Disk No: 992 Disk Title: Stat 3 of 3 (990 and 991 also in set) (Disk 3 of 3) PC-SIG Version: 1.1 Program Title: |Stat Author Version: 5.4 Author Registration: None. Special Requirements: None. STAT is a set of data-manipulation and analysis programs developed at the University of California, San Diego, and at the Wang Institute of Graduate Studies. They were designed under the UNIX philosophy that says individual programs should be designed as tools to do one task well and produce output suitable for input to other programs. There are two sets of STAT programs: data manipulation and data analysis. The data manipulation programs are general utilities that cooperate with other programs. The data analysis programs compute the most widely-used descriptive and inferential statistics. Although these are independent programs, the output from one program can be used as input to another. A solid knowledge of statistics and computers is assumed. File Descriptions: ??????? MAN Documentation files (32 files). EXAM DAT Data used for demo. EXAMPLE BAT Demo. EXAMPLE TXT Demo text. FEATURES OUT A feature table for the main |STAT programs. FLOPREAD TXT On-line information. KEYDO COM Command line editor. KEYDO DOC Documentation. MANSTAT BAT Batch file to print manuals. MSTUTOR TXT A document going through a tutorial intro to |STAT. README File information. REGRESS EXE Multiple linear regression. SERIES EXE Print a series of numbers. STATS EXE Report summary statistics. TRANSPOS EXE Transpose matrix type file. TS EXE Time series analysis and plots. VALIDATA EXE Verify data file consistency. PC-SIG 1030D East Duane Avenue Sunnyvale Ca. 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1988,89 PC-SIG, Inc.