaction in the repeat group is marked to repeat again. It is the last transaction and it is the one that will reproduce itself as time progresses. If two were selected they would both repeat themselves and you would have duplicates. Transactions which have cleared: As transactions clear your accounts you will probably want to mark them off as having been posted to your account. By doing this you can also remove them from the PilotMoney database and also update the starting account balance at the same time. Marking cleared transactions: To do this, you can edit the transactions themselves and check the "Cleared" check box. Alternately you can click once on their Dates in the main screen. Each time you click on the date of a transaction, it toggles between cleared and not- cleared. You can do an account "rollup" once you have marked all the transactions you want as cleared. Selecting Balance Checks from the main screen's menu will do this. Rolling up or deleting marked transactions: When you select the Balance Checks menu item, PilotMoney deletes each and every transaction in the current account which has been marked as cleared. PilotMoney adds or subtracts the value of each transaction from the very first transaction in that account (which should probably be labeled as Balance). This in effect "cleans up" all completed transactions. For example: Screen Before "Balance Checks": 8/1 Balance 1000.00 1000.00 8/4 (802:Rent) 600.00 400.00 8/7 (803:Food) 60.00 340.00 8/7 (804:Telephone) 100.00 240.00 8/9 (Paycheck) 1200.00 1440.00 8/10 Beer! 40.00 1400.00 8/16 Bonus 500.00 1940.00 Screen After "Balance Checks": 8/1 Balance 1440.00 1440.00 8/10 Beer! 40.00 1400.00 8/16 Bonus 500.00 1940.00 PilotMoney Preferences The preferences screen which is accessible through the menu on the main PilotMoney screen is where you can change several settings which affect PilotMoney’s operation. ? The description line check # display format. This allows you to change whether the check number is displayed in the Description column on the main display, as well as where it is displayed - before or after the description. ? Number display format. This entry lets you select how you wish to display the amounts in the list views. You can choose not to display cents, and also not to display the Currency character. ? Number of days in advance to enter repeating transactions. The repeating transactions in PilotMoney will be replicated up to this many days in advance. ? Whether to automatically enter repeating transactions on startup. ? Whether to disallow access to PilotMoney if the “Show Private Records” option in the security control panel is turned off. ? Whether or not to display the main screen’s “Total” column. ? The designator for the currency you use: E.g.: $ R ¥ £ Exporting Data to Quicken and other Apps. Included in this archive is a program which runs on a PC Windows 95 or higher OS. This app allows you to select the MoneyDB.PDB file that is created each time you hotsync. You can then view the transactions, or use the Export function to quickly make a QIF Quicken file or a CSV file for Excel. 2