Captain Sheet Score Input ========================= To begin, select the bowler that is to have string scores entererd by moving the menu cursor via the +/- or cursor arrow keys to the desired bowler's name and pressing the "Enter" or "Return" key. Once a bowler has been selected, BowlStat will prompt for the first of three string scores to be entered at the bottom of the screen: ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º String 1: º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ As the threee scores are entered, BowlStat will automatically calculate the bowlers total series and the teams total pinfall (GROSS and NET) for each individual string. Also, team points will be awarded based on the NET total as defined in the Defaults Editor. If a bowler is absent or has bowled an incomplete series, press the "Enter" or "Return" key when prompted for the applicable string score. BowlStat will automatically enter the bowler's current average along with "avg" to indicate that this is an average and not an actual string score. The score will not be counted towards the bowlers average but will be used in the calulation of pinfall and the awarding of team points. If an average other than the one currently defined is required, enter the desired value and the "avg" suffix manually. If a string score is not to be entered at all, enter "-" (minus) when asked for a value. BowlStat will skip to the next string score to be enetered. To indicate that the string should be considered for the "High No Mark" award (for Candle/5 Pin games), enter "HNM" or "." immediately after the string score. For example, "98HNM" or "98.". Once all the scores for both teams have been entered, press the "ESC" (escape) key. BowlStat will display the following prompt: ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º (A)bort or (P)rocess (A/P): º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ If a mistake has been made , press the "A" and "Enter" or "Return" key to return to the input mode. Otherwise, press "P" and the "Enter" or "Return" keys to process the scores that have been entered. As the scores are being proceesed, BowlStat will display the associated bowler's name in the message area at the bottom of the screen. NOTES: Before the Captain Sheet Score Input panel is displayed, BowlStat will ask two questions: 1) Round Averages - This question governs when an average is supplied by BowlStat , wether it is actual or has been rounded up to the nearest whole pin. The default is N (No) or actual. To round the average up to the nearest whole pin, press "Y" and the "Enter" or "Return" key. 2) Sort by Average - This question governs the order in which the bowler names will appear on the panel. The default is N (No) or alphabetical. To change the order, so that the names appear in average order (from lowest to highest), press the "Y" and "Enter" or "Return" key.