Disk No: 641 Program Title: MAHJONG version 2.12B PC-SIG version: 2.3 MAHJONG is a Chinese game which arrived in the West in the early 1920's. Its Chinese origin, in the game's present form, can only be traced back to the Ching Dynasty, around 1870. However the true origin of the game goes back much further as it belongs to that genus of games which includes cards, dominoes and dice. Its historical pathway is unclear, but its development touches upon astrology, chess, gambling, and, oddest of all, the Earth's magnetic field. MAHJONG is a fast moving, dynamic game that becomes addictive with its excitement and intrigue. It's basically a card game with 136 cards (or TILES as they are called in Mahjong) forming a game of both skill and luck. The aim of Mahjong is deceptively simple with four players each receiving 13 tiles and then picking up and discarding tiles as they try to obtain FOUR complete sets of tiles (called PUNG, KONG and CHOW) and a single pair. The game is interesting because of the many hand combinations obtainable and the skill required to gain points To add further excitement, the fast pace provides little chance for contemplation--thus developing an `instinct' rarely seen in other games. Usage: Entertainment. Special Requirements: CGA card, you can run the program on a HERCULES card with the color emulation program also on this disk. How to Start: Type GO (press enter). Suggested Registration: $20.00 File Descriptions: C1987 DOC Copyright Notice. AUTOEXEC BAT This file makes the disk self booting if MS/PC-DOS is added. HERCULES COM Color Graphics Emulator for Hercules Graphics Adapter. HERCULES DOC Documentation for HERCULES.COM. HMAHJONG BAT Batch file to run MAHJONG on Hercules Graphics Adapter. MA A File needed by MAHJONG. MA B File needed by MAHJONG. MA C File needed by MAHJONG. MA INS File needed by MAHJONG. MA P File needed by MAHJONG. MA S File needed by MAHJONG. MAHJONG EXE MAHJONG for color computers. MAORDER DOC Registration order form. MAREAD DOC A short explanation of the program and the game of MAHJONG. NEW DOC Documentation. PC-SIG 1030D E Duane Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1987,88,89 PC-SIG, Inc.