Disk No 993 Program Title: BOARD GAMES PC-SIG version 1.1 PC-PENTE is a game which has its roots in the ancient game of Go. The board is constructed of solid lines which create a grid on the playing board. The object of Pente is simple: either get five of your pieces in a row OR capture ten of your opponent's pieces by surrounding them with your pieces. PC-PENTE contains the logic needed to automatically check for captured pairs, remove them from the board, and increment the players scores. As in the original game, when five pairs have been taken by one of the players, the game is over. It is also okay to form a pair between two enemy pieces, as PC-PENTE checks if a pair was actually captured or if a player "moved into" a capture situation, in which case the player in the middle would not be taken. In addition, it checks for all five-in-a-row combinations and terminates the program if one is found. PC-PENTE assumes that you already know how to play the game, but in case you don't, RULES.COM contains a concise overview of the basic strategy of PENTE. PYRAMIDS is a strategy game based on an ancient Egyptian theme. You and the Pharaoh Cheops are contending to discover the other's pyramid before yours is discovered. You each have a set of pieces consisting of sphinxes, lions, bulls, rams, wolves, hawks, camels, cats, antelopes, and a cobra. Each animal has special powers. The key to this game is that you can see your opponent's pieces and your opponent can see your pieces, but you do not know the rank and power of your opponent's pieces until you attack or are attacked by one. This is also true of your opponent, who doesn't know the rank of your pieces until he attacks. This version of the game is the limited version and only plays to fifty turns. YAHTZEE is the classic dice game we've all played in which you try to collect pairs, three-of-a-kinds, full houses, and the like for points by rolling six dice. From each roll, you may pick up from one to six of the dice and re-roll them, to try and better the score you receive for the roll. Once a slot has been filled, you cannot get that roll again. For example, if you roll a full house, and then roll another full house, the second full house does not supercede the first one. Usage: Entertainment. System Requirements: Yahtzee requires BASIC or GW-BASIC. How to Start: Type IBMPENTE (press enter) for the CGA version, PCPENTE (press enter) for the Hercules version, and PYRAMIDS (press enter) to run PYRAMIDS. Suggested Registration: $10.00 for PYRAMIDS, $10.00 for PENTE and $5.00 for YAHTZE. File Description: PCPENTE COM Hercules graphics card version of main program. IBMPENTE COM CGA/Tandy version of main program. ERROR MSG Error message file used by main program. 4X6 FON Font file used by main program. RULES COM Program to print the rules to the screen. HARDSET BAT Copies the files to you hard disk. NOTES TXT Expanded file descriptions. FILES TXT Listing of PENTE files. ??????? PYR Data files for PYRAMIDS(6 files). MANUAL DOC Documentation for PYRAMIDS. PYRAMIDS EXE Game program. SETUP EXE Configuration program README TXT Documentation for YAHTZEE. YAHTZEE BAS Game program. YAHTZEE DOC Documentation. PC-SIG 1030D E Duane Avenue Sunnyvale Ca. 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1987,88 PC-SIG Inc.