Disk No: 646 Disk Title: Amy's First Primer PC-SIG Version: S2.2 Program Title: Amy's First Primer Author Version: 2.2 Author Registration: $15.00 Special Requirements: CGA, EGA, VGA or MCGA. Amy's First Primer is a collection of six fun games designed to teach basic skills to a pre-reading child, helping them with skills of countin letter recognition, simple problem solving, pattern recognition and keyboard use. The games stress positive reinforcement of these basic skills to promote a learning is fun attitude. The documentation is well written and explains everything necessary. Repeated suggestions that the parent use the games with thier child adds a nice reinforcement toward family learning. New features: ~ Now Amy's First Primer can detect VGA, MCGA, and EGA graphics adapters and displays much more color if possible. ~ The programs have been combined into one .EXE file which was compiled by Microsoft's Quick Basic 4.5. ~ Smaller picture files with much more color are being used, but they've been compressed to take up only third of the disk space they used before. ~ Also included, a full page of instructions for use with Hercules graphics (The shareware program HGCIBM by Athena Digital makes it poss- ible to run AMY and other CGA programs on a monochrome graphics). PC-SIG 1030D East Duane Avenue Sunnyvale Ca. 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.